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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Where I live you can't drive to a shop to get what you want, so online buying is my only choice for things I may want. So if you are buying 5 to 10 items a week and there is freight on each one, the freight adds up.
  2. It cost more with shipping but at least you can get want you want.
  3. It's hard to say what happen, accidents happen so fast, a lot dead and a lot injured. Now here comes the blame game. RIP to the dead and a speedy recovery to those that were injured.
  4. There really should be a hotline for this, so you can find out info, without commitment.
  5. This is all good and I take my hat off to you, but you know the average Thai tax payer doesn't pay much tax at all. So when they are retired they all wonder why they get so little money.
  6. I find it hard to believe that Russians don't know what's going on in Ukraine and their support for Putin has gone up since the war on Ukraine. Surly the Russians can't be this uncaring.
  7. Putting a Porsche in a young mans hand is almost the same as putting a gun there. A nice 4 door Toyota would have been much better for him, and much safer for us all.
  8. I guess if people stick their head far enough in the sand they won't see anything bad in the world. Did they see Cambodia when the Pol Pot era was in play in 1975?
  9. But it is good news, think back, most of us started as backpackers. This is how we learn about countries and they learn about us. It is not just about money it's about sharing friendship in this crazy world.
  10. Most of us have 4000,000 to 800,000 sitting in a bank getting little or nothing for it. So if the government would give us a break on the visa requirements we could add some to the pot? IE I have 800,000 in the bank so if they would reduce the amount needed for the visa to 700,000 I would donate 100,000.
  11. Kratom sounds really good if you don't mind any of the following. Glatter says side effects of kratom include seizures, dangerously high blood pressure, damage to liver and kidneys, swelling of the brain, breathing problems, and cardiac arrest I guess it's ok as long as you export it??? Also the swelling of the brain may be good for some people.
  12. The 3000 Russians stranded in Thailand will grow because after this war nobody will want to live in Russia. It will become the land of red faces.
  13. The Swiss are not neutral now, and neither should we be. The Ukraine people are suffering everyday from Putin and we are worried about making a few extra dollars. Come on Thailand your better than this.
  14. So if you do get one get a small one, much easier to push when you run out of juice in no man's land.
  15. Yes leaches comes in all shapes and sizes, a girl I was dating last year was a big leach she went straight for the wallet.
  16. You never can tell there might be anther Putin out there? And I'm still working on what the prize may be.
  17. The really sad thing is most kids want to stay in school, because there is no Jobs for them out there.
  18. That's why it's best to have your gold or silver stored at a mint.
  19. It's not just the hitting of the students that is bad but how some of these schools operate. I had a friend that was teaching at a local private school in my area. So one day I asked him how many kids are you failing this year? He looked at me and said none. Than he said I can't fail any students as the school needs the money and they need to come back next year. As the VP of the USA said you need to go to the root of the problem.
  20. And it's been going for years, it's funny how the Thai's like take all the good[ for them] things from other countries. This one comes from India and it has been there for centuries. A guy in my village had 2 girls that where getting married 1 went for 4 baht of gold and the other went for just 2 baht of gold. It seems the dowry here is based only on looks.
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