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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Your right, but I wasn't thinking about myself ,I only wanted to get her to safety before someone else with bad intensions picked her up.
  2. I seen a naked woman driving to Chiang Rai more than 5 years ago. She was just walking on the road going home. I think she was on drugs as her eyes were glossy, young and confused. I knew her village and took her straight home. Her mother and father were also confused about what happen to her as she was gone for 2 days and only 16 years old.
  3. I only eat red salmon as the pink salmon is fresh water salmon and the pink comes from the dye they add in the salmon food.
  4. The funny thing about Omicron is, if you catch it you can catch it again and again. I wonder how many times I caught a cold?
  5. Soon everyone is going to have Omicron, we have to learn to live with it. We live with a cold and the Flu so why not Omicron. Please tell me how many people have died around the world from Omicron? How many have died from the Flu? A lot more, right? Live with it!!!
  6. What does level 4 mean? Now they can raise prices again and again on everything starting with gas.
  7. Now these I have seen, except ours are bigger as faster.
  8. They look like a taxi . I must have pass a few of them thinking they were taxi's
  9. So how many deaths from Omicron? Do they know yet if a person dies from Omicron or the Flu. The Chinese would know as they detected Omicron in Vietnamese Dragón fruit. Sad but true.
  10. I have never seen a highway traffic police vehicle where I live. What do they look like? a car or a motorcycle? After 20 years here you would think I would see one.
  11. I thought the hotels only kept the good reviews and threw out the bad ones, somebody goofed.
  12. And the government still has enough money to buy 8 F-35s? Did they forget about the Subs.?
  13. If you have no outstanding orders and the parcel is address to you, you might be better off opening it in front of the driver so he can report it.
  14. He admitted that it is difficult to differentiate between an infection by the Omicron variant and flu, based on the symptoms, noting that, of about half of the Omicron cases are asymptomatic. Well shake my tree, isn't it Flu season. All our test kits must be Chinese, send them back with any remaining sinovac vaccines.
  15. This is so sad, you know right after your flight leaves you will get the code. Maybe they will do it right next time.
  16. This could be on the cards also they could sell them and make 5 times their money. I wonder how many bags of rice for 1 f35?
  17. Yes, It displaces Delta, Governments just love the power over people.
  18. Your right, we just have to learn to live with this virus. This is the story of never ending jabs and the CCP will never tell us the whole story behind this.
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