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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. It just goes too far, it's like Songkran a little water at first at the temple years ago, now everybody gets wet.
  2. A no brainer take the Pfizer and try to sell the Moderna.
  3. I live 150km pass Chiang Mai and I haven't found one either. What do they look like? It's great that we can take off our mask when we find a park. I'll keep looking there must be one out there somewhere.
  4. Hopefully by than some smart Russians would have taken out Putin and his inner circle by than.
  5. Ukraine people fight with their hearts, unlike the Russians who fight with the fear of Putin.
  6. Biden has now given Ukraine everything they needs except jets, and the kitchen sink, so come on Ukraine and push them back then out of your country. And don't worry the world will help you rebuild Ukraine.
  7. This kind of reminds me of a fight I saw in high school. A big bully was fighting with a kid half his size. The bully was hitting the smaller kid so hard you can almost hear his bones brake. So everyone watching the fight then turned their heads, at that moment the smaller fighter grabbed the bully by his nuts and made him say uncle. So Putin may say uncle sooner than you think unless he has steel ball bearings for balls.
  8. Russia now acts like a gentle country saying only military targets. Could this be because they are losing the war that should of never have happen in the first place, Putin's War!!!
  9. This was all about rape but he took the 300 baht anyway. And in the end he couldn't rape her when she was dead. This is one sick dude ,lets hope jail for life means jail for life..
  10. This is good, Thailand does have a heart and a big one at that!!!
  11. I think they are color codding them, red=1/2 dose is for 18 and younger and blue= full dose is for over 18. So I guess those with problems can take a red one.
  12. I drove a small one in Australia. They are ok to drive but make no noise so not so good for a motorcycle.
  13. Your right, in my town up in north of Chiang Mai so many have covid. The hospital sends you home to self quarantine .Now ,they have a good look at you and if you don't look so bad they give you a herbal mix to take home but if you look not so good they give you medicine.
  14. This is real sad, but at least he admits he's the owner. On my street everyone has a dog but if the dog gets into trouble nobody owns their dog.
  15. I can see our gas prices rising again! What is with these green idiotic people? China might be the one to bring into your group. To make it greener in Thailand you have to get the Thai's to stop throwing their rubbish everywhere and that may be hard as they have been doing it for decades.
  16. This could be another dry year this year, sometime your prayers are answered.
  17. That's if they really want to go home. Think about it, if your country was at war with a peaceful country and killing everyone including young women and children would you want to go back to that country? Russian people need to find a way to get to Putin and take him out of office to end HIS war.
  18. You remine me a lot of my first wife, never stops nagging.
  19. He might just have a adjustable penis to reap that sort of money?
  20. This could be the reason why I don't live in the Netherlands.
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