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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. To be safe put the Russians and Ukraine's on different flights when they leave, just to be sure.
  2. I always thought Thailand like to be number one, just not this time. It sounds like this crazy man is making up a to be nuked list. While he is hiding in some for off bunker most likely not even in Russia. Dam I almost forgot, did Putin put Russia on the list as his jails are getting full?
  3. Go bigger, Are old eyes aren't getting any better. If you go any smaller I have to take out my magnifier glass to see it.
  4. It sounds like you had the BA-1 as some friends of mine have a bad dry cough that never stops.
  5. Shane will be missed by many, a great crick player and a friend to all. Mt condolences as well to his family and friends.
  6. So what's Putin going to do when he runs out of young teenage Russians to fight his war, send old Russians?
  7. Maybe if the Russian army knew how to fight and was winning they wouldn't come up with this BS.
  8. There is only one man in this world to blame for all of this ,and he's having a good laugh.
  9. Please don't forget the South Korean's as they had 2 divisions there and the NVA were <deleted> scared of them.
  10. They most likely thought he was Swiss, until they discovered he might have left finger prints or dna.
  11. Funny you should say this ,as some in my area have heads like a shark and butts like a crocodile and don't care if they ever reproduce.
  12. Where I live spearing a dog is common place, not because the dog is bad , because the dog is cheap food.
  13. It seems like Putin might have a few people that dislike him. This was posted in the USA but then taken down. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_Ku1Ki4VWs
  14. Outside of Thailand nothing exists and you guess it, the world is still flat.
  15. If you think that's crazy what about America still buying oil from Russia and working with Russia on this new deal with Iran. Do you think crazy may be a virus?
  16. You right, this war will go on for a long time because the people of Ukraine have much heart. The prices will go up on most things but 80% of the world is trying to help Ukraine without being nuked by Russia. Just what is the Thai Government doing to help Ukraine?
  17. Sounds like she should have harpooned him years ago. All that nagging would only make him drink more, so he probably didn't feel much pain.
  18. We must be very lucky when the rest of the world are hurting so badly for food. Even in the USA people are stocking up on can food as their shelves are getting more and more empty. Count your blessings as things could get a lot worst than they are now.
  19. There is still a lot of Covid in my area right now, lets not jump the gun right now.
  20. This won't happen, just remember [ sticks and stones will brake my bones but words will never hurt me]Putin's last words.
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