I live North of CM city and yes it was very smoky. You want to be wearing a mask when you ride not for covid but for the smoke as it plays hell on your lungs and eyes.
Good on Ya Mr. Trump, lets hope this is a wake up call for Biden and his party. He is even sending bottled water there from all his hotels and passing out those MAGA hats which everyone loves so much.
Don't you think he should stand up for Americans first? Just an idea, as the southern border is being over run and a big increase in the northern border of illegal's. Some bad chemical train wrecks and the homeless numbers are increasing daily.
Kim from North Korea was a never Trumper until they became friends. It's a shame he doesn't Biden at all. The same with Mr Levin now they are good friends Who knows when he becomes our next President you may even like him.
Yes Fox news gets it wrong now and then but the left media only get it right now and then. For true reporting about everything that is newsworthy please tune in to Mark Levin podcast, who knows you might just learn something?
Why would anyone want a electric motorcycle? They make no noise, hang on I have some old baseball cards I could put on the spokes, they do have spokes? To each their own, I just don't like them.
There are a lot of tourist that use their drivers license from back home that are for cars only not for motorcycles. The rental places still rent them out for the bucks but when the insurance see's this it is refused.
She was my girl when I was in Vietnam in 1967-68. I would have to fight to get a front row seat.
Because when you get over 70 your brain gets smaller in size and you don't produce any new brain cells. Just keeping up with English is hard enough. English is much easier to learn than Thai and Thai's like learning a second language.
So many of my friends try to speak Thai but end up getting it all wrong. So if we all can teach English for nothing a lot more Thais can understand us.
The big guy should have told you Balloons can not be shot down with bullets'.