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Posts posted by concerned

  1. Maybe I don't get it but here's a person who had a horrible experience and who posts some rather sane posts with interesting questions and the only thing we can come up with is to blame him or her for his or hers own problem.

    What can be done to make Chaweng beach safer, since each year people die there, mainly South from Centara and it's one of Samui's/Chaweng's best kept secrets.

    Anybody some positive input and some ideas on how things on Chaweng beach can be improved? The only visible warning sign that I know of on the whole beach was in front of Malibu resort, but it's been over a year since I've been there and as the recent poster mentioned, the centara signs are all on Centara's premises and I can see the point that you don't necessarily go looking for them inside a resort.

    Over to you.

    clap2.gifTotally agree. Replies to her were unecessarily aggressive and insensitive under the circumstances in which the poor lady found herself.

  2. I think you'll find its part of Thai culture to toss garbage anywhere. The vast majority don't seem to have the slightest interest in keeping the island clean. Thats why, for the most part its become a filthy place.

    Yep. I quite agree with you. That's why I was disappointed with the reply in the first place.

  3. i'd just leave it at the roadside, someone will come through for salvage unless you live in the boonies

    Joe's answer is not that silly. (Nor is it necessarily promoting fly-tipping.)

    I regularly dispose of garbage from a number of properties. (Yes I pay my dues to the Tessabaan.)

    However, with the unofficial recycling system here in Thailand, I do separate everything out, and I do "dump" stuff that may be of value at the side of the road. Albeit at the official cage.

    Broken electrical items, pieces of furniture, soft furnishings, blue plastic pipe etc etc ALL have a value to someone. Yes, I could hide it in a black plastic bag, but I would rather a local person made some money from it, or managed to use it!.These items are always long gone before the garbage truck arrives.

    Don't have a problem if it's at the official cage. However I do have a problem with being called an obnoxious xxxxxx on here and being asked to go and play in the road. When I find out who Joe is I will try and get him to call me that to my face and then we'll see if his balls are as big as his gob!

    think a chill pill is needed here......

    dont take what joe said personally... its all the fun of the forum.

    You're probably right.

  4. i'd just leave it at the roadside, someone will come through for salvage unless you live in the boonies

    Joe's answer is not that silly. (Nor is it necessarily promoting fly-tipping.)

    I regularly dispose of garbage from a number of properties. (Yes I pay my dues to the Tessabaan.)

    However, with the unofficial recycling system here in Thailand, I do separate everything out, and I do "dump" stuff that may be of value at the side of the road. Albeit at the official cage.

    Broken electrical items, pieces of furniture, soft furnishings, blue plastic pipe etc etc ALL have a value to someone. Yes, I could hide it in a black plastic bag, but I would rather a local person made some money from it, or managed to use it!.These items are always long gone before the garbage truck arrives.

    Don't have a problem if it's at the official cage. However I do have a problem with being called an obnoxious XXXXXX on here and being asked to go and play in the road. When I find out who Joe is I will try and get him to call me that to my face and then we'll see if his balls are as big as his gob!

  5. One man's trash is another man's treasure. People will pick anything up, they don't give me time to empty in the big skips when they had them, they emptied my car straight onto their salengs (? ).

    Sure it is Rooo. I understand that. I just wonder do these guys actually leave their "trash" outside their own houses or do they discreetly take it down somewhere like the airport road and dump it there? Nice!

    May I take this opportunity of thanking them for their contribution to the keep Samui tidy campaign if only for the 2 seconds it clearly takes for someone to come along that finds it "just what they're looking for.

    I'm not quite sure why finding looking at other people's trash on the side of the road irritating, makes me an "obnoxious XXXXX" in Joe's eyes or why I should be going to play in the road at his suggestion but if I found out who he is I will certainly ask him.

    In the meantime I'm thinking it's more that he did'nt like me finding his joke about some poor blokes lost cat amusing in another thread. Oh well. Whatever!

  6. i'd just leave it at the roadside, someone will come through for salvage unless you live in the boonies

    Unbelievable reply!

    my you are an obnoxiousXXXXXXX do the world a favor and go play in the road.

    My what a erudite fellow you are! However it might just be possible that someone who suggests fly tipping as a solution to the OP's question might possibly be considered more obnoxious than someone who considers it not to be a good idea. However you would not understand that concept.

    I shall look out for you dumping junk on the side of the road, while I'm playing in it!

  7. lucky you.

    What planet are you from? You might exercise a bit of common decency if someone has lost something they care for. If you can't why not just keep quiet?

    Sincerely hope you lose something dear to you shortly. Hopefully it might be your bad manners!

  8. Does something you see in the mirror inspired you to write this piece of.......

    no its the replies like yours that inspire me to post. Just which part of the posting do you object to ? or is inaccurate ? You obviously haven't parked your motorbike, taken 2 steps and been asked by the guy you have just parked next to if you want a taxi. :blink:

    As you post a little more and read some of the posts here on this section you may come to realise there are a bunch of us here who have the same type of humour rather than none at all. We enjoy the banter.

    Crusty the parlour isn't open yet. Still having quality control issues that are taking more time to resolve than first expected :whistling::D

    Now surely you cannot be the same H2S Dunc that was banging on that "there was a price to pay for living in paradise" in an earlier thread are you? Surely not!

    Ooops sorry no! You're H2oDunc not H2S Dunc! I forgot H2S is that horrible smelly gas that smells like the hot air emitted from an over active backside. Sorry.

  9. Cheers Crusty, It seems that TV has been infested by posters who seem to think they are very funny all of a sudden. You post something and get a smart arsed, sarcastic reply which I presume they think is hilarious but isn't.

    Coming from you ( the master of smart arsed replies ) That really IS hilarious!

    Have you ever considered it might be people getting their own back?

  10. dansat you don't have a habit of saying " I don't believe it " very loudly all the time do you ?

    I also look forward to a positive posting :huh:

    Try to remember just how it was back home. it works for me every time.

    Yes TOT may be crap but so was BT and far more expensive. AIS has its faults but beats all the mobile providers I had back home hands down and again far cheaper.

    There are 2 types of people in this world.

    Those that see problems all the time and then there are those that simply see solutions.

    It must be horrible to go through life with a glass half empty attitude rather than a glass half full one :thumbsup::D

    Hark! The the expert on the "human condition" enlightens us all again!

    And when you were "back home", was your glass half full or half empty?

    By the way, you are soooooooooo out of date! BT is now great and incredibly cheap for both phone calls and Broadband.

    Calls on mobiles are very cheap and the phones come free!

    What on Earth gives you the right to assume that someone has a "glass half empty" attitude just because they don't share the same opinion as you?!

    You sound as if you are so glad that you left "back home". If you were incapable of finding anything positive there your glass must have been totally empty.

    By the way just so you can hone your "human condition" skills, there are a lot more than two kinds of people in this World.

    Discover that and a whole new perspective will open up for you.

  11. No lecture from me though I'm not the one whinging and whining . having the best education in the world isn't going to fix the totally fcuked infrastructure. If you have been here for so long and you still haven't got it yet then you never will .

    Oh and its years since I was a Divemaster though what that has to do with your whining on about the electric here beats me. try getting out more

    Absolutely delighted to see you enjoyed my lecture as much as I enjoyed yours.

    As it's you that does'nt seem to be "getting it" rather than me I think I'll leave this one alone until I can find something else to whine about.

    Mmmmm ! Maybe about people who don't get it. I really must get out more as you say.

    Oh! Sorry I've been so long in replying, I've been out!

    Good evening.

    good evening. anyway i reckon that it is other dark forces that are uncomprehendable. This is not human errors.

    u think we are alone in the world. u must be ni-eve.

    This planet is full of illegal aliens up to illegal activity.

    So good night and let the force be with you.

    I am going to chaweng to a bar to get ubducted.

    .........BEAM.............. :jap:

    No! Big C! Don't get abducted we love you too much to see you disappear mate. Have a good night but tell them they can't take you.

  12. No lecture from me though I'm not the one whinging and whining . having the best education in the world isn't going to fix the totally fcuked infrastructure. If you have been here for so long and you still haven't got it yet then you never will .

    Oh and its years since I was a Divemaster though what that has to do with your whining on about the electric here beats me. try getting out more

    Absolutely delighted to see you enjoyed my lecture as much as I enjoyed yours.

    As it's you that does'nt seem to be "getting it" rather than me I think I'll leave this one alone until I can find something else to whine about.

    Mmmmm ! Maybe about people who don't get it. I really must get out more as you say.

    Oh! Sorry I've been so long in replying, I've been out!

    Good evening.

  13. The mind boggles !

    Try having a drive around the island sometime and take a good look at the infrastructure. No amount of education nor any amount of courses are going to rectify it. You sound like some diversity and community cohesion advisor back in the UK who thinks sending people on a course will solve everything. IT DOESN"T

    As for the other bits in all the time I have been here I have never lost anything in the fridge or freezer due to the lack of power nor had any accidents due to the strategic placing of several rechargeable torches around the house for just this emergency. This is something you need to get used to if you are going to live here in Thailand, especially Samui. It is just the price you pay to live in a beautiful, tropical island. The same goes for the internet as well. Sometimes its good other times it is lousy. Mai Pen Rai as they say.

    Thanks for the lecture Mr H20 Dunc.

    It would indeed seem that your mind is indeed boggled.

    You should try understanding a post as well as reading it.

    You may be interested to learn that education can indeed do a great deal to help people deal with problems they are faced with.

    I would have thought as a Dive Master you educate your students about the equipment you send them out with and because it's your job you know it well yourself.

    In the same way someone in the electricity dept. needs to learn more about the equipment they have to deal with. The electricity does not need to go out every time it rains.

    Huge revenue is lost to the govt. every time the lights go out. This money would be much better spent on better equipment that does not play up all the time. It's not rocket science.

    By the way, (not that I want to get into the normal expat p------ing contest about whose been here longest) when after 26 years, I need a lecture from you about the price to pay "to live in a beautiful tropical island" I'll ask for it. Thanks.

    Not once in all the time I have lived here have I failed to pay or been late in paying an electricity bill but by the same token neither have I ever ceased to get irritated trying to sleep in a sweltering room because the aircon or fans gone off because someone in that department is'nt doing their job properly.

    Again, thanks for your lecture Dunc. No doubt you will be just as grateful for mine.

  14. I have wondered for some time now, what dizzying depths of moronic stupidity and blinding incompetence you have to reach before you lose your job as the head of the electricity department in Samui!

    The enormous loss in revenue to the government alone, would surely be more than enough to justify sending a team on a course somewhere that would teach them that rainfall/claps of thunder/flashes of lightning does not mean all the lights have to go out!

    It doesn't in other places in the World, and they get enough practice at it here for goodness sake!

    The cost to people of damaged electrical goods, food in fridges, accidents etc etc. would be enormous if it could be quantified.

    For God's sake educate yourselves!

  15. I have never been to Samui and never will go there I hear and read way to many stories about the mafia behavior there and want nothing to do with it. I tell eryone I meet to stay away from Samui if they ask if it is good place to go. To be honest I tell people to stay from the Kohs completely they are all a big rip off now full of mafia and thugs. Name me a Koh that is worth visiting without these thugs and mafia and I might listen , I have been around long enough to know there isnot one Koh here with enough to offer to off set the crap a person has to take from the thugs and mafia types.

    I have some sympathy with your way of thinking because the existence of these types is entirely unacceptable in any decent society.

    However the Island has many many redeeming features which far outweigh the disgusting behaviour of these individuals. They are too long to list here, but a more balanced view on your part would I think be more reasonable.

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  16. If you really want to know if there is any hope for Samui, just go up to the Santiburi Golf Club and take a look at the delightful view from there. Spoilt only by one thing! Look slightly left and you will see a monstrocity of a building clearly in breach of building height regulations by X2!

    Your next move would be to make a few discreet enquiries as to who owns this project. When you find out, decide for yourself whether there is any hope.

    The first person that has the balls to make someone actually pull down one of these buildings, rather than just "halt" construction will be the saviour of the Island on this particular issue anyway.

    :annoyed: Yes it's disgusting, built on "agriculture only" land zoned as coconut groves. Another Coco project, it has been taken over by the Thai partner who is in charge of Coco's old " assets " I hear he's praying the swallows will nest there and make him another fortune !

    Mmmmm. I may have been misinformed then, because I was told it was owned by the then head of planning!

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