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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. When the truth has been revealed you might want to wipe the egg from your face.
  2. Delay, delay, delay, it looks like DA Braggs might lose his job either way it may go? So in the end it may be just dropped leaving a confused look on every Democrats face. Who knows they might start looking at Biden and family who's hands are always in the cookie jar.
  3. Also give back to Ukraine all the nukes Russia has taken from them in their BS agreement.
  4. It's not fair, you should be able to take it with you especially if her feet don't touch the ground.
  5. Millions of American voters care, and we are all waiting to see the outcome of what's happening.
  6. Most of you here are out to get 45 [47] but it will only make him bigger and stronger. This trial if there is one will go nowhere and only make our support for Mr. Trump even stronger. Kangaroo courts should be band and Justice should not be Just Us, the D.A. should go after real criminals not Mr. Trump.
  7. One only has to look at the damage Putin has done to the people and to the country of Ukraine. The number of children taken to Russia for brain washing. Yes, he is the biggest war criminal of our time.
  8. No only Putin, In his state of mind he would believe the second world war is not over.
  9. Relax your 800,000 baht visa deposit is safe the bank guarantees' it.
  10. If it is not Trump it's Putin. Biden has been in power for 2 years, is there anything that is his fault?
  11. Lets see just how many banks the Biden government will bail out, remember it's American tax payers money.
  12. Could this be the start of rolling bank failures or will another player come in and buy the SVB out. We will all know soon. It's a shame there wasn't much warning for the investors that had over 250,000 in their account.
  13. Musk knows what he is all about! https://www.thewrap.com/elon-musk-says-dr-fauci-should-be-prosecuted/
  14. One has to ask, where are all these guns coming from? Are they registered guns or unregistered guns? I lived in Michigan for about a year many years ago and found it to be a happy and peaceful state. The only thing I didn't like was it's just too cold for me. It sounds like things are getting way out of hand with the guns there.
  15. You might have to add Iran to the list of friends. After 7 years of hatred the Saudi's are now friends with Iran.
  16. Some Democrats don't know the difference between fact and fiction. Biden tells some real whoppers and makes them into BS stories. Fact check Please.
  17. Don't you just love this guy! It would be a honor to live in Snail brook working for a man of his caliber.
  18. About time!!! https://www.wsj.com/articles/federal-oil-leases-slow-to-a-trickle-under-biden-11662230816
  19. Maybe Iran should have reversed- engineered the Covib-19 vaccines they got from Chine?
  20. You got that right, as their air is bad as ours. I guess all the government can do is raise the fines and have more people looking for those who start the fires?
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