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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. We are on a planet on a path around the sun and the climate will change some what all the time. But it might help a little if China and Russia stop burning coal.
  2. Why don't they use a borescope, who knows what they might find. It must be really hard being a tourist these days. And I bet you only find out about these test after the plane has landed.
  3. The World is my home! As it is Veteran's day in the USA I wish peace on earth and good will to both men and woman. Have a great day!
  4. Where I live the kids ride at night without plates and no lights on. Now they would be hard to catch. Don't ask me how they see as the roads are dark and there are many pot holes.
  5. This could be better than getting a real job for some. I already feel the eyes of my neighbors on my back when I take my bike out for a spin. Now that they can make money life won't be the same.
  6. And yet they still keep coming, word of mouth will catch up soon. If tourism is wanted here they will have to do better than this. Getting tested positive is easy even with all the good vaccines out there.
  7. But if you buy gold bars there should not be a price for workmanship.
  8. It will be much stronger when the sky turns black, filled with aircraft full of tourist.
  9. Dose that mean we will get a refund for those that have put our money down months ago or will they just keep it and buy more Sinovac vaccines?
  10. The ladies must of had too many cups of coffee, caffeine is a killer.
  11. Talk to him on Skype, it's like being at home without all the hassles. And you don't need a mask.
  12. Yes, do more for the Farang's that live here, and who knows we might even support you?
  13. So, what about the Moderna vaccines that everyone paid in advance for and never got. Are they ever going to get here? Also Siam Bio-Science is testing a DNA vaccine, when will it be available? In my area we still haven't run out of Sinovac vaccines as advised, it seems like it is a bottomless pit.
  14. Where they come from is not important, why are they coming here is. Most are enjoying being locked in their own country. Most are worried about their future living in these hard times.
  15. I think the teachers can learn from the kids these days?
  16. If they want answers for this mayhem why don't they just ask us???
  17. You may be right about the vaccine being the cause as I have a few friends that have taken the AZ vaccine and they are up all night as well. I find corn silk tea taken before bed helps me sleep all night, you can buy it at Lazada. It's a good detox for the liver and gets the excess salt out of your kidneys. Works for me, but you might pee more at first.
  18. Hey, what can I say? It's a great place to retire! When my brother came from the USA for a visit 5 years ago he could not believe the freedom I had and how good the Thai people are. We all have some regrets but fewer ones by living here.
  19. I think this is because very little geography is taught in schools. I have a world globe and I have asked many Thai's to show me a certain country and they had a lot of trouble doing so. Even to find Thailand was difficult for them. Only Thailand exists to many, as this is their world ,this is there home.
  20. If we die from covid19 before we get the shot do you think our families could get a refund?
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