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Posts posted by billd766

  1. chownah, Its about 50/50 male/female, most of the bull calfs we sell just after birth as they are'nt really worth us keeping for beef, although it is possible to make money on them if you do it right. I just have'nt got the time or facilities here for looking after that many more cows, although sometime in the future I may.

    The problem with Friesion calfs is that you sell the mothers milk, so you have to buy powdered for the calfs. That drops you profit by about 2500 bhat a head to start with. If I was going to do beef, I'd either do the local thai brahaman crosses or try and get into charolise.

    Bill if you get a bucket on the front try and pay the extra for 4WD, it makes working with the bucket a LOT easier.

    Dont know if you have this site:-


    Hi RC

    The L3408 is a 4wd but I am going to have to either bring my wife with me or go on my own and get the brochures in Thai.

    There is a big Kubota dealer just south of Nakhon Sawan so I will have a look on my way home.

  2. Thank you, Thetyim... makes a dandy little avatar.... as long as you're the first from that province to use it.  :o

    Hi John

    How did you save and paste it?


    download it from the site to the computer.

    enter TV control panel and edit avatar

    click browse and insert the file name from your saved file and it's location.

    I tried a few times and although I seemed to copy it I couldn't paste it. Perhaps it doesn't like me.

    I will try again later.

    Dont copy and paste.......right click the image...save as.....then save it to where you want, my documents for instance......go to Thai Visa and into your profile....find edit avatar.....take it from there.

    50% sucess as I have downloaded it. The other 50% comes tonight when I try to change the avatar.

    Thanks a lot

  3. Thank you, Thetyim... makes a dandy little avatar.... as long as you're the first from that province to use it.  :o

    Hi John

    How did you save and paste it?


    download it from the site to the computer.

    enter TV control panel and edit avatar

    click browse and insert the file name from your saved file and it's location.

    I tried a few times and although I seemed to copy it I couldn't paste it. Perhaps it doesn't like me.

    I will try again later.

  4. I live up country and I am semi retired. If he came to my door at that time and woke me up I would offer him a cool drink and some food and thank him.


    1) Because it is polite

    2) because I can always find something to do (even if it is logging onto tv)

    3) if he is knocking on my door at that time he must have got up early to do so and it would not have been his idea.

    4) at least it would save my wife a trip to the village or wherever it has to be paid

    5) I know him and he is a nice guy anyway and so is the man who comes with the water bill and also the trash man.

    I don't have to work or beat on peoples door to get 2 or 3 hundred baht but somebody has to, and if it makes his day a little better, why not, and it is only once a month anyway.

    I could wake the wife but she is not really a morning person and she gets a bit crabby before her first coffee.

  5. For me this is one of the most useful and helpful threads I have seen for a long time. I live about 150 km north of RC and we have about 15 rai of our own land, my wife has just rented another 11 rai and she has the chance of buying another 30 rai wihich is currently used as an orange farm.

    We are into crop farming in a small way but no animals other than the dogs which seem to grow like weeds. Not a problem but they all meet and sing to the pork man in his pick up truck, at 6 in the morning. I have run out of shoes to throw so when I am home again I will take some rocks upstairs at night.

    The biggest problem we have is getting water as the government supply runs out regularly. We have been talking about a borehole and my wife has talked to the Amphur and they told her to go and find a hole driller.

    The land we own and the land we rent is on the frontage road but I don't know about the orange farm yet.

    We are also talking about buying a tractor and I think we will go for a Kubota L3408 and get a blade and bucket for the front with a rake and harrow for the back.

    I have bookmarked this thread and will download it every so often.

    I am in Pakistan working but I will be back at the end of June for 10 days then back out for a couple of months.

    Here in Pakistan they are still into donkeys, horses and bullock carts rather than the Kubota 2 wheel engines but are far better off as there is a lot of irrigation canals and water access compared to Thailand. However in general the poor people are poorer than Thailand.

    Cheers Bill

  6. When Thai people friends or strangers tell me I am pom pui (spelling?) i agree with them and smile while I do.

    I know I am fat (130kg) but at 61 I am actually fat and happy, my wife loves me this size and she is now about 49 kg having put on a a kilo every year or 2.

    I wouldn't change her but I would really love to lose 15 kg but I tell my wife that it her fault as she is a really good cook. :o

  7. Quote

    Speaking in response to government concern that SIM cards issued in neighbouring countries could be used in Thai militant attacks, Mr. Kanawat Vasinsangvorn, Vice Minister for ICT, said that he had been assured by the Customs Department that foreign SIM cards did not pose a problem.

    Unless foreign mobile telephone users apply for international roaming services, they can only use their SIM cards in a narrow band of land along Thailand's borders, most of which is uninhabited jungle.

    Users who apply for international roaming services must subject their SIM cards to thorough checks in their own countries before they can be used abroad.

    Every time I came to Thailand from 1999 until 2002 I used to bring my UK mobile with me and I could both make and receive calls in most places I went to.

    NOBODY ever asked me about my mobile at all.

    Most business people who come into Thailand from overseas carry their mobile which is set up for roaming and usually the only "thorough" checks made are to see if you can pay the bill.

    I suspect that the gentleman has been given incorrect information.

    Stuff like this makes me really :o

  8. I have been coming to Thailand since May 1993, lived here from 94 to 97, out of country working 98 to 2001. Lived here since but now working away but I come back every couple of months. Second high point was marrying my Thai wife, real high was our son born 10 months ago. Low point was when I lost my job and didn't work for a year and I went a bit stupid for a while. Another low was when I went to the UK for a court date and forgot to get a re entry permit. Now that was a real pain in the a***. Life plans are to work for a while longer, quit working and watch and help my son grow up, try to learn Thai properly. Eventually when I die to live in the spirit house and watch over my family.

    Thailand. Love it and wouldn't live anywhere else.

    Sign me as fat and very happy at home at last. :o:D:D:D

  9. taxexile

    unbelievable !!!!

    Unfortunately it is only too believable in the UK nowadays where PC is one of the few growth industries and funded mostly by the people who suffer from it. You have no choice as to pay or not and as your story says innocent people cannot afford to fight it.

    Another reason to live in this wonderful LOS as if I needed another one.

    UK makes me :o

  10. I recently purchased for 299baht from the newsagent in a carrefour complex a road map of thailand 2005-2006.

    it has a paper map and also a CD map. Bi-lingual. ou can print maps from your computer - it claims it is GPS surveyed , and the co-orinated appear when you use the comp program.

    made by thinknet  www.thinknet.co.th

    This is a program called Mapmagic and yes it is very good though the version I have does not show GPS co-ordinates and it does go down to 1/250,000 scale which is very good. The drawback that I found is that while you can look for places in English they are

    not so good with their spelling so you may find that a Thai person could find what you are looking for in Thai, you then mark it and change the language back and it works. I have printed a lot of maps out and I would recommend it to anyone with a PC and printer.


  11. I have been cruising thru some of the older ‘Polls’ on country of origin, it was quite interesting. There was a lot of disquiet because of the system limitations and countries not listed.

    Are the ‘Moderators’ of this forum interested in this statistic and aquiring the country of origin of existing members thru the “My Controls” menu and making a “Pinned” display of the results updated automatically with info from new subscribers. I guess it is too late now to make it a compulsory question to existing members but ‘Newbe’ additions could work.

    Why the desire to know where I came from?

    I know, my family know and very few other people need to know.

    It is called an invasion of my personal privacy.

    If I feel people need to know where I came from I will tell them.

    I don't have that feeling.

  12. I have been following this thread with interest as I want to do the same thing when I come home next month.

    I was thinking of using a 10 port hub (I have thoughts of helping schoolkids in the future) and I am wondering if I can connect my external hard drive to the net as well.

    Does anybody know how?


    There is really no way to connect an external drive directly to a hub as you need an operating system to control the disk. You would need to connect your external hard drive to a computer as you do now, and set the sharing properties to "all users" to make it accessible to anyone on the network.

    Thanks for the info Bino

  13. My wife went out to buy 7 bags of cement today when we ran out in the middle of some work.  She went to the local store where we charge everything and pay once in a while.  When she returned she reminded me of why I stay.  She said..."I went to the store and they were out of the kind of cement we want to buy.  I didn't have any money so I borrowed enough from Pa Mon (the storekeeper) and went to the other store and bought some."

    Where I come from I don't think you could ever borrow money from one shopkeeper because you are going to use it to buy from their competition.


    I am not sure if that would happen in my village as the one shopkeeper would go out and get it for us as has happened a few times im several places. When my wife was getting the house built she was nice enough to let me pay the weekly bill when I came up and if I forgot, there was always next week.

    Sorry about the double post earlier. Stupid computer. :o

  14. I have been following this thread with interest as I want to do the same thing when I come home next month.

    I was thinking of using a 10 port hub (I have thoughts of helping schoolkids in the future) and I am wondering if I can connect my external hard drive to the net as well.

    Does anybody know how?


  15. Why do I stay in Thailand. Quite simply because I am married to a beautiful Thai lady and we have a young son and also having lived and worked in many countries in the last 40 years I can think of nowhere nicer.

    Thailand IS my home.

    I live up in the north outside a small village and I try to get on with all my neighbours and all of the people that I know and meet in the village. I practice my mangled Thai with them, respect them and do my best to learn from them.

    To me they are the nicest people I know.

  16. I am desperately seeking a solution for a friend. US Citizen, 25, recently graduated with a masters degree. Offered a job in Thailand and happily accepted. Unfortunately he was ordered to wait until in the country to get his visa. I am seeking any solution available to help him expedite the process of getting his visa and work permit. He is basically without internet access most of the time and is unable to do much research or communicate. Any help is appreicated.



    Your friend can go to almost any internet cafe, get a coffee etc, log on and research to his hearts content.

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