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Posts posted by billd766

  1. We have been offered a pair of goats from a friend of wifes who breeds them in Bangkok and after reading asiagoat.com recon we could be onto summit...sounds good....fresh cheese... :D

    Now all i gotta do is get them a ticket on TG to CM...mmm :D

    Goats cheese?

    When my wife was in Portugal she tried some despite my warnings.

    I just wish I ahd had a camera with me to take a picture of her face. :):D

    AND I had to pay for the cheese as well.

  2. I miss Nakon Sawan. I miss Cutters for watching the football on Saturday and Sunday nights with the misses. I miss the big place opposite the lake for a midweek early evening beer and meal. I miss the Baan Isaan for an occasional trip, it's the other side of town and I am lazy. I miss the irregular visit to the Pimarn. I believe the Terminus has now closed, pity. I misss the soi and the food and the people (well most of them). When I am back I must re-visit the "nightclubs" on the road by the hospitals. Perhaps I'll introduce myself to the regular daytime beer corner squad at Big C, best wishes lads. I don't really miss the chinese-ish place whose name escapes me (it's in Big C and pretty well everywhere else in Thailand ) but the family think it's wonderful so what do i know. I probably even miss the evening dinner "cruise" on the river. And there's still other places yet to try. And I miss my dogs. And I've had a few pints, and Everton lost at home to Man. Sitteh, how embarrassing. And I miss.... but I won't get maudlin. But it's NOT for much longer.
    I am coming back home to my family near Klong Lan Pattana next month to retire (unless somebody makes me an offer).

    I have just spent the last 10 months in NZ mostly Auckland but Taupo for a month.

    Nice country but as winter is coming along it is too dam-n cold for me. :D


    Nice posts :D

    Personally, though Nakhonsawan is a small place, I do like it myself. Miss it when I am away. Miss the friendly people too.

    Too big for me to live in and too many people.

    This month I will become a retired county squire gazing out over my (wifes) land from the verandah of my (her) house and laughing quietly to myself about all the poor buggers having to work for a living. I don't need to do that any more.

    Stress factor 0.

    I have done my 50 years working. It is somebody elses turn.

    I now have 10 rai to turn into a garden/market garden and no timeline to do it by.

    :D :D :D :D

  3. Well I've tried the EDGE modem using both DTAC and AIS and they are useless, averaging 56k or nothing at all throughout day. Occasionally at low usage times it creeps up a bit.

    What about CDMA? Is this a better faster option and does it work. Hotels have wireless up this way and everyone I've used is only working 30% of time and slow. Is there any internet beyond Bangkok of any reliability?

    I'm thinking of trying CDMA but not willing to fork out 10000b for a modem if ther service is as bad as everything else? Any comments on service is appreciated?

    Another question, how does one pay for CDMA accounts after buying an aircard? Can foreigners buy them easily?

    You would be surprised at the number of people using EDGE or GPRS.

    I have been using it for years and I live up country.

    Mind you I have only been waiting for a land line since we started building the house back in 2003 and it still has not arrived.

    Granted that it does not work at warp factor 5 and that CDMA is not available nationwide yet and probably never will be the EDGE/GPRS is an acceptable option considering the alternative is a satellite link at a higher cost and nowhere near as reliable.

  4. ... and married my Thai lady in 2000.

    We have a 4 year old son and our 10th wedding anniversary comes along on Tuesday..

    Hate to be picky but... Isn't that your 9th anniversary? :D

    I only mention it because, if you follow the modern guide to anniversary presents:

    [b]Ann.       Traditional               Modern[/b]
    9th	  Pottery, China	    Leather goods
    10th	  Tin, Aluminium	    Diamond jewellery

    That makes the 10th a good deal more expensive than the 9th (which, by the sound of it, suggests there is rather more fun to be had... :o )

    Anyway, congratulations :D


    I was tired (too many 11 hour days and 7 day weeks lately). :D

    I worked out it was 10 years from 2000 to 2009 but after reading your post I realised that 2000 WAS the wedding and not the anniversary.

    Good timing as I will phone my wife tomorrow and wish hera happy 9th weeding anniversary and say that we have been married 10 years.

    I will buy her a new motor bike ofr the anniversary and I get to keep the old one.

    28 days tomorrow I fly back home to Thailand for good. :P:D:wai:

  5. Well for me it started back in 1993 when I was first sent here by my company.

    I met a nice Thai girl and we had some fun and a good time together during the 2 months I was here.

    I went away for a year and kept in loose touch with her then I came back in 1994 for 3 more months that ran into 4 years and by that time I had lived and worked away from my UK wife for some 6 years.

    I was seperated in 1997, divorced in 1999 and married my Thai lady in 2000.

    We have a 4 year old son and our 10th wedding anniversary comes along on Tuesday.

    We are happy together and apart due to my work but she knew and accepted that as part of me.

    Next month I come back home to Thailand and we will be together until one of us (probably me) dies.

    I knew my first wife for about a year before we married and my current wife I knew for 7 years before we married.

    I am one of the lucky ones and there are a lot more like me that read TV and occaisionally post but rarely bitch, whine, snivel or blame those rotten cheating lying theiving Thais for everything that is wrong. :D:o

    We just get on with our lives and enjoy what we have with our families. :D :D :D

  6. That's logic for you which markets don't have - usually doing the opposite of what one would expect - give it a week or so !!

    i have given it "week or so". what happened? seen any Baht weakening recently? if yes, where? :D

    That's logic for you which markets don't have - usually doing the opposite of what one would expect - give it a week or so !

    i gave it already "a week or so" :o

    I am with you Naam

  7. Yorkies are <deleted>.. There are tasteless, full of fat, ground too fine and about the farthest you could get form a decent English sausage.. How do I know ? Because my Dad and two generations before him were Master Butchers and made small goods for wholesale and retail.. My Father used to make several 1000 pounds of sausage 3 times a week. Two of our family recipes won awards at National British sausage contests and were very popular sellers..

    I spent a lot of my free time as a young lad boning out 'hands and bellies' of pork to earn my pocket money. I helped with every stage of the process and consider I know a fair bit about what goes into a good sausage. The sorry excuses I see called a Bristish Banger here are an insult at best.

    Easy enough to make your own..

    18.5 lbs of pork meat.. (not too lean or the sausages will be hard and dry 85/15 lean to fat is good and forequarter meat is best.. don't use leg of pork you'll only bugger them up)

    2 lbs of medium rusk ( you can used 'staled bread or make your own rusk cake and grind it if rusk isn't available. plenty of rusk recipes on the net)

    2lb cold water

    8-10oz of Sausage seasoning (lots of recipes and spice mixes online) ) Potters London mix is good

    Handful of dried sage.

    Mix the rusk with water and allow to 'dry' add the seasoning and sage and mix. Coursely chop or grind the pork meat.. combine with the seasoning/rusk and 'punch up' by hand. Grind again thru a finer plate (no smaller than 5mm o/d holes or the mix will be too fine and you will loose the 'bite')

    fill into natural 'hog' casings. Link by hand and hang overnight in refridgerator for the flavours to combine and develop.. Seperate into convienient size packs and freeze.

    I make sausage here when I get the time.. don't bother to fill em into skins. I just make sausage meat 'patties' which are great fried or grilled with breakfast..

    Obviously if you don't need 20 odd pounds of sausage it's easy to split the recipe.. there are dozens of sausage sites on the net.. No reason to eat second rate poop.. make your own ...

    Where do do get the casings from?

    I plan to start making my own when I get back home to Thailand next month.

  8. Does anyone here remember what the network was called before dtac?

    I remember their uniforms were brown when there were only two companies in Thailand.

    AIS and this other company for the 1800mhz.

    I remember there was hello1800 and another one. Was it worldphone or telecomasia?

    But telecomeasia was TA Orange which is now True.

    TAC = Total Access Communications = DTAC

    DTAC = Digital Total Access Communications

    The first time I worked with them it was an analogue system and very labour intensive to build.

    I still have the scars for 22 years in the business.

    However I am officially old next month and then I come home to Thailand and be with my family.

    I WILL be at my sons 5th birthday in August as I was 3 hours late for his birth (my wife was 6 weeks early)

    1 in Pakistan

    2 in Bangladesh

    3 in Papua New Guinea

    4 in New Zealand

    5 and after in Thailand


    :o:D :D

  9. Does anyone here remember what the network was called before dtac?

    I remember their uniforms were brown when there were only two companies in Thailand.

    AIS and this other company for the 1800mhz.

    I remember there was hello1800 and another one. Was it worldphone or telecomasia?

    But telecomeasia was TA Orange which is now True.

    It was TAC Total Access Communications when I worked on their system for Motorola back in 1993.

    I ahve also worked on the AIS system and BFKT before it became Hutch.

    CAT used to have NMT 450 I believe which NMT 450 was one of the first in the world back in the late 80s.

    NMT was Nordic Mobile Telephone

  10. Any one heard any more about this?


    Sign a petition

    This petition is now closed, as its deadline has passed.

    We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Allow compatability of pension payment of UK pensioners abroad and at home. More details

    Submitted by Neil Simpson – Deadline to sign up by: 02 February 2008 – Signatures: 221

    Hi All, There is a new petion, here is the link to the Goverments own website where you can make electronic petitions, this one is to give expat pensioners the same increase in state pension as those living in the UK.


    Please sign up and pass the word to anyone you might know, in any country, any age who might/has retired overseas. Also try friends and family who might support our cause :D

    Regards David

    I just tried and there is no country of choice called Thailand and I have no postal address in the UK so how can i vote? :o:D

  11. Dont mean to be harsh but leaving your wife alone for many many months at a time is bound to lead to problems no?

    Not necessarily

    I am working offshore and get home twice a year.

    I was doing the same thing when I first met her 15 years ago.

    She knew what I did then and understands that is the way some people work.

    I know of many people, Farangs, Thais, Filippinos who do the same and have done for many years.

    Most of us are lucky but some sadly are not.

    Besides which the divorce rate in western countries is high even when there is no family separation.

  12. Being a really good cook was the second reason I married my Thai wife.

    In the last 18 months she has opened a small shop and noodle stall and starts cooking around 10am is is always sold out by mid afternoon.

    She also cooks farang food well and has attempted to teach me to cook Thai food. It works after a fashion but I am not sure if she would eat it or could even sell it. However it works for me.

    Thaigerd I just bought a small home sausage machine so I will be competition with you when I get home next month, IF your wife can slow down to a couple of kilos a week.


    Noodle mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :D:D

    I will be back home at the end of May and if you live anywhere near Khampeang Phet pop in for a free plate or 2 but after 3 plates you will have to pay the bill

  13. Being a really good cook was the second reason I married my Thai wife.

    In the last 18 months she has opened a small shop and noodle stall and starts cooking around 10am is is always sold out by mid afternoon.

    She also cooks farang food well and has attempted to teach me to cook Thai food. It works after a fashion but I am not sure if she would eat it or could even sell it. However it works for me.

    Thaigerd I just bought a small home sausage machine so I will be competition with you when I get home next month, IF your wife can slow down to a couple of kilos a week.

    :D :D :o

  14. I had a couple of angioplasties back in 2006 and 2 stents put in at the same time.

    I have been on daily medicines since and this is the price I paid in December last year.

    daily per 100 Generic per 100

    Co-Diovan 80/12.5 THB 11 THB 1,800

    Dilatrend 25 THB 27 THB 2,700 Caraten 25 ? THB 1,300

    Bestatin 20 THB 3 THB 300 zimmex THB 300

    Orafin 5mg THB 4 THB 460 maforan THB 350

    ultracarbon charcoal delta carbon THB 350

    Mydocalm THB 3 THB 300 biocalm THB 150

    Centrum Silver THB 6.5 THB 655

    Viartril S THB 8.5 THB 845 glusafex THB 350


  15. females of a large variety of breeds, including small dogs, stay closer to home and in my personal experience, guard better than males which have extended territory and are more likely to be aggressive towards otehr males.

    any well trained dog of any size is a good guard dog . a guard dog: barks to warn of approaching intruders. differentiates between intruders and 'family/friends/children'. is not a 'scaredy cat but has self confidence, therefore is not fear aggressive. has a 'want to please the owner' personality. while canaan and bangkeow and several others are good guard dogs , they are difficult to work with, and couldnt care less about owners in their rank/pack positions. they are independant working dogs so work well for specific missions or for defined territory like a stable, or a farm area. boxers, shepherds of varying sorts, even a well trained, socialized mix breed can be a guard dog. retrievers probably dont fit the bill. my lhasas are very good, not noisy, bark only on hearing strange sounds, relax once the 'intruder' is accepted by one of us (my foofoo's aggression has been reduced almost 90% and is now only directed towards very specific types of intruders- if anyone remembers my aggression biting/fear biting posts)...

    a pair of neutered mixed breeds of thai village dog mix might be good: hardy, used to the environment, being mixed with something means that their independence drive has been 'softened' a bit, medium sized, and male/female or two females means that they work better at guarding as one backs up the other. and u are giving a home to two dogs that might not have a home otherwise. they also will have less genetic problems than a purebred, cheaper to find. on the other hand, purebreds trained for the purpose are also a good choice as u know exactly what to expect as far as behavior is concerned.



    We are down to one dog now which is mixed breed and the 3rd generation of the original 3 dogs we got from the temple back in 2003. He has 3 good legs and one which is tucked up and he has been like that since he was born. We originally had 2 dogs and a bitch and over the years they bred, and at one point we had about 15 and gave a few away and a lot seem to headbut cars on the road which was not the brightest thing to do.

    We have 10 rai and over the years the fencing has been broken in places and the front gate is only closed at night (no farang ghetto up here in the country) so the dogs can roam free but mostly stay around the house. They did defend our territory and the one next door from the dogs a couple of places further down but they have always been outside dogs and never been allowed inside any of the houses from the beginning.

    I have been offshore for about a year and when I come home finally next month I will have more time to spend with the dogs and perhaps try to train them to be guard dogs rather than lying around sleeping day and night.

  16. We have 10 rai of land and most of the fences are non existant. Having read the thread when it comes up I suspect that the Bangkaew dog would not be a good idea for us if they wander off all the time though I am attracted to the fact that they are loyal to the family and unfriendly towards strangers.

    What I am looking for is a couple of dogs who are good guard dogs, loyal to the family but don't have a tendency to wander off when the fancy takes them.

    Does anyone have any idea of a breed which fits the bill?


  17. I looked back in my stuff from a while ago and found this information which may help you with areas but not I am sorry to say with prices as they vary so much across the country.

    Land Measurements in Thailand

    Land in Thailand is measured in talang wah, ngarn and rai.

    1 talang wah = 4 square meters

    100 talang wah = 1 ngarn or 400 square meters

    1 rai = 4 ngarn or 1,600 square meters

    In other words:

    1 acre = 2.529 rai

    1 hectare = 6 rai and 1 ngarn

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