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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. They may not have a choice, if they can't receive money from home and there are no flights back than they have to be more generous. Also if Thai's paid any or more tax in their younger years they would have a larger pension.
  2. This is how you end these stupid wars. Young men from all over the world with military experience could help in this fight for Freedom.
  3. If their money is cut off and they have no way of getting back home than the Thai government must help them. Logic 101.
  4. Also the Russian people need to act now and remove this idiot from power before he starts throwing nukes around.
  5. I think the government should welcome us more with no hassles to work as volunteers in many areas of Thailand like [ teaching English] or many of the skills that we the retired men and woman have to make this country better.
  6. I wonder how many Thai women are fighting side by side for Ukraine with their men?
  7. I know what you are saying, I am also a Australian and have lived here more than 20 years and have accepted the terms of the pension from day one. It would be very hard to live in Australia now on the pension with all the extras but dead easy here.
  8. I think most foreigners from most countries get a lot less pension living outside their home country. Things like rental assistance and health insurance for starters. But we all knew that before we came here. So if you feel like you are being cheated, go back home and get the extras.
  9. Your taking about the Government and not the Thai people? But lets face it the Thai's never really learned about geography at school. Most of the Thai's that I know can't even find Thailand on a map let alone the Ukraine. How Sad!!!
  10. I just wonder if all the worlds nukes were aimed at Putin's residents would he be invading Ukraine???
  11. You are so right, Putin needs the hook. If the Russian people had a choice to stand up and support Ukraine most would. We can only sit back and see how this all plays out ,I hope he will listen to reason and pull back.
  12. The Thai army has great fighters, in Vietnam when I was there in 1967-68 they only had a small force but they fought well and over 300 had died. I for one am proud to see them in drills with American units.
  13. The world needs to react to Putin and his madness but not by attacking Russians. With a weak and uncaring President in the WH who still imports oil from Russia instead on opening the drilling rights in the USA so America can supply oil and gas to America and most of the EU is be on me. Chia is very close to us and good friends with Russia, who knows what this partnership will lead to. To me the only thing that will stop Putin now is the Russian people as they are not the cause of this invasion, it's Putin alone
  14. That's if she done the crime? When I was her age I travelled overland from India to Germany. A few time other travelers would befriend you and try and put something in your bag. The most dangerous country for drugs was Iran as they had the death sentence. So what I am saying is anyone could have put the drugs in her bag. I hope the truth come out.
  15. Your right again, money rules! With the Russian invasion going on interest on barrowed money maybe going up. So it might be a good time to let the doors swing open for the tourist.
  16. Who knows what they are thinking tomorrow they might change their mine again. They must be very hungry for the tourist dollars.
  17. Funny I thought they where canceling Songkran this year? What changed where they invited to a party?
  18. It makes us realize that we are so lucky to be living here. For now the only thing we have to worry about is covid and the mad drivers on the roads. Unless the Chinese have other idea's, lets hope not.
  19. This will effect us all as most European countries get their oil and gas from Russia. Now that is going to put a strain on the Middle east to supple more to them. So where does it leave Thailand, it's hard to say unless the conflict ends quickly.
  20. There are no wild animals in my area, unless you call birds and snakes animals? The biggest customer of Makro must be the dogs as when they get big nobody feeds them and they end up in the Temples.
  21. I have friends that work in the hospital, they say some people have black lungs and some don't. So to answer your question who the hell knows, in some countries the two mix. Maybe that's what's happening here.
  22. So please tell me was the deaths caused by Delta or Omicron as most here just say covid? Your experts should tell us this and I am only interested in the deaths in Thailand.
  23. I am really scratching my head over the death rate just how many died from covid? So how many died from other causes but had covid as well? Not enough info here!
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