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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. No he just wants Florida a great place to live. Go DeSantis! Such a great Governor!
  2. Kari Lake and Mr. Trump a match made in Heaven. Just look at what the Democrats will offer up?2024 will make America great again!!!
  3. Now this is a subject worth talking about! Which countries have the most plastic dumped into their oceans? How many birds and fish including mammals are kill from plastic each month? Yes tax the use once plastic's as it should not be available in the first place. End plastic bags now!
  4. Every Trump supporter Knows how great he is and history will tell the truth without prejudice. One would think here in Thailand there would be many more supporters as one only has to look at the state the USA is in now.
  5. Most Americans view woke= stupid crt= stupid progressive= backward gun control = disarming good Americans
  6. Well just to be clear I think Trump is great and he has my vote.
  7. Thai culture is certainly different than ours, that's why we enjoy living here so much!!!
  8. Yes very small steps in the wrong direction. We need more nuclear and more clean natural gas and less coal. Somebody should tell the Chinese and the Indians to stop burning all that coal and give the world a break.
  9. If I said I hated Mr. Trump passionately how many here would believe me? Again, wake up and smell the roses.
  10. Why define Marxism America is living in it but only for another 2 years that's if Biden remains in power.
  11. The Dems. had every chance to release the footage when they held the house but they didn't do it. Why because they know it's made up BS just like the Russia, Russia, Russia. If you don't want Tucker to filter it I am sure Mr. Trump would gladly do it.
  12. What ever we do watch would give us a better insight to what really happen on that day. Right Nancy!
  13. The American people need to know the whole truth, so lets end this BS on Both sides. The footage should be shown without anyone speaking as we can make up are own minds as to what really happen.
  14. Lets see it all, we can make up are own minds of what happen. The truth may open some eyes. What are the Dems. worried about?
  15. Sued for what? Everyone knows that the Jan.6 committee was set up to get Mr. Trump so let's stop with the BS as MR. Trump will be the next President in 2024.
  16. Mark Levin tells us the whole story! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ejCrrr9L69k
  17. Thai's are into all the food that is bad for you except the chili . Sugar. fat. starch and plenty of salt in most Thai food and don't forget the MSG. They think the food just don't taste right without these 5 ingredient's..
  18. I heard on the news today that Russia has over 100,000 in losses. Also it may be America running out of money finding out that the USA is paying pensions to the Ukraine people. You would think the EU would be helping more.
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