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Posts posted by billd766

  1. I have received many PMs where members asked me where to get the casings from.

    I think I've found a new source.

    If you are still looking for casings(pork/sheep) just send me another PM with your casings request: Sizes and amount of hanks you are looking for.

    Happy sausage making!


    Now is that timing or a coincidence?

    I am back home next week so I will wait until then.

  2. It's still only an aeroplane ride away. Aeroplanes go from BKK to London and thankfully from London to BKK.

    This seems nonsense, sorry old boy, but if you've a base in the UK and a base here, you can pick and choose.

    May I also add it's where you live and how you live in LoS that the maker or the breaker. All those on the eastern seaboard Chon Buri area, yes, you are paying through the nose.

    Come to Issan. I love it here.

    It is better in Central.

    Not so many whining farangs.

    :D Did I really say that :)

  3. Having read all the posts and as an expat Brit I think I WILL go home after all.

    However as I am working in NZ for only 1 more week I am homeward bound to my wife and our son.

    Home to warmth and friendliness of living in a 3 bedroom detatched house (hers) near a stream with my family on 4 acres of (her) land in central Thailand where we (she) has another 4 acres (or about 20 rai in all).

    Back to live in the UK?

    Yeah right.

    Not in this lifetime I say.

    It is all paid for so I pay

    rent = none

    rates or local taxes = none

    eating out = any time I want but my wife has a shop and small restaurant

    what else am I missing

    girls = to old and I love my wife anyway

    top of the line stereo = no need

    big TV not a bad idea as my eyesight is getting worse

    BMW = Ford Ranger pickup truck

    gik = see girls above

    Some people will say if I divorce I will lose it all.

    Been there, done that in the UK. I drove away in a hired station wagon with all MY stuff and space to spare.

    I have been living and working in and out of Thailand since 1993, still can't speak it that well and since I left school in 1959 at the age of 15 I have lived and worked in around 38 countries and the best one (for me) I have found is Thailand.

    Yes I get frustrated at times with Thais, as I do in many other countries and peoples, but where I live waaaay out in the sticks I have made some good friends with Thais and to my knowledge very few people out in the country have tried to rip me off.

    At the local markets I generally pay the same as the Thais next to me.

    There is a national park at the end of the land where we live and if I go up into the park with family and friends I pay the same rate as them OR I pay the farang rate and they go in for free.

    I know that there are a lot of things that I don't have but a) I don't really need them and :D if I really do then I will go out and get them.

    We grow fruit and there is nothing nicer than a fresh pineapple, mango, custard apple, jackfruit etc that you just picked fresh from the garden.

    I can live without a high speed internet link, the latest movies, a big flash car or the rest of the crap that some people consider essential for living.

    I now can sit back and smell the flowers or watch butterflies and live without so much stress.

    I don't NEED to work just to live and survive as many people do in the west, nor do I want to.

    It is Thailand for me until I die and after I am cremated and my ashes dumped around the house then I will be home again but this time there will be no need for a visa.



    Same as that.

    Thank you kindly young man.

    I may look and be an old fart, but when I am back home with my family I am a very happy old fart. :D

  4. Having read all the posts and as an expat Brit I think I WILL go home after all.

    However as I am working in NZ for only 1 more week I am homeward bound to my wife and our son.

    Home to warmth and friendliness of living in a 3 bedroom detatched house (hers) near a stream with my family on 4 acres of (her) land in central Thailand where we (she) has another 4 acres (or about 20 rai in all).

    Back to live in the UK?

    Yeah right.

    Not in this lifetime I say.

    It is all paid for so I pay

    rent = none

    rates or local taxes = none

    eating out = any time I want but my wife has a shop and small restaurant

    what else am I missing

    girls = to old and I love my wife anyway

    top of the line stereo = no need

    big TV not a bad idea as my eyesight is getting worse

    BMW = Ford Ranger pickup truck

    gik = see girls above

    Some people will say if I divorce I will lose it all.

    Been there, done that in the UK. I drove away in a hired station wagon with all MY stuff and space to spare.

    I have been living and working in and out of Thailand since 1993, still can't speak it that well and since I left school in 1959 at the age of 15 I have lived and worked in around 38 countries and the best one (for me) I have found is Thailand.

    Yes I get frustrated at times with Thais, as I do in many other countries and peoples, but where I live waaaay out in the sticks I have made some good friends with Thais and to my knowledge very few people out in the country have tried to rip me off.

    At the local markets I generally pay the same as the Thais next to me.

    There is a national park at the end of the land where we live and if I go up into the park with family and friends I pay the same rate as them OR I pay the farang rate and they go in for free.

    I know that there are a lot of things that I don't have but a) I don't really need them and :D if I really do then I will go out and get them.

    We grow fruit and there is nothing nicer than a fresh pineapple, mango, custard apple, jackfruit etc that you just picked fresh from the garden.

    I can live without a high speed internet link, the latest movies, a big flash car or the rest of the crap that some people consider essential for living.

    I now can sit back and smell the flowers or watch butterflies and live without so much stress.

    I don't NEED to work just to live and survive as many people do in the west, nor do I want to.

    It is Thailand for me until I die and after I am cremated and my ashes dumped around the house then I will be home again but this time there will be no need for a visa.

    :D :D :D:)

  5. If this thread was along the lines of 'I got ripped off by a Thai', we'd probably be on around page 16 now and growing fast, as every man and his dog got in with their hard luck story about how scandalous the county and its people are. So it's certainly nice to see a string for more positive posts on the lovely people of this hospitable land, but surely there must be many, many more?

    I wonder which residents and regular posters are staying out of this particular conversation, and why?


    I made a similar post/thread back at the beginning of the year and about 80% of the posters said the same thing.

    The rest just thought I was another dumb farang.

    The bad news is that good news just doesn't sell while the bad news spreads like wildfire.

    No problem for me as I am happy anyway. :D:):D

  6. I just bought for the equivalent of 20 baht a small tin of Batchelors original mushy peas.

    They seem to be made with Marrowfat processed peas and made in the UK at Spalding, Lincoln and impoted to NZ.

    My problem is whether to eat them properly, cold from the tin or buy some fish and chips, then heat the mushy peas and eat together.

    Definitely COLD from the tin :):D


    And they look just like that.

    A man after my own heart.

    A real hero in these modern times when heroism is au fait.

    COLD it shall be, possibly for Sunday lunch

  7. I am working in NZ at a small town/city called Taupo.

    Beautiful place but dam_n cold in winter.

    I just bought for the equivalent of 20 baht a small tin of Batchelors original mushy peas.

    They seem to be made with Marrowfat processed peas and made in the UK at Spalding, Lincoln and impoted to NZ.

    My problem is whether to eat them properly, cold from the tin or buy some fish and chips, then heat the mushy peas and eat together.

  8. Incredible. So all those times since Thaksin fled when the MPs have come out to say that they are still loyal and following orders from Thaksin was OK? Shameless.

    it will be in the hand of the Election Commission. if they think it's fishy and enough to dissolve the Democrats, the Democrats get dissolved.

    so it goes.

    it's the Dem's problem. not a thaksin issue.

    And if the Election Commission find there is nothing against the Democrats, then what?

    Will the Puea Thai party be dissolved for attempted fraud?

  9. I have lost count of how many farangs have told me that they are friends with the chief of police, he must be a popular chap.

    How come there are not ordinary soldier's here in Thailand, they all seem to be Navy Seals or Special Force's.

    Whilst not being a soldier I was in the Royal Air Force as a radio technician for 25 years boy and man.

    I have only 1 medal for long service and good conduct awarded after 18 years.

    Was never shot at or involved in any wars.

    Just did my time and left.

    No sweat, no problem.

    Tell us the truth. For you ze war is over my friend.

    Sorry Fritz

    Number rank and name is all that is required under the Geneva convention.

    Oh and where is my Red Cross food parcel?

  10. Are you a fan of music? Looking to fine Oldies?

    Here is a new website which may have what you're looking for: http://www.justhearit.com/

    Just go to that side, keyin the title you're looking for and viola here we are!

    I tested that with old german and english songs and it found all of them.

    You should also be able to capture the songs. And the site is telling that all are legal?!!

    Have fun.


    I am an oldie but thank you for the link. :):D

  11. I have lost count of how many farangs have told me that they are friends with the chief of police, he must be a popular chap.

    How come there are not ordinary soldier's here in Thailand, they all seem to be Navy Seals or Special Force's.

    Whilst not being a soldier I was in the Royal Air Force as a radio technician for 25 years boy and man.

    I have only 1 medal for long service and good conduct awarded after 18 years.

    Was never shot at or involved in any wars.

    Just did my time and left.

    No sweat, no problem.

  12. I expect that my wife will survive me as I am 65 and she is "only" 44.

    What concerns me is that if she has an accident I would survive her.

    What worries me is that if my wife and I were to die together our 4 year old would be an orphan though I I know that he would be taken care of by her family, one of her 3 brothers and their wives would step in.

    What terrifies me is that our son would have an accident and die before us.

    However what will happen will happen and nothing I can do will stop it.

  13. As Mae West once said

    Why don't you come up and see me sometime

    Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel did it one better with :- :D

    Come up and see me, make me smile :D

    Now that is a great song :)

    Kan Win :D

    P.S. Weclome Home to the Land of Smiles :D

    Soon, veeery soon

    PS you are welcome also

  14. Try New Zealand.

    There are millions of the bloody things here all going sloooooooowly in front of me.

    I used to own a caravan in the UK years ago and I always tried to let people pass if I could.

    Not here though

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