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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Your right on, they don't tell the people that the virus is Omicron and most should handle this with little effect. Yet when you go somewhere and people have covid there, they will quarantine you for 6 days. Too many people are being quarantined which = Sad Sick.
  2. High inflation worldwide? Just maybe if you eased the rules on covid for us humans as it might just jump-start tourism. There is a lot of heartbreak in Thailand now and Omicron no where as bad as Delta so let you hair down as ease the restrictions on covid as it will get us all going again.
  3. Yes, In my area which is Northern Thailand it is spreading fast as well. 37 kids in a Catholic school got covid and anyone that had contact with the school is now house quarantine for 6 days. Until the hospital gives the all clear.
  4. We are so close to China where most of these dangerous viruses come from, yet we are so lucky our manhood hasn't fallen off yet. I just wonder how many deaths last year were from Swine flu, bird flu or any other flu you can think of
  5. I guess at 74 I can't marry for sex anymore but she better be a damn good cook!
  6. And you may have to pay tax on the 490 baht a day job? What will they come up with next? Free education for over 70's?
  7. It really doesn't matter where they come from. You have to pick the right one,[ married twice to Thai's but still looking for the right one].
  8. Call it what you like, it's just a big dirty city, just like all the other big dirty city's around the world.
  9. Yes they always want 6 months on your passport. You know she would get better treated for cancer in the USA. So what's your hurry? My friends and family lived with cancer for many years Theses times are not good for travel. Maybe you should rethink about coming to Thailand now, latter I'm sure will be easier.
  10. There is something weird going on in the USA with blacks comitting most of the crime against Asians.
  11. Travel may be a thing of the past. Just stay at home enjoy the home deliveries until all this nonsense passes
  12. 50 years ago I spent a month in Calcutta and their were many lepers in my area , most that I knew where in the latter stages. My good friend had no fingers or nose just a piece of cardboard in his nose. So yes, I would sit by a leper.
  13. What if, a fully vax lady is on a flight with her 2 year old does she have to sit in one area and her son sit in another area? Yes this is getting out of hand, and you are right we have to learn to live with it.
  14. This place is getting more and more like Canada everyday. They should travel together and if the vaxed don't like it they can walk.
  15. Everyone will still call it Bangkok, Remember the song 1 night in Bangkok, singing 1 night in Krung Thep doesn't sound good. besides why would they change it?
  16. In my area a lot of kids are getting covid and they are getting tested before going to school. Very sad to see this happen.
  17. If they make grass legal things will change but not for the better. More Thai's should learn to drive at driving schools as some are very good. But they need to take what they learn to the roads after they get their license.
  18. Sounds good to me and Thailand. I hope they can pull it off with little problems. We got to get back to normal and this would be a start.
  19. Or look for the Adams apple and ask what big hands you have dear than look for the door.
  20. A Thai tourist, they just don't teach them enough at school these days. A rock? I'm sure if any damage was done it was minor and not news worthy..
  21. Yes but in 20 years will we be alive? Besides those Japanese dolls look so much like the real thing these days and they never talk back and they don't smoke or drink and they never say no. It's a shame you can't import them to Thailand too many job losses I guess.
  22. I met a guy in a bar in Penang a few years back and he said he came from the USA to marry his GF. Her whole family said he had to become a Muslim, so he was booked on the next flight back home Poor Guy!!!
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