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Posts posted by concerned

  1. This is a magnificent thread it has taken me an hour to read it. First it was a nightclub then it wasn't then it was. Veiled threats, the Mafia " they're friends of ours" . A man from Dubai. One bedroomed Villas. A desperate NYE party on youtube. The good lady asking why can't everybody be reasonable savagely put down by Uber Expats and it still goes on.

    Although my sympathies are with those who are losing sleep I can't believe they haven't been up there to have a chat ( I mean just a chat) instead of getting more and more wound up.

    Oh dam_n! You've brought me out of the woodwork and got me going again!

    Glad you enjoyed the thread dextrose. Thanks also for having sympathy for those losing sleep.

    Normally I would agree with you that in most cases, "having a chat" would be a sensible thing to do. However "having a chat" to resolve a situation is only ever any good, if the people you are going to have a chat with "give a siht" about anybody else. Setting up a noisy all night venue in the middle of a quiet residential area is not the action of someone who gives a dam_n about anybody else!

    They are quite well aware of the views of all those they are surrounded by yet continue to blast us out on a regular basis. Often this starts with some totally talentless moron blasting out across the valley into a karaoke machine till about midnight or on other occasions "all nighters" when those of us who have to work the next day, or our children go to school have to have a "sleepless night". I am not a violent man but there are times when, I wish nothing but the worst for them.

    I cannot imagine what it must be like to know that you are surrounded by hatred bordering on violence on all sides. How thick skinned would you have to be? I comfort myself with the thought that what "goes round, comes round" and I know this Island well. It is only a matter of time before they find out how upset people are by their actions. I don't envy them at all.

    This thread has been quiet for some time, so I think they imagine everyone is fine with them now. They are of course quite wrong.

    I hope this explains why people don't feel moved to "go and have a chat"

  2. When a bag of cement is approx 100 Baht a bag, PCC bricks 18 Baht each, roof tiles 11 Baht each....windows, doors cheap, even marble and granite is only approx 2000 Baht sqm....how can anybody have the nerve to charge anything above 4-5 million Baht for a property...OK, land cost may be expensive for sea view but still dosnt equate to 30,40,50 million Baht houses....

    What a totally bizarre statement! How long is a piece of string? And how big is the house you are talking about? And how many Rai at 6-8 million baht a rai ( Prime Seaview ) or 20 million baht a rai ( beachfront ) does it stand on?

  3. Good Luck then! Please post your name and the location of your first meeting! By the way, patronising you was certainly not my intention and nowhere did I actually say you had organised a fete. I was simply refering to the fact that there are doers in this world and they are to be admired. By the way if you ever had had the nightmare job of organising a fete, you would in fact realise what a compliment it was.

    Graham's comment was not a cop out, just a reality check. If we said "this is England" or "this is Germany" we could: 1) Expect the full protection of the law. 1) Expect to turn up at such a meeting and expect nobody to be carrying weapons 3) Expect nobody to be focused on like the web man in Koh Phangan. etc etc. Because THIS IS THAILAND. as in not England etc. etc.

    If you have not recognised this as reality, then I'm afraid, no matter how well intentioned you are, you have not been here long enough!

    Be as rude to me as you like in response.. I am sensitive, but quite broad shouldered.

    Come to think of it! Whilst I am already guilty in your eyes of being patronising. (when I had no intention of being so) I might as well go the whole hog and ACTUALLY be patronising by saying "Stick to your book club" You will be a lot safer doing that than organising what you suggest.


    Haha - touche! And likewise, I didn't mean to be rude to you either. I just think that it is better to do something about a problem rather than just complain. After all - if you are committed to this community and really want to see things get better then who better than you to effect change?

    And I'd just like to chip in that organising a book club is a noble and worthy task! Plus, it hasn't happened yet since there aren't enough people - and I'm still waiting for a few more takers.... interested? Maybe we could combine the two? Book club meeting - discuss our latest literary conquest and then partake in a bit of community squabbling? Sounds like an ideal night out to me!

    Or maybe those fish have somehow affected my brain? (since you're snooping my posts I trust you'll get this one)

    Anyway Concerned... I hope that this goes somewhere and we get a resolution to the problem rather than more mud slinging on this thread.


    Ha ha! I must say that I think I would find your company quite enjoyable, so I might indeed join your book club! But only incognito! Hee Hee! Good night my feisty friend!

    Night Night, sleep tight. Mind those fish don't bitey bite!

    Sad, Sad, Sad.... Very Sad indeed..

    I pity you, I really do.. You must be so lonely...

    Oh! Hark... There's a party going on and it's not Gekko.. Let's start another boring thread where everyone slags each other off!!!

    Do yourself a favour and get some facts before though!

    I'm going to have a word with the Gekko people tomorrow at 5pm.. anyone care to join me?

    Send me a private message if you're serious.

    Oh dear Lemon Bonbon you little Sweety! You really let yourself down badly there ! I take back all the lovely things I've said about you. If the Lady's thing is to set up a book Club, it's not for you to belittle it! It's not my scene either but I would not dream of being rude about it. Each to their own old boy!

    Speak for yourself at the meeting, because your opinions on this issue do not concur with those of us who object rather than condone which is what you seem to do. Trust me, they know what the rest of us think! No meeting required on that score. Thanks anyway.

    PS. Thanks for caring, but I am far far far from lonely and a million miles from needing any pity from you.

  4. Good Luck then! Please post your name and the location of your first meeting! By the way, patronising you was certainly not my intention and nowhere did I actually say you had organised a fete. I was simply refering to the fact that there are doers in this world and they are to be admired. By the way if you ever had had the nightmare job of organising a fete, you would in fact realise what a compliment it was.

    Graham's comment was not a cop out, just a reality check. If we said "this is England" or "this is Germany" we could: 1) Expect the full protection of the law. 1) Expect to turn up at such a meeting and expect nobody to be carrying weapons 3) Expect nobody to be focused on like the web man in Koh Phangan. etc etc. Because THIS IS THAILAND. as in not England etc. etc.

    If you have not recognised this as reality, then I'm afraid, no matter how well intentioned you are, you have not been here long enough!

    Be as rude to me as you like in response.. I am sensitive, but quite broad shouldered.

    Come to think of it! Whilst I am already guilty in your eyes of being patronising. (when I had no intention of being so) I might as well go the whole hog and ACTUALLY be patronising by saying "Stick to your book club" You will be a lot safer doing that than organising what you suggest.


    Haha - touche! And likewise, I didn't mean to be rude to you either. I just think that it is better to do something about a problem rather than just complain. After all - if you are committed to this community and really want to see things get better then who better than you to effect change?

    And I'd just like to chip in that organising a book club is a noble and worthy task! Plus, it hasn't happened yet since there aren't enough people - and I'm still waiting for a few more takers.... interested? Maybe we could combine the two? Book club meeting - discuss our latest literary conquest and then partake in a bit of community squabbling? Sounds like an ideal night out to me!

    Or maybe those fish have somehow affected my brain? (since you're snooping my posts I trust you'll get this one)

    Anyway Concerned... I hope that this goes somewhere and we get a resolution to the problem rather than more mud slinging on this thread.


    Ha ha! I must say that I think I would find your company quite enjoyable, so I might indeed join your book club! But only incognito! Hee Hee! Good night my feisty friend!

    Night Night, sleep tight. Mind those fish don't bitey bite!

  5. Good Luck then! Please post your name and the location of your first meeting! By the way, patronising you was certainly not my intention and nowhere did I actually say you had organised a fete. I was simply refering to the fact that there are doers in this world and they are to be admired. By the way if you ever had had the nightmare job of organising a fete, you would in fact realise what a compliment it was.

    Graham's comment was not a cop out, just a reality check. If we said "this is England" or "this is Germany" we could: 1) Expect the full protection of the law. 1) Expect to turn up at such a meeting and expect nobody to be carrying weapons 3) Expect nobody to be focused on like the web man in Koh Phangan. etc etc. Because THIS IS THAILAND. as in not England etc. etc.

    If you have not recognised this as reality, then I'm afraid, no matter how well intentioned you are, you have not been here long enough!

    Be as rude to me as you like in response.. I am sensitive, but quite broad shouldered.

    Come to think of it! Whilst I am already guilty in your eyes of being patronising. (when I had no intention of being so) I might as well go the whole hog and ACTUALLY be patronising by saying "Stick to your book club" You will be a lot safer doing that than organising what you suggest.

  6. First of all TIT and things don't get sorted like that!

    and anybody serious about creating good community relationships would NOT have built a club in the middle of a residential area in the first place when many people have committed heavily


    What a cop out. TIT is the reason people give when they can't be bothered to find a solution. If we replaced the "This is Thailand" with England, America, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Switzerland, France, Italy... my god - nothing would ever change and we'd all sit around complaining on internet forums without every realising this very simple fact:

    NO ONE IS GOING TO CHANGE ANYTHING FOR YOU!!!! If you have an issue with something get up and do something about it. If you can not or will not do something about this thing that bothers you so much then don't complain!!!

    Change your perception or change your procedure.

    It is transparent from all of your posts that you are clearly a very pleasant lady and one that likes to get things done.

    I admire people like yourselves because without people like yourselves. nothing would ever get done in the towns and villages of places like England.

    Fetes would not be held local problems would not be solved and peoples' issues would not be addressed without the good offices of those like you.

    You are clearly a doer rather than a talker and I admire you and people like you for that.

    However, unfortunately, GraBangkok is right when he says that this is Thailand and things here are different.

    I urge you to read a thread on here currently languishing on about page 5 of this forum regarding a similar issue that arose on Koh Panghan, entitled "Farang German Web Designer Shot on Koh Phangan" (Sorry, I don't know how to do that link thing). Please read it and then let us know whether you would wish to become the "Chairwoman" of this commitee you suggest forming and whether you would like the first meeting to be held in your house.

    Whilst I am not suggesting the two issues are an exact match. I'm sure you might notice some similarities.

    To be frank the owners of this club know how things work here and therefore I am pretty certain that is why they are as quiet as they are at the moment, rather than as noisy as they would dearly love to be! ( Can we expect a show of defiance to this statement in the next couple of nights?)

    Thank you for your compliment but I find it quite patronising that you have associated my suggestion of a community association with the organisation of a village fete in England. People like myself don't organise village fetes, namely because people like myself grew up in inner city London where fetes are few and far between.

    A community association isn't just about problem solving, it is a way to build relationships between all those that are in someway involved in a community, including residents and businesses. It would be a place to resolve potential problems but also an ideal environment to develop ideas that will benefit the community.

    I fully understand that things are different in Thailand but I would like you to consider that the assumptions you make about how things are in Thailand contribute to the way things actually go in Thailand. You anticipate a certain result - you will get that result. How about a more productive approach? Ok, you may not want a community association but you can tackle the problem with a better attitude even on this forum. For example "My problem is X, my suggested solution is Y" rather than indulging in petty arguments.

    You have made a judgment about the owners of this club that they "know how things work" and are therefore keeping quiet. Let's try and refrain from villainising anyone. I would bet that the majority of people living in Koh Samui (including both yourself and the owners of this club) are reasonable people who want to have a good life and will try to accommodate those around them. If we can engage in conversation, rather than argument, with our community we have a better chance of resolving issues.

    And yes - I would be more than happy to organise a community association meeting. I would not be willing to hold it in my house (for obvious reasons) but if there is enough interest I will gladly take on the organisational role for the time being.

    Good Luck then! Please post your name and the location of your first meeting! By the way, patronising you was certainly not my intention and nowhere did I actually say you had organised a fete. I was simply refering to the fact that there are doers in this world and they are to be admired. By the way if you ever had had the nightmare job of organising a fete, you would in fact realise what a compliment it was.

    Graham's comment was not a cop out, just a reality check. If we said "this is England" or "this is Germany" we could: 1) Expect the full protection of the law. 1) Expect to turn up at such a meeting and expect nobody to be carrying weapons 3) Expect nobody to be focused on like the web man in Koh Phangan. etc etc. Because THIS IS THAILAND. as in not England etc. etc.

    If you have not recognised this as reality, then I'm afraid, no matter how well intentioned you are, you have not been here long enough!

    Be as rude to me as you like in response.. I am sensitive, but quite broad shouldered.

    Come to think of it! Whilst I am already guilty in your eyes of being patronising. (when I had no intention of being so) I might as well go the whole hog and ACTUALLY be patronising by saying "Stick to your book club" You will be a lot safer doing that than organising what you suggest.

  7. Reply coming!

    You have a good think about it, won't you!

    I've actually enjoyed reading your posts even though I don't agree with everything you're saying

    because you have a great way with words!

    Are you a writer by any chance?

    To the last poster..(who thinks I'm "lame") I've never condoned loud all night parties keeping everyone awake

    and would be upset myself it it was all the time but 3 times in 6 months?

    Get a life for heavens sake!!!

    people like yourself only use this site to moan about Thailand and Thai people.. WHY are you here?

    The reply came ages ago Lemon. In a reply to this later post however, what on Earth makes you say I am having a moan about Thailand and the Thai people! When have you ever heard me do that? Please check! I love Thailand and most Thai folk. Bizarrely, they seem to like me too! Can't understand why! I have no issue at all with the Thais.

    Mine and many others issue is with this Club and the people who run it whether they be Thai or Farang. I believe by the way, it is headed up by an English guy named Gary. ( As in Gary Gecko! ) Either you or I have been misinformed, however the issue remains the same.

    Many thanks for your appreciation of my writing style though I'm sure it is not deserved. I'm sure if we met in other circumstances I would find you a very pleasant person as you seem to have a caring nature. We just don't seem to be in accord on this one. I look forward to verbally crossing swords with you again soon krap.

  8. Why did everyone ignore my earlier suggestion on this thread? Do you all just want to argue on an internet forum or actually sort this issue out?

    If you are serious about creating good community relationships I suggest you all get together and sort out the problem like adults.

    I propose that a community association is set up with bi-monthly (or whatever time period suits) meetings where issues like this and others can be raised and representatives from both sides of the fence (and those on the fence if they are bothered to attend) can talk about the problems and try to find solutions.

    Wouldn't that be a lot more productive? To get accurate information direct from those involved and talk to them to try and reach an agreement??

    It is transparent from all of your posts that you are clearly a very pleasant lady and one that likes to get things done.

    I admire people like yourselves because without people like yourselves. nothing would ever get done in the towns and villages of places like England.

    Fetes would not be held local problems would not be solved and peoples' issues would not be addressed without the good offices of those like you.

    You are clearly a doer rather than a talker and I admire you and people like you for that.

    However, unfortunately, GraBangkok is right when he says that this is Thailand and things here are different.

    I urge you to read a thread on here currently languishing on about page 5 of this forum regarding a similar issue that arose on Koh Panghan, entitled "Farang German Web Designer Shot on Koh Phangan" (Sorry, I don't know how to do that link thing). Please read it and then let us know whether you would wish to become the "Chairwoman" of this commitee you suggest forming and whether you would like the first meeting to be held in your house.

    Whilst I am not suggesting the two issues are an exact match. I'm sure you might notice some similarities.

    To be frank the owners of this club know how things work here and therefore I am pretty certain that is why they are as quiet as they are at the moment, rather than as noisy as they would dearly love to be! ( Can we expect a show of defiance to this statement in the next couple of nights?)

  9. I don't need the help of either you or your "friends" in deciding what is, or is not acceptable. Nor does anyone else who feels disturbed suddenly going to feel undisturbed because you and your "friends" think we should. What is difficult for you to understand about that?

    Thanks however, from myself and MY friends!

    I find your tone offensive considering what I suggested was offering a friendly hand.

    We all need friends don't we now! Can't see someone with your attitude having that many though!

    You were offered a chance of friendship and you've chosen against it . Just remember that!

    They are Thai's, WE are foreigners and this is THEIR country!

    Don't expect all the foreigners to take sides against the Thais..We moved here for an easy life..

    It's people like you that make the Thai people hate us by your constant expectations!

    You don't have to be the brightest light on the xmas tree to work THAT out!

    I rent out my property too, its not just you.. They'll be more noise coming from rented out "party villas" in the future

    than there will from the Gekko.. Are you going to wage war on those too?

    The fact that you have turned this into a Farang/Thai thing, says a lot more about you than it does about me! Wherever the owners came from in the World, the principal would be exactly the same. You might be interested to know (though probably not!) that I in fact assumed the place was headed up by an Englishman! In this, I might be wrong, but it doesn't change the principle.

    Furthermore you may be interested to know (though probably not!) that it is not only local Farangs but also many local Thais that are concerned about this issue.

    I am truly sorry that you feel "hated" by the Thais. Whereas I have noted a growing resentment over the years towards Farang in general, my own personal association with Thais remain extremely friendly and full of mutual respect! I'm sorry you find it otherwise.

    Please feel free to find my comments offensive if you wish. However I myself am much more offended by someone who feels they have the right to assume what others around them are thinking and labelling them with attitudes and prejudices which they in fact do not possess.

    There you go Sweety. Do you mind if I call you that Lemon Bonbon?

  10. This isn't such a great photo but it should be good enough to convey the idea that this isn't some small venue. It looks about the size of Reggae Pub and that large opening facing down the hill has to help in dispersing the sound to those unlucky enough not to be at the party. :D


    No it isn't a great photo but you can almost see my place in that shot and i've still had no sleepless nights (though I have been able to hear it on 2 occations in the last last 6 months) I think this has got to a point where all of us (the people within earshot) should go up there and i'll introduce you to them. I can bring my Thai friends along to make sure everything is above board and let the owners speak to us all in person.

    I mentioned this thread to the Thai lady owner when I popped in there for a drink on my way up the hill the other afternoon and they know about it and said they have tried to put their point across but obviously people are in doubt because they are well known for putting on parties. However, if you have a look at their plans (and I'm sure they'll be happy to show you) There's nothing about a night club in them.

    I really think you should seriously consider this as I'm sure they would really like to clear this up too, as it's not creating a very friendly community. Wouldn't it be great if we could all get on with our neighbours. Mine hasn't even said hello to my partner and I since they moved in! That's not the Koh Samui we all come to love.

    If the Gekko put the odd party on once a month or two months to make a few baht while they're finishing buiding, would that be such a crime? You're all talking like it's LakeView on the hill and I believe them when they say it's not


    Just what is it about this thread that you don't understand for goodness sake! Sound is a funny thing and just because you live in some kind of accoustic bubble, no matter how close you are, is your good fortune. The fact that you don't feel disturbed, does not make you a judge of what others find disturbing. Who do you think you are to be judge for all of us!

    Just accept that not everyone's experience is the same as yours. I don't need the help of either you or your "friends" in deciding what is, or is not acceptable. Nor does anyone else who feels disturbed suddenly going to feel undisturbed because you and your "friends" think we should. What is difficult for you to understand about that?

    Thanks however, from myself and MY friends!

    PS. By the way, of course you are quite correct when you say it's not nice living in an unfriendly community. Who wants that? If however you are so arrogant as to move a club playing loud music into a quiet residential area where people are trying to make a living and survive by occasionally renting out their properties. Then that's what you get! Unfriendly neighbours! Hardly rocket science! Even if you don't understand it!

  11. as the op maybe people are wondering why i have stayed out of the thread, well the PM below which i received shortly after starting the thread is probably the main reason, whilst i was not scared of the clear message it was meant to send it did make me think a few crazy things which really would not solve to much, the other reason was wait and see to see how much of a problem it is. desepite what the PM says i can hear the music but not enough to bother me, plus we had a meeting of the locals in the villas here with the landlord and told him we would all be gone if the noise was a problem, since we are all long stayers he promised us it would not be a problem and so far it is not.

    as for the place being for Villa owners and friends only, why have a pick up driving around samui adverdising the last gig. personally i do not understand why any business man would send an e mail out like this, you really do come across as a bunch of thugs but i am prity sure you are not but either way in the present climate i do not think you have a snow ball in hells chance of the project working out so maybe the guys in Dubai will have something else to be cheesed off about


    Many thanks for that brave post. Very interesting and very useful. A fascinating response from someone that clearly recognises that "this is not the place you want to open up a can of worms" Clearly not the brightest lights on the Christmas tree then!

  12. My house is just down the hill from this venue.

    I have to say that at the last party these inconsiderates threw.

    I had to turn my tv up one whole bar....to hear what was going on.

    On retiring to bed around midnight i was horrified to see the missus was not kept awake and we both slept well.

    Maybe my house is in some sort of freak acoustic zone, maybe im going deaf, maybe its not really a big deal...........

    The visiting market near the temple is far more noisy.....

    Anyhow next party they throw im going to march up the hill order a stiff gin and tonic and sit there and look nerdy......that will learn them....

    I certainly envy you for your "freak acoustic zone" . Sadly others of us are not as lucky. Enjoy your stiff G & T!

  13. And? Oh I see! you mean, as in "Just another fly tipper" or "Just another ars---le who throws their rubbish out the car window" or " Just another pr--k who doen't give a <deleted>> about anybody else" Oh right! I see your reasoning! I see that you are clearly a well brought up sort of guy with a great education! Congratulations! Just please don't get involved in anything that affects the rest of the world. Thanks.

    Oh dear, not kept awake and looking for a new bugbear huh?

    You're acting as if Gecko are behaving in an entirely "outrageous" manner, when they are doing nothing more than any other company in a similar field (and many others) has done for years [referring purely to the postering you highlighted a few days ago]. In terms of the original issue with them, as LolaSamui has already noted this party was certainly quieter last night - they have clearly done something to appease nearby resident, so why not tone your noise down too? It offends me :) .

    Whilst I see your analogy to fly tipping, it's hardly the same thing really, is it? Does construction noise annoy you? Should construction be banned? How about dogs barking? Pet-hanasia? Babies Crying? Sterilisation? What about their rights to run a business? Why, exactly, shouldn't they be allowed to put up posters?

    Oh right! I see your reasoning! I see that you are clearly a well brought up sort of guy with a great education! Congratulations! Just please don't get involved in anything that affects the rest of the world. Thanks.

    Mmm passive aggression on thaivisa, how refreshing! - Got all my GCSE's (assisted places scheme) thank you very much for the congratulations! Thanks also for the comments on my upbringing, you'll be glad to know I religiously poop-n-scoop.


    Whilst your education has clearly furnished you with the ability to read, it has clearly not enabled you to understand the meaning of words. Would you please care to note that in my original post on this issue of posters, my main concern was wondering whether they would take any responsibility for taking them down. I would have thought that a dedicated "pooper scooper" such as yourself might have considered this to be the right thing to do.

    However I must say that I don't hold up much hope, as the posters for the other inspired mountain music event (Dreamfields) are still up and looking delightful in the countryside. I am really really sorry that, if this sort of thing is fine with you, that you are offended that it is not fine with me!

    May I take this opportunity to address some of your other "inspired" comments.

    Please note that Lola made a personal statement that she herself had not been affected by the noise. However if you would care to put your reading skills to the test once more you may care to note that she went on to ask whether anyone closer to the venue was disturbed in any way. You did not however not wait for any answers. In fact you probably will NOT be interested to know that in fact, nearer to the venue it was in fact loud enough to disturb the sleep of many people and their children before their working and school day, well into the early hours. This will of course be of no concern to you. I quite understand that. So no, I am not looking for another bugbear because I got a lot of sleep (In answer to your question).

    You made the point that you had the ability to understand my analogy to fly tipping but that you thought it was "hardly the same thing really". You then proceeded by making completely bizarre analogies yourself!

    1) Construction noise is something that most people would not find pleasant, but to my knowledge, building rarely goes on in Samui from 8pm till 4am. So, in answer to your question, although I think there is too much going on, I would not be able to justify banning construction for noise reasons alone.

    2) Although some dogs are more intelligent than some people I know, sadly, God did not give them the same abilities to think in quite the same way as humans. Their barking is often a response mechanism based on fear, protectionism or greeting rather than a act that they know will disturb hundreds and possibly thousands of people around them. So no, as a dog lover, I would not have dogs wiped out. Also I have never yet come accross a dog that can quite match the volume of a DJ's speakers. In other words, a dog is nowhere near as loud as a gecko.

    3) Babies, I thought you might understand, have not yet fully developed all their senses. The poor things don't really think they are disturbing people. They are usually just hungry or unwell. So no, I would not advocate sterilization of the human species. They too cannot produce quite the same levels of volume, though it has to be said the volume the do create is often at an "un Godly" hour.

    I am truly sorry if my "noise" offends you. However if you truly feel a noiseless comment on a forum that does not suit you personally is as offensive as one that keeps hundreds of people awake in a previously quiet residential area until the early hours of the morning, then frankly, I rest my case.

  14. Wow posters around the island, and pickups with music driving around to promote a (infrequent) party - how outrageous! On a quiet and pristine tropical island where you would otherwise never see a 30 foot trailer driving round all day banging out dance music for Escape, Sound Bar, Solo Pub, Monkey Bay, Ice Bar, Muay Thai, Coyote etc etc etc. And of course we'll probably start seeing posters plastered everywhere for these previously purely word of mouth parties, fights, events and festivals - and all because these inconsiderate guys have started doing it. I don't belieeeve it!


    And? Oh I see! you mean, as in "Just another fly tipper" or "Just another ars---le who throws their rubbish out the car window" or " Just another pr--k who doen't give a <deleted>> about anybody else" Oh right! I see your reasoning! I see that you are clearly a well brought up sort of guy with a great education! Congratulations! Just please don't get involved in anything that affects the rest of the world. Thanks.

  15. I notice the Island is now littered with posters and sign posts to their next big event on the 2nd June! Let's see if they are as good at taking them down as they are at putting them up!

    Some of the "Dreamfield" posters are still up from God knows when.

    Not only do we have to put up with their s--t till 4 am on the 3rd June but we now have to put up with their lovely posters all over the place as well as their delightful orange flags and poles littering up the environment. Nice!

  16. I usually just lurk here but this thread has really got my back up. Now... I'm not averse to a party or two but what I am averse to is this... After a member of the established ex-pat community on the island has raised a couple of concerns, the two louts involved with the Gecko bar have responded with lies (by all accounts), veiled threats and generally aggressive attitudes. Although it's widely accepted that popping too many happy pills makes the taker aggressive long term so their replies are understandable.

    To be entirely honest I haven't heard the "come & say it to my face" & "my friends & family" lines since I was at school & even then it was lame. If you really want to sort things out in a physical manner then you should be man enough to meet away from your own territory and go alone.

    To you guys who are close enough to hear their "un-amplified stereo system" (oh my god... whoever invented that technology is in line to be the next Bill Gates), invest in a pair of earplugs for the short term and just make sure you don't end up like that poor german guy on Phangan. To the fanboys... it's very obvious that you're just friends of the owner & here to blindly defend. To the Gecko... I really do hope that you see how much damage you've done to yourselves on this site. You'll get nowhere on this island without the support of the ex-pats here & you've already made a whole lot of enemies with your responses. Very nasty tempers both of you, a couple of weeks in the local Wat might help you out.

    To the thaivisa samui collective... i believe an experiment in word of mouth marketing in in order.

    Your points are of course well taken and understood. I think however, I am more worried that this may turn out to be a "poor German guy on Phangan" in reverse scenario. I think in this case it is the "silent" majority who will eventually get their way. Too much money invested up there at risk, too many kid's sleep being disturbed and even the Buffalo fighting brigade in front are getting p----d off. Time will tell, but as I have mentioned so many times before, I do hope it gets resolved in a peaceful way.

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