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Posts posted by billd766

  1. I truly feel that Thailand will survive Thaksin but I dread the cost to the real people of Thailand. As usual, the rich and cronied will get richer, the poor won't lose much as they don't have much to lose and as for the middle class, they will adapt to survive if they can or they will just fade away.

    It is so sad.

  2. While I feel sorry for the driver (and possibly the owner) of the vehicle I think that ALL illegal trash dumpers should have the trash dumped at their own house and be buried in it.

    I am working in Pakistan and nobody cares about the trash they generate and they just dump it anywhere.

    Thailand is a bit better but there are too many plastic bags and styrofoam containers which if you were to come back in 100 years would still be there.

    Signed recycler :o

  3. There is a stamp collectors shop in the MBK building on the ground floor left hand side as you face the BTS.

    He is very helpful and can point you in the right directions to the main post office.

    QUOTE(anna234cn @ 2005-06-20 21:31:15)

    so where are those main post offices in Bangkok if u know. Thanks. smile.gif


    New Road (Charoen Krung), between Si Praya and Surawong Rd. Large light brown building on the west side of the road (between Charoen Krung soi 32 and 34).

    If this is the place close to the river it is a very good place and holds a large stock of stamps.

    I hope this helps you.

  4. Actually I scan the threads for the posts that interest me and when I read a thread I usually look at the posters name before the avatar.

    I have only had 3 or 4 avatars because I am basically too lazy to change them.

    My latest avatar is the flag of Khampaeng Phat which is the province where I live. If the post which pointed me to it was not there I would probably still be using Dan Dare.

  5. I ahve been trying all day to log in from Pakistan and I can only read one about logging in.

    I can reply to this thread but I have no idea what it is about as I cannot read the thread.

    All I can see is add reply etc but nothing in any other thread at all.

    What is the problem? :D:o

  6. I used to have a beard from 1995 until December last year when my 4 month old baby (speaking in English through his Thai Mum) asked me to shave off my beard as he didn't like it. His Mum did say I could keep the moustache but that went as well.

    Now I use a Gilette Mach 3 with hot water and foam.

    As for the baby I am thinking of writing to the Guiness Book of Records naming him as the youngest bi-lingual child in the world. Unless of course my wife was telling porkies. Nah she would never go hok me, would she?


  7. I have been coming to Thailand and working/living here since 1993 and in all that time the majority of dealings with the police were traffic offences purely my own fault. I smiled a lot and paid the lower rate of fine.

    One time I was coming back to Bangkok from Khampaeng Phet with my wife (girlfriend then) in a borrowed car and had a puncture. I pulled into the petrol station a few metres away and tried to change the wheel. The wheelbrace was the wrong one and nobody could help so my wife told me to call the tourist police which I did. A local traffic police pick up arrived after about 20 minutes and they couldn't help either so they called the heavy rescue guys out who fixed the problem in a couple of minutes. I offered the first police guys some cash but they refused and told me to give it to the heavy team which I did and my wife gave the first team some fresh fruit from the farm and they were more than happy with that.

    I wrote to the Tourist police and told them the story but I heard no more.

    Outside of Bangkok and the tourist places mostly the local police are nice and friendly and touch wood I have had no problems with them at all.

    Mind you that is just me and other posters may be not so lucky.

    Thai Police :o:D

    To go off the subject a little does anybody know where I can buy a computer that can spell properly they way I want it to spell?

  8. What you really need is a GSM repeater in either 900 Mhz for Ais or 1800 Mhz for DTAC.

    I searched the Internet and found just what you need, I need it also, from the UK.

    Two bits of bad news. 1 it costs about £500 and 2, you need both if you have both AIS and DTAC.

    I am trying to find a supplier in Thailand but I am working in Pakistan until the end of the month. If I can find one or if anyone knows of a supplier can they please post the information.


  9. I live up near Khampaeng Phet with my wife in our (her) house. She knew roughly what she wanted and got a good friend to design it for her.

    She got a local builder to do the work and bought the materials. It took around a year to build and the design was modified as the building went along. She had an old house and used the teak from that with a brick lower half and a wooden upper half.

    If I could work out how to post a picture I would do so, perhaps tomorrow.

    3 bedroom with 1 downstairs so that when I get too old to climb the stairs I wont need to and no aircondition as we would only use it a few times a year.


  10. ... everything's in my wife's name.

    I just don't give a monkey's bum. :D


    That makes 2 of us mate - the car (which is in my name) and coffee-maker, that's all I need :D

    And one more is 3. The pick up is in my name though, throw a few shirts in the back and away I go again......Great stuff.

    No worries about what will happen if it all goes tits up, no worries about what will happen if The Thai government has a crack down on Bogus companies, no sleepless nights for me, I like to KNOW just where I stand. :D

    And another one is me. I even sold my pickup to my wife and she still owes me the 2 baht that I asked for. If there is no trust then there is no life or love. I have both. :D

  11. I feel sad for the mother that she felt that she could not live with her baby and my belief is that she wanted the baby to live.

    The unfortunate thing is that if she had managed to leave the baby with a releative then he would be alive and she would have been happy with that.

    If she was a believer in Buddhism she would know that comitting suicide is one of the worst thing she could do to herself.

    I have a good friend who has similar problems with her husband and has left him and taken her daughter and is moving around Thailand staying with friends as she feels safer than staying at her home.

    I don't think that she would try to kill herself but she is very frightened of her husband.

  12. Hi

    I appreciate I'm probably being too vague here but if anyone has any idea, I'd appreciate it.

    OK, a friend has been quoted about 8000THB to provide a water pipe to a property in kampaengpetch so it has running water. I have no idea if this is a direct supply from the water mains or not. I think the property may be on farmland (rice).

    Am I being too vague .... what questions do I need to ask to know if this is a fair price or not?



    Hi Taz

    I suppose it all depends on where your friend lives. I live in Changwat Khampaeng Phet but out in the boonies at Klong Lan Pattana and I have water supplied to the meter by the local water authotities. From the meter to where you want it depends mainly on the distance and size of the pipe.

    I had the guy who works for us to run 3/4 inch pipe to 2 houses and did the other one myself. It is not difficult as the pipe comes in 3 or 4 metre lengths, is plastic, the connecors are easy and you can change pipe sizes with an adapter.

    I think it was about 40 baht a piece of pipe and the connectors are about 20 baht. You also need pipe cement which turns you on a bit but can literally become addictive (glue sniffing).

    My land was dirt and so easy to bury the pipe but if your friend has concrete it is more difficult.

    A reasonable plumber up here would be 300 or so Baht a day.

    I generally do my own plumbing.

    Hope this helps.


  13. As has been mentioned earlier the system is trying to handle too many calls for the capacity of the trunk lines.

    The problem is that it costs money and time to expand the network and while the operators have money they network planners are at the mercy of the sales teams who are expected to sell more mobiles and air time to increase revenue.

    This overloads the system and the engineers are playing catch up all of the time and it never works.

    I have been in the mobile phone industry for 18 years and if you plan for 50% expansion over a couple of years the bean counters scream that you are spending what you havent got and if you dont expand you die as the customers go elsewhere and the beanies then complain of falling revenue.

    For mobile systems such as Thailand you are lucky as there is a large choice of providers at a low price so you can hop around.

    When you are stuck with one or two you have no choice.

    I am in Pakistan and I call my wife on DTAC out in the sticks and I generally get through first or second time.

  14. I also wear amulets mostly given to me by my wife but one was given to me by a forest monk. They are on a nylon cord (no gold) and my favourite I showed to the stewards on a Thai flight one day and they explained that it was a fairly powerful one and gave me good protection.

    They are with me and I wear them daily here in Pakistan and also at home in Thailand but if I am just around the house they stay up by the house Buddha.

    They have no real value but are pricelees to me because of where they came from.

    Most of the local people where I live have no negative opinion and some seem to appreciate my wearing the amulets.

    If I may steal part of a  quote from Totster

    I don't think I will look ridiculous when wearing this amulet, however I will keep it inside my clothing, not because of how it looks, just simply for security. Luckily I don't care if some jumped up <deleted> thinks I look ridiculous anyway..

    There is no general rule but on the whole farangs wearing amulets -openly on display - look completely absurd although Thais are usually too polite to point this out.Often relative newcomers in a Thailand "honeymoon phase" , which sometimes can last for years, wear them but put them aside when they are a bit more clued up.Having said that, there are a few long term resident farang I know who wear them for sentimental reasons but never on display.Without wishing to be unkind the type of farang who solicits opinions from Thai Inter stewards is probably the type who would wear amulets, ie without any idea of context,significance or meaning.

    No real need to comment on the above. Know people and try not to generalise.

  15. I also wear amulets mostly given to me by my wife but one was given to me by a forest monk. They are on a nylon cord (no gold) and my favourite I showed to the stewards on a Thai flight one day and they explained that it was a fairly powerful one and gave me good protection.

    They are with me and I wear them daily here in Pakistan and also at home in Thailand but if I am just around the house they stay up by the house Buddha.

    They have no real value but are pricelees to me because of where they came from.

    Most of the local people where I live have no negative opinion and some seem to appreciate my wearing the amulets.

    If I may steal part of a quote from Totster

    I don't think I will look ridiculous when wearing this amulet, however I will keep it inside my clothing, not because of how it looks, just simply for security. Luckily I don't care if some jumped up <deleted> thinks I look ridiculous anyway..

  16. Every time I try to update my avatar I delete the current one and try to load the flag it always comes back to this one again.

    Helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp please.

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