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Posts posted by billd766

  1. The piece of string has to come into it. at least choose a car and year of manufacture then get peoples ideas. example i have a 2004 Ford Ranger with 125,000km's on the clock and with decent maintenance i expect this vehicle to be good for another 200,000 km's and 6 years or 10 years in total with no major repairs.


    My Ford Ranger is a 2001 model and I have had a leaky radiator a couple of years ago and a few minor problems and the car has around 187k on it and I am now on my 3rd set of tyres.

    I gets regularly serviced and if could I would replace the engine with the later D4D model as it is more economical otherwise I expect it to keep on another few years.

  2. After loosing my three and half years old Golden Retriever to a heat stroke, I've decided to raise Thai Bangkaew dogs, thinking they will be less prone to hot weather related health problems. I've got a one and a half year old male since he was eight month old and recently aquired a 5 month old female. Both of them are very attached to all family members (wife and daugther) but seems quiet agressive with any body coming to visit us, is that a normal behavior? I've also noticed that, outside the house, when going for a walk, they seems to be a bit "wild', always on their guard, not letting any body coming to close; a big difference compared to my retriever.

    All the web sites and forum related to this breed are in Thai language, therefore I will be very happy to find somebody with knowledge and experience to share. Thank you.

    I also would like more information on the Bangkaew dogs.

    I am returning to Thailand in a couple of months and was looking at getting a couple of Thai Ridgebacks but my wife is talking about the Bangkaew instead.

  3. Useful info... but... what about the effect on GBP vs THB? (the topic of this thread)? predictions for next month or two please (not USD but GBP)

    I still dont understand why anyone would follow GBPTHB, even if your denominated in GBP? There are no physical flows to drive GBPUSD, its simply a product of USDTHB X GBPUSD. OR if your that way inclined, EURTHB / EURGBP.

    The reason that I follow it is because my pensions are paid in GBP in the UK and the exchange rate directly affects my visa status as I am sure that it does for many retired Brits.

    It is that I don't make a fuss or a big deal out of it.

  4. quite often I go to the local market for my wife and the lady that runs the stall there also cannot read. There is ALWAYS someone who will help her/me as my Thai is not very good and she speaks no English.

    Nonetheless it is not often I come back without the things I have been asked to get even if the lady does not have it someone will go to another stall and get it for me.

    That is one of the nice things about living out in the country.

    People are more friendly, genuinely smile more and are more farang friendly too.

    :o:D :D

  5. I will take a trip up there in June or July with my wife and son and between us we may be able to sort out what is needed and when. Also it will be an exercise in finding the place. It is in TAk proper and not at the Mae Sot border I think.

    It will be a pain having to go to Bangkok to get a letter from the embassy (400km each way plus a couple of days as well) then probably another 100 or so each way to Tak.

  6. Fotunately for me I am now old enough never to HAVE to eat Brussels Sprouts. My ex wife in the UK rarely cooked them for me (my choice processed peas cold from the tin :o:D :D ). Her mother use to boil all her veggies to death and pop a small handful of salt in the saucepan as well.

    If you think cold processed peas are bad my son (now 31) used eat cold baked beans from the tin. :D:wai::P


    Nothing wrong with cold baked beans, OR cold Ambrosia creamed rice pudding - haven't had that for 7 years! :burp:

    But cold processed peas??? :jerk: Talking of which, I can't find Farrows Marrowfat peas anywhere. If only these Thais had a bit a marketing knowledge...

    PS. I also boil my sprouts to death with a bit - quite a bit - of salt in the water! Aroy maak! :burp:

    Now Amrosia creamed rice cold is worth fighting over. I am in New Zealand and I cannot find Farrows peas either. I can get the creamed rice up in Auckland but I am in Taupo which is a small provincial town but on the edge of Lake Taupo. A beautiful place when the sun is shining but winter is coming closer and it is cold here in the mornings now.

  7. Fotunately for me I am now old enough never to HAVE to eat Brussels Sprouts. My ex wife in the UK rarely cooked them for me (my choice processed peas cold from the tin :o:D :D ). Her mother use to boil all her veggies to death and pop a small handful of salt in the saucepan as well.

    If you think cold processed peas are bad my son (now 31) used eat cold baked beans from the tin. :D :D :wai:

  8. Has anyone tried to get a marriage extension in Tak under the new rules?

    I am coming back to Thailand at the end of May on a 3 months non-Imm O visa and I will not be working anymore. My pensions will cover the marriage extension but I have no idea yet if there will be enough to go for a retirement visa.

    I used to go to Suan Phlu but as I live near Khampaeng Phet I now have to go to Tak.

  9. 45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

    size1 food...... 29,700

    size2 food......140,000





    total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


    Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

    Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

    About 60 baht kg m

    Thanks Ozzydom.

    I am out of the country in NZ until the end of May when I finally retire (again) and look for a hobby to keep me active.

  10. I am applying for my state pension due in May and I live (and spend my money) in Thailand.

    On page 19 of the application form it clearly states

    I understand that I must promptly tell the office that pays my benefit of anything that may affect my entitlement to, or the amount of, that benefit.

    I understand that if I knowngly give false information, I may be liable to prosecution or other action.

    Just below this you have to sign your name.

    If you sign this and say that you are in a country that will pay the pension increases what you are actually not there you are committing fraud.

    I would love to get the annual increases but I cannot see that happening in the short term and maybe not in my lifetime.

    The bold type is on the form and not added by me.

  11. 45,000 fish (5%free) @55 satang..... 23,500

    size1 food...... 29,700

    size2 food......140,000





    total.......210,800 G.P....268,000 - 210,800 = 57,200 Baht.


    Edit. Take the backhoe (one off) and the staff from the equation and RBH's break even price is 30.5 Baht per kilo.

    Does anybody have an idea of the current local market prices?

  12. On second thoughts, if I check my Forum Control Panel and look at Download Manager - Manage Your Files, I get the following message: "We're sorry, but we did not find any files that matched your criteria."

    I think only Admin can sort this one out as it seems to be the setup of the Invision Board software.

    Thanks Jai Dee

    Are there any Admin types out there reading this?

  13. Hi everybody I would like to know where are located the largest comunities of western expats in Thailand

    (currently I think that they must be located between Bangkok,Pattaya and Phuket) isn´t it?? can anyone assure me that information? thanks.

    Are you a "Westerner"?

    If so, why come to the LoS?

    If you wanna hang out with westerners, go west.

    We farangs come here to enjoy Thai people.

    Eastern friendly lifestyle.

    Yeh Right

  14. I just tried to download this topic, and it seemed to do something but I have no idea either of where and in what format it was downloaded to.

    I'll tinker some more and see if I can get back to you soon.

    Maybe a browser setting?

    I am using Mozilla Firefox 3.07

  15. I have tried to download the one of organic farming topics and though it says that it has been downloaded I have no idea where it went to.

    Can anybody help me please?

    edited for spelling

  16. I didn't realise DTAC did that, when I signed up with one2call a work permit was required. Used to be the same with DTAC I think..

    Neither did I until this thread.

    I used them for EDGE in Dec/Jan when I was home and it was OK.

    I am back in May and I might go over to them as I am running AIS EDGE and I am not so happy

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