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Posts posted by billd766

  1. Hi Chownah

    Up where I live I think they are nicknamed Kwae (or Kwai) Lek. You can also get an attachment to pump water as well.

    Very useful machines except they have a tendency to appear in the dusk and early darkness with no lights which is nerve wracking on some of the local roads.

    This sometimes causes involuntary bowel movements and a lot of swearing in Thai and English. :o

  2. I am looking to get a big pond dug up in Khampaeng Phet province measuring around 20 x 10 x 6 metres as a storage facility and also as a sort of fish farm. I am not sure if it will leak and if so how to stop it.

    Anybody have experience of this or any ideas?

  3. I am not sure where to post this (so I'll try to cc to Computers etc.). Anyway, I just received a brochure for a GPS car navigation system that is made by Garmin, a well known name in the GPS business. It operates in Thai or English...the street names and the voice directions. It retails for 48,000 baht. I have used one in America and it works beautifully. Though I usually drive a set number of places in BKK and up-country it would be nice to have this helper when I have to sail in uncharted waters.

    Anyone familiar with this car navigation system....or any other one for Thailand?

    I use Garmin a lot in my job (now in Pakistan) and I have been looking for a GPS system map for Thailand but £700 or $1300 is a lot of money to spend.

    If you have a link to them can you please PM it to me. I am curious.

    Cheers billd766

  4. It seems as though I was correct and if so try this.

    Take the BTS from Asoke to Nana which is the next stop and get out towards the back of the train. With Pacific Place on your right side and an abandoned building on the left look straight across the open land and the church is in front of you some 200 metres away.

    Look down and there is a small soi between the open ground and the abandoned building and if you go up there the church is either on your right side or you have to turn right and it is there.

    I am sorry if it is not easy to understand my directions but I am in Pakistan and relying on my memory. Age plays tricks sometimes.

  5. Below is the current list from Immigration web site but admit I have never heard of Embassy paper with martial status being a requirement.
    Required Documents

    Immigration Form 7

    Copy of passport

    A 4 cm. X 6 cm. Photograph

    A 1,900 baht application fee

    Marriage Certificate

    Birth Certificate (if any)

    Financial evidence showing financial status of the husband

    Bank account pass-book, personal bank statement of the account owner.

    Evidence indicating income along with related documents. If receiving pension, a document of pension payment certified by the embassy or consulate of the country that pays pension is needed.

    In case of working in Thailand, Work permit and evidence of tax payment are required.

    Documents indicating Thai nationality or permanent residence of the wife such as identification card (ID), census registration address / residence identification, or passport (in case that the wife is a permanent resident)

    A record of interviewing the applicant and his wife.

    Evidence certified by the applicant's embassy or consulate showing the applicant's marital status.

    The officials reserve the rights to examine or ask for additional documents from the applicant if necessary.

    Thanks Lopburi

    I had most of that last time though I thought I would need less this time.

  6. I think that there is a Catholic church just beside Pacific Place next the Landmark hotel and if you come on the Skytrain to the Nana stop after the Asoke interchange you can see it from the platform.

    The church on Soi 10 is a Christain Protestant Church with a Korean pastor I think.

    There is a Roman Cath. church on Soi Ruum Rudee. It is a 5 minute walk from the Plaza Athenee Hotel on Soi Ruum Rudee.

    If you take MRTA and xfer at Sukhumvit Station to the BTS (Asok Station). You then take the BTS for two more stations --Nana and then Ploenchit station where you exit. The BTS ride should take at most about 10 minutes.

    From Ploencihit BTS walk down Soi Ruum Rudee and you will see Plaza Athanee Hotel on the right in 5 minutes. Another 5 minutes (maybe 10 mins. at most) you will see HOLY REEDEMER Church and School. The church looks like a Thai temple from the outside (which it used to be I am told). The church's courtyard is located on the left side of the street at the point before the soi turns 90 degrees to the right. Another landmark is Neal's Tavern/restaurant is very close by.

    You could also take a taxi from Sukhumvit MRTA and get there for 35-45 baht fare on a Sunday morning I suspect. Taxi driver might not know Holy Redeemer but should recognize "Soi Ruum Rudee" or Neal's Tavern.

    Mass Services are alternately in English or in Thai.

    If I am wrong please accept my apologies.


  7. Can anyone please tell me what documentation I will need to renew my Thai wife support visa when it expires in early September?

    I have tried the search menu but every time I try






    or any combination the search window throws me out.

    I am in Pakistan at the moment but I will be coming home at the end of June so I still have some time to gather what I need.


    I swear the next computer I buy will know how to spell the words I want.

  8. I have a Thai wife, who is gorgeous considerate, careful with our money and very loving. In essence she is a dream

    Is that so?

    May I suggest you shoot her before she turns into a nightmare same as most Thai wives do who manage to get married to a European husband and once they have a passport from the country they live in with their Farang husbands.

    In my opinion it is a pity that the failed marriages do not appear here just the ones that are pending.

    Hey Maerim

    You are almost correct in what you say about Thai ladies marrying Farang men except that my wife (who I first met 12 years ago in a bar and married 5 years ago) is not the one who wants a passport from the country she lives in, it is me. My wife has been to the UK a couple of times, and like me she is not impressed with it.

    Why should she be? Here in her country (and my adopted one) she has a bigger house, better car, more friends and anything else she would get in my home country, AND she never asked to marry me nor does she want a UK passport. I know of at least 6 other friends of ours who also worked in the bar and are married to farangs and they live quite happily abroad but in the future will be coming home (both husband and wife) to live.

    IMHO there are more people writing about their own and other peoples failed marriages than there are people writing about their successful marriages.

    In addition I KNOW where my wife came from as she knows where I came from and neither of us gives a rats a** what anybody else thinks.

    We have a good life, a lovely son and for me if it all went tits up between us tomorrow I would not regret nor change a thing.

    Sign me as a very happy man married to a lovely Thai lady. :o:D

    Edited by billd766 aided by a computer that cannot spell.

  9. I've got a old lap top with a modem - which is what I am using right now. My g/f has a new desktop. Both are running XP.

    I cannot get a second phone line in my area - no numbers left :o .

    So I was wondering if I can connect them together so that she can also access the Internet, but  via my laptop's modem.

    Any pointers to where to start reading gratefully received!

    Hi RDN

    Try this link for useful information.


    I have just spent about 20 minutes on this site and I have learnt a lot for my future network.




  10. I had an overheating problem with my wifes old Nissan Sunny and it warped the cylinder head slightly and caused evn more problems as exhast gases got into the water jacket around the engine and pumped cooling water out causing the engine to overheat.

    After 5 visits to the Nissan dealer on Sukhumvit I took the car to a small mechanics shop around the corner who identified the problem in 20 minutes and fixed it in less than a day. They also told me I needed a new radiator as mine was sludged up. They replaced that and touch wood there have been no more overheating problems.

  11. I have read the thread and the comments on the book and I will probably buy when I come back next month but I have two simple questions to ask.

    Who wrote the ###### thing and what is the ISBN number?

    That is clever.

    I wrote one word and it came out as ##### and I spelt it correctly too.

  12. I have 4 Buddha amulets which I wear most of the time but take them off to shower and sleep. There are some other items such as a chrysallis and an animals tooth as well. All except 1 Buddha were given to me by my wife over a period of time and the other Buddha was given to me by the forest monk at the local temple. They are not encased in gold nor do I wear a gold chain, just a simple nylon cord.

    I lost my favourite Buddha one day and my wife found it a few days later on the ground at home. All I thought of at the time was that I was sad that I had lost something that was important to me from my wife and that if anybody did find it that they had as much good luck as I did. When my wife told me that she had found it I was greatly relieved.

    I am not a Buddhist though I would like to be but I need to speak Thai better first so that I can talk to the monks to learn more.

    I rarely wear it at home and almost never without a shirt as it is a private thing to me.

  13. Spee we live about 50 km south west of Khamphaeng Phet and we have only had water from the government for a couple of months this year and my wife was buying it in back in February. However since the rains started in the last few days the water is available again.

    I have been trying to get my wife to dig a borehole for ages but no luck so far. Something about a government ban in case of subsidence. When I come home next month I will try again.

    We pay about 300 baht for about 5,000 litres or 5 cu mt. That is twice as much as my normal water bill.

  14. either  GPRS/EDGE from AIS or DTAC

    or  WCDMA from hutch

    to use either with your laptop/desktop you will need a GPRS phone or pcmia card ( pci adapter for card if using with a desktop )

    if you go the phone route you will either connect to it via cable or Bluetooth from your computer.

    GPRS coverage seems to be universal with EDGE confined to a couple of cities - I am unsure about the Hutch wcdma network

    search the forums for GPRS and if crushdepth has solved his XOOP problems have a search of his site crushdepth.net

    The OP lives a long way out of the city and the Hutch CDMA network does not get that far. However CAT is going to introduce a new CDMA network but it is being phased in over 3 years and I suspect it will be mainly in cities, large towns and on the main roads.

    It will not be cost effective to run it out to the villages or further as most people out there (I live out there too) have no use for CDMA.

    The other problem with a CDMA mobile is that it can only be used on a CDMA network rather than a GSM mobile which you can use on DTAC, AIS, Orange etc.

  15. I was a little more fortunate than most pollsters as I had been out of the UK for a few years and only went back 3 times a year for holidays. When i divorced my UK wife a few of my friends had negative comments but when I said I was marrying my Thai wife 2 of my friends wives gave me a very hard time on the phone for 15 minutes or so until I managed to say that I was merely informing them as a friend and not asking their permission.

    My good friend and her family met my wife as we were staying with them and got married from her house and they loved my wife from the start as did most of the people she met in the UK.

    As for the rest I couldn't really give a rats a**e for them. :o

    We married each other and no one else and it is our life to live plus now we have a son.

    So love and listen to your lady and bo***x to the rest.

    Cheers and good life to both of you. :D:D

  16. The Elite bookshop is relatively expensive with books areound the 250 baht mark but you do get 30% back on a return. There is another bookshop on the corner of Sukhumvit 22 and another bu the Nana junction where the books are about 100 baht but only 20 baht on the return so it is cheaper in the longer term.

    The advantage of Elite is that their stock is much larger.

    Happy reading. :o

  17. Can anybody please help me.

    My wife and her friend want to buy a tractor to work on our land and to rent out with a driver in the area when we are not using it.

    They are talking about a medium tractor but I have no idea of the brand.

    Unfortunately I am in Pakistan and though I have googled about tractor sales in Thailand I generally get sent to UK or USA websites. Are there any Ford or whatever tractor dealers in Thailand with websites? :o

  18. IMHO the only way that corruption can be reduced is to take the top ten generals, police men and politicians from all parties and publicly shoot them. Give their successors 3 months to slow or stop the corruption and if they cannot shoot them as wlll. By the 4th or 5th round there will be a very concerted effort to clean up society. All the assets owned by them and their immediate families should be sold and the monies generated by the sale given transparantly to poor people in the provinces.

    Brutal,yes. Prone to errors, yes. But if 2500 plus "drug dealers" were executed and nothing much has changed what are a couple of hundred more deaths compared to that.

    Who knows it may even work.

  19. On another point that has been raised (albeit off topic) I know quite a few farangs who have Thai wives and live in villages quite well on rather small Western pensions. None of them "lord it" over their Thai neighbours. I am not saying that it may not happen anywhere, but it certainly is not universal!

    Sorry about that Martin but I have been to the hospital to get my tongue removed from my cheek. :o

  20. Does this ban include Eurotrash cadging drinks in bars?

    How about Brits who marry Thais in order to live in rural villages on their pitiful pensions (and try to act superior to the locals)?

    Hi Kaojai

    How many Brits married to Thais living in rural villages do you actually know. I am one and I must admit I dont remember meeting you at all, but when I come home to my village you must come to see me and how superior I am to all the local peasants. Ask around the village and see how many I beat with a stick every day. :o

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