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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Not just foreigners, I see many drivers talking or texting on their phones. Also with weed being very popular now we all might be in a big world of dodo. RIP young lady, I know you will be missed.
  2. 10,000 is not high, if you are not getting out in the sun every day it's the right amount and it will not hurt you. I have friends that take 50,000 u a day and they have no problems.
  3. Because America is not producing nearly enough because of the Dems. green policies. So America is taking more than 1 million barrels of oil a day away from other countries. The Dems. know all of this but they just can't open their eyes, nor do they want to.
  4. And [Biden] has never got off his butt once to visit the Ukraine, but can fly to Saudi Arabia and beg for oil that America has plenty of..
  5. I think Boris is a top world leader and he is showing more support for Ukraine than any other world leader. But really he's got to do something about his hair.
  6. Remember the USA has more oil and gas than all the countries in the world. Look for it Joe it's right in front of your nose. No need to travel around the world begging for it.
  7. We all wish we knew more. From what I heard there is a lot of insurance co. going broke from covid so maybe they are crying to the government to make more insurance policies? If this happens many of us will be leaving Thailand as 3 million USD insurance is way over most of our heads.
  8. And if you could get at what price, maybe more than your pension? Your are not alone, someone needs to tell us for sure if this is true without having us guessing.
  9. Also have you noticed after they eat at the eat as much as you want buffet restaurant's they get sick as hell and throw it back into the sea.
  10. Once you let the Jeannie out of the bottle school kids will always be at risk.
  11. As much as I would like to see Putin's war end I truly think this is not the way to go for Ukraine. We all know they are in a world of hurt and that Russia is not giving up no matter how many Russians die. By joining the EU Putin will have the war he always wanted.
  12. I have been taking 10,000 units a day along with K2 mk7 for almost 20 years now along with other supplements including 30 mg of zinc
  13. This one sided judge and jury comity that calls for testimony without any cross examination, only statements. A true kangaroo court.
  14. Why is your party so scared of Trump? Biden has shown his hand and your party doesn't know where to go from here they lost direction. The only Dem. I ever like was JFK and he was center left and a great man
  15. I hear Liz Chaney might try to be the next leader of the Democrat party as she may only have a 10% chance of winning the house in her state AT 55 years old she might be the new blood they need but don't turn your back.
  16. This is a good move, the freeze on the 46 products will help low wage Thais very much. Most Thais have not had a wage rise or a cost of living increase in years.
  17. To start America is a Republic, and the hole that Biden is digging for America we may never get out of. He knows what he has to do so why doesn't he do it? Party first, America last? Why does he do this?
  18. It's all over Thailand, I find myself ducking and weaving on many roads where I live North of CM.
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