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Everything posted by Pib

  1. Other than BKKnono and blumbery who got their initial approvals in mid Sep and mid Oct, respectively, all other initial approvals occurred the final days of Sep/early days of Oct. Expect all of these folks submitted their applications in early Sep.,,,folks who were knocking on BOI's door as soon as they opened for applications in early Sep. Other than aublumbery's initial approval notice in mid Oct it's pretty much been a dry spell for new approvals since early Oct. Wonder why? Maybe a lot fewer applications? Or maybe BOI is bogged down in trying to process many applications? Maybe AseanNow members simply not posting their LTR application results on AseanNow? Maybe ?????
  2. The part about Bangkok Bank only opening an acct if you get a letter from your home country embassy which is basically just confirming it a valid passport has been Bangkok Bank's policy for any type of visa, whether you are a potential or long time customer. While Bangkok Bank can also opt to accept some other docs/references in lieu of the embassy letter most (not all) Bangkok Bank branches will ask for the letter. As This Is Thailand some branches will not ask for the embassy letter which is going to cost a person $50 at the embassy.
  3. Update: Known LTR Approvals as of 4 Nov 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw. ashkale's initial approval notice date updated. I may have missed some...please speak-up if you have been approved. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. stuarty 4 Oct 7. Boomer6969 5 Oct 8. BKKNono 15 Sep 9. Alotoftravel 4 Oct 10. aublumberg 12 Oct 11. James7 4 Oct 12. ashkale 28 Sep
  4. Thanks....Did you get it from some Thai govt/immigration website? If so, which one?
  5. I expect the govt will withdraw/suspend the proposal because of some very vocal xenophobic media comments by a few and the govt should realize that by them even talking about increasing the already proposed amount and period of time in the current proposal will scare off almost all potential investors. I really expect the govt to fold their cards by the end of this year to keep it from blowing up into a major election issue. Let's face it folks being able to own a small piece of land here in Thailand big enough to have your house on is probably not something that's going to happen for many years to come.
  6. Update: Known LTR Approvals as of 4 Nov 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw. ashkale added to the list...don't know when he got the initial approval notice based on this posts...probably early/mid Oct. I may have missed some...please speak-up if you have been approved. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. stuarty 4 Oct 7. Boomer6969 5 Oct 8. BKKNono 15 Sep 9. Alotoftravel 4 Oct 10. aublumberg 12 Oct 11. James7 4 Oct 12. ashkale ?? Oct?
  7. Maybe the TM95 isn't for download from the main immigration website because HQ immigration thinks many people will download/use it instead of the TM47 commonly used for 90 day address reporting. Maybe the TM95 is only meant for use when the BOI immigration office is your serving immigration office.
  8. It's not the Thai population upset by the proposal; it's only a few xenophobic political types running around screaming the sky is falling like Chicken Little in order to embarrass the current govt and to feed their xenophobia.
  9. Since you said you tried to open a bank account "before hand" I assume that to mean "before you actually got the LTR stamp into your passport?" Am I understanding you right? If so I can understand why the banks would not open an acct as they are expecting to see a long term visa stamp "in your passport" vs some LTR approval notice.
  10. @oldcpu, Just outstanding the legwork you have done on the "buying Thai govt bonds." I think you should submit a query on the BOI LTR Contact webpage summarizing the legwork you have done with various Thai banks and hit a brick wall when it comes to buying govt bonds which also creates a brick wall to submitting a LTR application. Ask then if they can provide some POCs/banks/etc., which a foreigner can easily and immediately buy the required bonds. It may be around two weeks (or more) before you get a reply but the BOI reply may identify how and who to buy from. Good luck.
  11. Update: Known LTR Approvals as of 3 Nov 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw....James7 added to the list. I may have missed some...please speak-up if you have been approved. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. stuarty 4 Oct 7. Boomer6969 5 Oct 8. BKKNono 15 Sep 9. Alotoftravel 4 Oct 10. aublumberg 12 Oct 11. James7 4 Oct
  12. My immigration office is CW. For around a dozen years I was doing retirement extensions based on my OA Visa. But several years back when they implemented the medical insurance requirement I switched to a marriage extension on that OA. I've done 3 marriage extensions since switching....finished the 3rd one just a few weeks ago....12 month final stamp in my passport.....no home visit for any of the three.
  13. Yea....before I submitted my application and was still playing with drafts I could delete everything associated with any draft with the exception of the main passport page a person uploads as step 1. After deleting all drafts that main passport page always popped up already loaded when starting a new draft. I could delete my entire passport....just anything and everything except that main page. So, I guess you deleted everything you could because you asked BOI if you could safely do that since they have completed processing of your application.....you have the 10 year stamp in your passport? Or, you didn't ask BOI and just doing the deletions?
  14. Congrats!!! From your 16 Sep application date to the 4 Oct preliminary approval date that works out to 14 business when substracting weekends and one holiday. On that 4 Oct preliminary approval notice "where they also asked for additional docs" what kind of docs was those? Maybe that was where your health insurance policy end date didn't meet BOI's requirement and you then submitted docs to self-insure....or, maybe it was just forms they want everyone to complete once receiving preliminary approval?
  15. Yea...I saw that prescreening time for BKKNono but remembered you also did a prescreening in mid Aug, then submitted your application on 2 Sep, but didn't get approval till 10 Oct which works out to a month and one week....quite a bit longer than BKKNono's 2 week approval time. I'm hoping he tells us his secret to swift approval....but then it wouldn't be a secret no more. ????
  16. Of the posters who have been approved so far I think you hold the record for quick approval....only 14 calendar/10 business days.....a mere one-third of the time it taking most folks to get initial notice of approval. Your application must have pleased BOI to the extreme.....hit all of their gates just at the right time. But if you used some type of "special sauce" or "magical spell" on your application please let us know your secret.????
  17. I took a quick look at the Bangkok Bank and Krungsri Bank websites. The Bangkok Bank website shows they sell government savings bonds....didn't see anything for Krungsri. Below partial snapshot from Bangkok Bank talks the bonds. https://www.bangkokbank.com/en/Personal/Save-And-Invest/Investment/Bonds-and-Debentures Now, I didn't see anything talking about whether the bonds could be bought by foreigners also as sometimes certain types of govt bonds are limited to Thai citizens. When going to the Bank of Thailand website regarding bonds to me it indicates "anyone living in Thailand" (like a farang on long term visa) could buy the buys during the open period. Recommend you check with Bangkok Bank as to what govt bonds they could sell you. https://www.bot.or.th/English/DebtSecurities/SalestoIndividuals/Pages/default.aspx a
  18. Based on the BOI announcement it must be an investment that occurred "before" your LTR application. No mention that "before" had to be many years before or a very recent before...just says "before the date of LTR application." To me that means whether the investment like a condo buy occurred yesterday or long before (many years) the LTR application then that investment would meet the requirement of "before" LTR application. https://ltr.boi.go.th/documents/Announcement_of the Office of the Board of Investment No.2-2565 (EN).pdf
  19. Only about 20 minutes for me at CW/Bangkok.
  20. When you get a new passport you are then suppose to go to Thai immigration to have them transfer stamps to your new passport. It's free and fast. I did it just a few months ago. Since your old passport was expiring 23 Jan 2023 when you did your marriage extension in Aug 2022 immigration would not have given you a full 12 month extension to Aug 2023 since you passport was only good to Jan 2023...immigration would have only given a 5 month extension to Jan 2023 to match up with your passport's Jan 2023 expiration. So, now you need to apply for a new extension 30 to 45 days before your current Jan 2023 extension expires.
  21. The date of actually getting the stamp into the passport could depend a lot on the individual...how quickly the individual takes those final steps after being initially notified of approval. And the entry date may not be reported much if the individual doesn't travel much. I think what most people are interested in right now is who is getting approved and approx how long it's taking BOI to provide the initial approval notice which seems to be taking about 30 calendar days which is approx 20 business days.
  22. Update: LTR Approvals as of 1 Nov 2022 based on posts in this thread I saw....may have missed some...please speak-up if you have been approved. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. stuarty 4 Oct 7. Boomer6969 5 Oct 8. BKKNono 15 Sep 9. Alotoftravel 4 Oct 10. aublumberg 12 Oct
  23. Just FYI, as I was scanning thru this "entire" thread from day 1 to today just for general info while doing that I wrote down those posters who said their LTR application had been approved and when initially approved. If I missed anyone or got the date wrong (which is quite possible as this thread is now l....o.....n.....g), just add your name/correct date to the list below. Poster & Date Approval Notice Rec'd 1. ThailandRyan 28 Sep 2. pepper402 29 Sep 3. gajah 30 Sep 4. mudcat 4 Oct 5. Misty 4 Oct 6. stuarty 4 Oct 7. Boomer6969 5 Oct 8. BKKNono 15 Sep 9. Alotoftravel ????
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