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Everything posted by vandeventer

  1. Have you ever been to Mexico or anywhere in Central or South America? At 65 you are going to at least have to learn Spanish in that area , and to start all over again when covid is everywhere is a hard call. Good luck i hope it works out for you and your family.
  2. Big spending Chinese? Give me a break! They are cheaper than most back packers on a strict budget.
  3. Get use to wearing the mask as covid19 mask wearing will be running into burn off season. Such as life, remember things could always get worse.
  4. I agree it should be stopped. Most Thai's pay 30 baht a day in the Hospital and I have been here for 20 years and retired. So why can't I do a deal direct with the Hospital where I live Anything above 30 baht a day is just pure profit for them?
  5. I guess will just have to get our lazy [Cheap] friends or family to come here to see us, for a change.
  6. Or try a hammer to the head, you haven't told us how old you are. I am guessing 20 to 30 as there are not many student's in there 60-70 range. Try some warm milk before bed and there are some exercises you can do as well, when you are in bed to help you relax.
  7. It severs their propose, if they can't get tourist they make us say here and spend all are money, how nice?
  8. I am wondering what the tourist are telling their friends and family back home? The Drinks are on the house and mean it.
  9. This is a common thing over here, my ex-wife had her undies stolen off the clothes line all the time. They stole her undies or my Thongs nothing else, I could have left my keys in the car or Motorcycles but they wouldn't take it, very fussy thieve.
  10. It's what you call a endless supply ,in my area Sinovac+ AZ is all you can get. AZ+ Pfizer are for students only. It would be nice if they would reverse this crazy system.
  11. Yes, China, Russia, And India are the biggest polluters. When are they going to do something?
  12. He want's you to put a suit and tie on before you steal the tourist blind.
  13. This might help, something new from India. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oroS8BMekcM
  14. If you are spending a month in Mexico. Fly back from Mexico city or bring back a 6 pack of Corona.
  15. Money is good, but flypaper is better as they will stick with you much longer.
  16. Maybe we have too many Chinese vaccines with yesterdays expirer dates?
  17. Let's face it, being a tourist is not a easy job. They have to put up with all kinds of things these days. Let's go Brandon.
  18. I went to see a friend that use to teach in a private school where I live. We had lunch first where he sat next to two female teachers I asked my friend what subject the ladies where teaching. He said English but they can't speak it. I then went to his class, about 35 kids. The ones who wanted to learn sat in the front of the class, in the middle were the kids who didn't really want to be there as they were the trouble makers, and the ones in the back of the class were all sleeping. So I asked my friend how many students failed his class at the end of the year. He said none they all pass as the schools needs them back next year.
  19. I myself would just go and find somewhere else to rent. Agents can make things hard for you to find another place. I have rented a very nice house for over 12 years now and my rent has not gone up 1 baht. Rent by the owner not by a agent is my advise.
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