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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. I still think many people are having problem with long covid. Many still have memory loss and the sad thing is some owe me money that they seem to forget. Joking aside long covid is still a problem and we need more research to help these people.
  2. Also it puts you in the twilight zone. A area many have never gone before. Remember too much of anything will send you to the hospital even sex.
  3. It's crazy, these types of dogs should not be allowed in Thailand in the first place and with the Thai's stance on dogs should be to wander free, this will always happen. I too feel for the little girl with 200 stitches what a way to start her life.
  4. I agree, at least us Foreigners can drink and stop when we want to . Not like some, who drink only to get drunk, ring any bells?
  5. It looks like you guys never been in a bar fight. The drunk's are the easiest ones to handle. And by the way, I am sure your leading picture is going to do great things for tourism.
  6. These deadly U-turns are everywhere. Would it really hurt their pocket that much if they just put more traffic lights in?
  7. Don't blame the dogs blame the owner of the dogs. When they were cute little pups they were like toys to the Thais but when they got older they ate too much and were set free. This kind of thinking needs to be changed and the fact there are so many dogs running free it's going to take some time.
  8. We can say that about any religion, but only true believers have respect for their commandments
  9. No, I am talking Grams not MG. Your body does not store Vit. c ,what you don't use comes right out. When it comes out it goes over your kidneys and gallbladder to shrink any stones you might have
  10. Right now, some stations are shutting down with no fuel at all and some of my friends are getting dirty fuel from the ones that are open. Not much of a choice these days?
  11. As I have been living in Thailand for over 20 years I have been doing a lot of research when I fist came here I also started taking vit. C in large amounts as I was getting sick often from the food and the bacteria. I started with 10 grams a day and was running to the toilet often so I cut it down to 5 grams a day and I have never stopped taking it for the last 20 years .I have been in great shape. All my 3 brothers and my sister have cataracts but not me, so supplements do help, you just have to find the one's that's best for you.
  12. My car won't run on anything but 95 benzine and it's getting harder to find.
  13. I hear Russia is now destroying the Ukraine's grain and the grain ships. Putin must be taken out by any means as people in many countries will be starving soon. He's gone bananas!
  14. That's because they can make more money if you eat it. In candy or milkshakes or cakes your choice but don't smoke it.
  15. Yes, he was very honest to why he did it. He didn't say the devil made me do it or to feed my staving kids which he has none. Yes, go free and take the gold with you , you honest guy.
  16. Thailand can't afford new subs. or F35 aircraft if it helps America what are we going to use to fight off the Chinese bad language?
  17. Stay neutral like the Swiss did in WW2 and we may live a lot longer.
  18. This is a Toyota? and there was a huge recall on them in Australia, maybe the young lady got a lemon?
  19. Until the dogs eat a few Rich Tourist nothing will be done!
  20. At least they won't be so aggressive on the roads, as they will be in the twilight zone. God help us!
  21. If you told me this whole thing was a setup to get Trump because they [the Dems], can't find anyone to run against him in 2024 and impeachments are going to come strong and fast for many Dems. in November I would believe you.
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