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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I was going to start the exact same topic. I was waiting outside a tiny spa the other day and also counted 12 staff and only two customers! It's the same in my local bar. A very very nice AC bar, with normally 8 staff and no customers except us.

    I guess this is why so many businesses come and go so quickly.

    Just today my wife commented on how stupid they are to often open a shop and pay three months rental and then have almost zero customers because they have not done any research on what they are selling or the actual market. I think she's right. Coffee shops are a favourite. They open them in the strangest location, have next to no customers and then close again, or open over the road from two other identical empty coffee shops and never get a customer. Strange business sense. Another good one is glasses shops that have two or three girls sat in the window all day but very rarely a customer. Of course there's always the chance that all the customers come late in the evening. Just my observations.

    Even more puzzling are the shops that never seem to have customers, yet keep going for years. There is a coffee shop on Pattaya's Walking Street, been open for as long as I can remember, yet I've only seen 2 customers in there the whole time.

    Of course there are the thousands of tailors shops that never have customers either, but they probably have another reason for existing than merely making clothes!

    Personally I like the big department stores, as they are well staffed with eye candy.

    Banks too seem to have lots of staff, unlike back "home", as they often have a lovely young lady to smile at you when you enter.

  2. Sorry, but don't have time to read all 3 pages.

    However, IMO, Thailand has never been "Paradise" for most locals, but certainly was for me as a wide eyed newbie in Nana back in the 90s.

    I do not believe it ever really got much better under a certain ex PM for most locals, but it certainly became less of a monger's "Paradise" thanks to Purachai.

    Since the coup, it has become more like the monger's "Paradise" of old, but due to the western recession and the strong baht is less affordable.

    As far as the tourism sector goes, I believe the greedy Bangkok developers have killed the golden goose with their destruction of most of the nice beaches. Now that the trendy tourists will be too scared to come to LOS, who will fill all those posh resorts with the horizon pools- not the bagpackers, nor the mongers.

    I have no idea how it's all going to end up, but given the lack of interest in politics by the Thais I meet, I don't think it's going to change much from "business as usual", with the occasional rumpus thrown in.

    To those that think we farangs should be concerned about the locals and democracy and such, sorry, I only come here because I like the country, and still do, regardless of red, green. pink or yellow shirts. Should it become a place I no longer enjoy, I'll be gone, like most.

  3. especially with their derogatory comments pointed to wards the old who might be following the thread. Obviously youngsters having fun, so l would suggest let it rest as the same garbage will come to the fore from them.

    Cheers Transam, so am I a youngster having fun ?, if so then at nearly 50 I find being classed as a youngster quite amusing.

    One thing at my age is that I still have plenty of time left to plan and save if I need to, I've got a minumum of 15 years before I reach State pensionable age and if I want to retire abroad I certainly wont be relying on a state pension to be able to fund my life abroad, increases or not.

    I actually plan to retire early but as things are in the UK at the moment I may have to work a little longer than I have planned, so I'll just continue with 4 to 5 trips abroad a year for the time being.

    Anyone who thinks that a state pension is enough money to fund a lifstyle abroad and have no other source of income is IMHO seriously deluded.

    £100 pounds per week = less than 5000baht at todays exchange rates, anyone who thinks that could give them a life abroad anywhere is deluded.

    Apologies MB1, I have now found your question (I had previously responded to somebody else's question about "fair".

    Thank you, accepted.

    Hmmmm, didn't realise I was deluded, but my budget is 300 quid a month. 400 would be luxurious!

  4. The roads near my place in Banglamung, Pattaya need fixing and the local Amphur just announced last week that 10 million bht from their budget has went ''missing'' so no roads/pot holes here will be fixed this year either. Not using other projects excuse here just that the money has went missing/vanished and no one knows where it has gone? Honest??

    I seem to remember that happening to money for tsunami victims way back. Funny how it just "dissapears, not.

  5. That even I can afford to live here without having to drag my sorry butt out of bed to go and work.

    Walking Street

    Baht buses every few seconds when you want to go somewhere

    Cheap dentists

    Eye candy everywhere

    IT cafes all over

    BA rules

    No PC BS

    Cheap restaurants/ food

    7/11 etc everywhere

    you can lie in bed all day, and no one cares

    Huge variety of attractions in easy reach

    Fantastic, affordable cinemas ( especially on Wednesday ).

    Don't have to dress up for anything ( if you don't want to ).

    I can go out with a young lady, and no one cares.

    Cheap DVDs/ CDs

    Markets everywhere.

    It's small enough to walk most places.

    There's a nice beach 20 bht away.

  6. i recommend Amnat Thiegtham , Thepprasit Road


    he did mine for 6500 baht,

    was that expensive?

    i am sure someone on here will tell me they got it done cheaper and i was ripped off

    such is life on TV forum......

    Yes. A "standard" will should be around 3,000 baht.

    just as predicted...................

    Quite right. Still I'm glad he told me!

  7. Have a look inside your breaker panel. If your apartment is reasonably new construction the chances are good that there is a ground connection there. Whoever wired the rooms might just have put in two-wire outlets and not brought out the ground. I've run into this many times here.

    Nope, it's an old room in the Thai part of Pattaya, not a flash new farang condo. No way I'm touching that switchboard with exposed live wires!

    Thanks for all the discussion.

    I drilled a hole in the wall, and stuck in a dynabolt. Should be sufficient for the warrenty.

    PS I've never seen a wiring system with EVERYTHING going through ONE fuze before!

  8. Have followed this with interest.

    I am from New Zealand and last month turned 65. At this age New Zealanders can apply for their State Pension. A few months previous I inquired the procedure for one living in Thailand and was told no pension was available because at age 65 I would be deemed a resident of Thailand not N.Z.

    To receive the pension, one must be resident in N.Z. at age 65 or resident in one of 8 countries that N.Z. has pension payment agreements with. ( Britain, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Greece, are some) Thailand is not one of these. Sadly most NZers living in Australia don't get the NZ pension, as there it is asset /income tested.

    Once you have been accepted you will receive payment till death and any increases in payment are payable to all pensioners.

    Last year the Govt. changed the rules of "portability" so that any person granted the pension can move to live any where in the world and continue to receive payment ( and increases) till death, with out ever returning to N.Z.

    My complaint is that before leaving N.Z in 2006, I spoke with the Pension Dept and was told that I would receive half a pension as I was going to Thailand and not one of the 8 selected countries. Now I find that I receive zero

    You pay taxes for 40 plus years and get zilch.

    If I had stayed in N.Z. till this year , turned 65, then came here I would be getting approx 10500 baht a fortnight and increases as they are made.

    If I had married an English girl ( instead of a Thai) and lived in the UK , again granted.

    I have written to the Minister in charge of pensions pointing out the unfairness of the payment system and the reply was a general airy fairy negative response.

    At least you Brits living here can get some payment of your pension


    Sorry that you missed out, but the rules were available.

    If I remember rightly, you must live in NZ for at least 20 years, and after 50 (55?) must spend 5 years in NZ or a country with reciprocal pension rights such as the UK.

    Should you qualify on those points you could just go home and apply for the pension, then leave again, unless they have a rule against that. I never saw anything in writing about must be in NZ when turning 65, though I think you must apply 6 months before receiving it. I think some of those so called advisors make up things which are not correct according to written policy. I read that if you live in Thailand you were indeed allowed a half pension.

    If you are in Thailand on a NZ passport you have the right to go live in NZ, and therefore should receive a pension.

    I didn't realise they had changed the rules of portability, which is good news for me, at least.

    I'm sure the written policy is on the government website, or you can get them to post you a copy.

    Have you tried the embassy? They must know the rules, though I'd ask for a NZ official, as the locals seemed hopeless, when I went there.

    Off topic, but how do you get on for health insurance here? I heard it was just about impossible to afford over 65.

  9. I bought a new fridge, but it needs to be earthed, and my rented room has no earths on the electrical sockets. Can't use the water pipes ( plastic ), and has a nice tiled floor, concrete walls. Concrete road outside, so can't bang in a steel rod.

    Any suggestions?

    Any helpful suggestions appreciated, thanks.

    Nothing electrical NEEDS to be earthed to work, it's merely a safety feature. Is your question more along the lines of "I've just bought a new fridge and it has a three pin plug on it, but all my sockets are two pin"? If this is the case - cut the plug off and put a two pin plug on it and your new fridge will work just like a new fridge.

    No, it has a two pin plug, AND a seperate earth wire.

    My concern is if I don't earth it, and the instructions make it very clear that it does need to be earthed, and something goes wrong, they may use that as an excuse to void the warrenty ( which I paid extra for ).

    Thanks for all the replies. As for going outside, the balcony is same flooring as inside. I've looked for anything to earth it on without success, inside and out.

    For the poster suggested the roof, I've several ( concrete ) floors above, but thanks for the thought.

    I think I'll go with the screw into the concrete wall.

  10. take a trip into ban phe about 1 hour from pattaya. Ban Phe is opposite koh samet island. Blue sky books in Ban phe has over 10,000 books. Why dont you call Jim the owner and he can tell you what he has. Jim's number is 0817611388

    rgds Mark Bedrock Guesthouse p.s. good luck


  11. Sorry, it's probably the wrong forum, but I can't get back to the main forum list- just get a blank screen!!!!! This problem has happened before, since the new system came in. Must be a few glitches!

    Mods, please move to correct forum.

    I bought a new fridge, but it needs to be earthed, and my rented room has no earths on the electrical sockets. Can't use the water pipes ( plastic ), and has a nice tiled floor, concrete walls. Concrete road outside, so can't bang in a steel rod.

    Any suggestions?

    Any helpful suggestions appreciated, thanks.

  12. Anyone know of a decent lawyer that doesn't charge the earth, somewhere in Pattaya.

    Needs to be within walking distance of the regular baht bus routes ie Beach, 2nd, North, Central, South and Naklua Rds.

    Thanks for any helpful advice.

  13. <br />
    <br />
    <br />>>Now, if they can get back to having 50% ( real ) lady dancers, I might start going back there again. <br /><<<br /><br /><br />I thought the whole point of it was the LBs .They could do with better looking ones though .The Tina turner thing is very tired .<br />
    <br /><br /><br />I've been going to the Malibu since '94, and it was always a must see for me.....<br />
    <br /><br />why would watching a ladyman holding a microphone and pretending to sing be a "must see"?<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    If you read my posts, you might see that I enjoyed the LADY dancers, not the katoeys.

  14. <br />
    <snip><br />the majority of the British public are vehemently <b>OPPOSED</b> to pensioners "in far away paradises" getting any increases at all. In fact some of the most staunchest opponants are saying they (we) are lucky to be granted<b> ANY</b> pension whatsoever.<br /><snip><br />
    <br /><br />Typical British envy.<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    My experience of living in Britain leads me to believe that the vast majority don't care about anything but themselves. That's why they got into the poo in the first place.

    I saw what was coming when I first moved there in '98 ( anyone with half a brain cell knew the bubble would burst ), but I was unfortunately unable to "escape" to Thailand with my NHS "lump sum" before gordon and his crony capitalists, both in the UK and America, were able to destroy the exchange rate. Had I been able to take the same amount of Sterling here when the rate was 71, I'd be a happy chappie now- wouldn't even need the pension!

  15. <br />
    <br />I'll take issue with that. It's CHEAPER for the government to have pensioners outside the UK, as they're not occupying council housing, getting free travel, free medical care ( the elderly are the largest users of the NHS ) using services etc etc. If the government had a clue, they'd be doing everything in their power to have as many pensioners as possible emmigrate, even if that entailed paying them pension increases.<br />I read somewhere the Japanese government were trying to get their pensioners to go elsewhere already.
    <br /><br />Again..putting words in my mouth?<br />I never mentioned costs at all. But, yes, it could work out cheaper, but no one that counts will care whether it does or not.<br />Like i have said previously, the "powers that be" see pensioners as nothing more than a burden on the welfare state,and people who have outlived their usefulness, sad to say. But, dont forget, most of them (pensioners, that is) wont move very far, and stay in Europe and WILL get increases, so its a moot point really  <br /><br /><br />
    <br />As for "asking people to work 5 years longer', no we're not, we're just asking for the same deal as we paid taxes all our life for the previous generation. If there's no money in the kitty, it's not our fault. None of us were bankers fiddling the books with government connivance. The money hasn't vanished, someone's got it, get it back. Perhaps putting some bankers ( and gordon ) in jail for the rest of their life for what they did will produce some readies ( I'm just dreaming )!<br />
    <br />All i can say to that is i must have read the wrong papers, then<br /><br /><a href='http://www.independent.co.uk/money/pensions/work-until-70-and-beyond-if-you-want-a-decent-pension-1671322.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>One</a> <a href='http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/financetopics/recession/5281206/Britons-face-working-until-70-to-help-bring-public-debt-under-control.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Two</a> <a href='http://www.express.co.uk/posts/view/182949/Retirement-Outrage-over-work-till-70-' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Three</a> <a href='http://www.independent.co.uk/money/pensions/pensions-expert-predicts-work-till-youre-70-era-1769303.html' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Four</a> <a href='http://news.sky.com/skynews/Home/Politics/Pension-Retirement-Age-Could-Go-Up-To-70-Under-Government-Plans-To-Overhaul-System/Article/201006415654123' class='bbc_url' title='External link' rel='nofollow external'>Five</a><br /><br />
    <br />Anyway, once "Grey Power" takes over, we can change it, and punish the guilty **&^^%! <br />
    <br />You<b> REALLY</b> have a thing about this "grey power", dont you????<br />I 1st heard that expression in the early 70's lol!!!! (Still waiting for it to manifest itself, though)<br /><br />Penkoprod<br />
    <br /><br /><br />

    Well, in MY homeland, which ISN'T the UK, Grey Power still exists. As more baby boomers get older, we may be able to make a difference at the polls, though obviously not form a government.

  16. Soi Beaucow on left hand side bout 200 m towards South rd has a big one.

    Went there today. Called Pattaya Beach Books. Thanks for that.

    Really excellent selection in good condition.

    No cash refunds, but 50% of cost off next book borrowed.

    Unfortunately no Dune books. I'll try Tops next.

  17. I tried counting all the Thai massage places along one of the sois off Second Rd the other day, but gave up after 10. And that's just one soi! How many tourists want a foot massage these days anyway, with the reduced value of their money- not many that I've seen.

    I don't think too many tourists would care too much about value of their currency for a 150 - 200 baht foot massage. Not all tourists have taken a pay cut anyway. For example, Australians would be paying less for a foot massage than last year, The Americans about the same...and then there's all the other Asian and Middle Eastern currencies which also haven't taken a dive.

    That may be so, but there's hardly any customers in them anyway, just a lot of bored masseuses.

  18. In the UK there is a record player- brand name ION that does the job ( haven't seen one here ). If you know someone going there get them to pick one up for you. The price will be on the internet. Try PC World website.

    I have one that does audio tapes back home.

    You do need a computer as well.

  19. Good luck....you are going to need it !!!!!Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, and i suppose its OK to have a rant and rave about it, but, ultimatly thats all this is, as it wont change a thing back in the UK. All groups like this will be seen as just another bunch of old farts, with too much time on their hands....begging for money to which they are not entitled to, by every rule and ruling thats been made on the subject, unfortunatly. Thats the reality of it Especially if you are going to be singing the same tired old songs that have been thrown out of every court the case has been presented in

    You know the ones? The ballads of "i've paid my contributions all my working life, and now feel entitled to increases as of right" or "i still pay taxes on my pension" or how about "people in other countries get it, so why cant i?" All sound quite plausible, but, ultimatly flawed Dont get me wrong, here, i'm all for getting a fair share of the pot, but the pot is getting smaller and smaller, and expat pensioners are the last in line for any benefit to be paid out to them. Always have been, and always will be. I can certainly see nothing will change for the good in my lifetime.

    How does that proverb/prayer go?..... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. I will just spend my time, making my plans around how not to get into a situation whereby i am relying on a meagre increase (manipulated to be the lower of the 2 inflation rates used in UK, btw!!!!) in my State Pension.


    Do expats have voting rights in the UK?

    As baby boomers will soon have a majority of votes, there will no doubt be a grey power movement to vote in MPs that support elder's interests.

    Once I return to my own homeland, I shall be getting involved in grey power for just such a reason.

    As for the tired old argument that there are not enough young people working to pay for it- rubbish- there are millions of educated people in overpopulated countries that would like nothing more than to come and work there!

    You're the only one thats mentioned anything about "the tired old argument that there are not enough young people working to pay for it" I certainy havent, so i have to ask why you quoted me in your reply.

    Also, if you believe that baby boomers will be forming any kind of majority of voters in the future, then dream on, fella !!!!! Do you seriously think that, out of the nearly 40 million registered voters as of Dec 2009, over half of them are "grey"??????

    Then, when you DO come back to these shores you are in for one HECK of a wake-up call, believe me !!!!!

    You will then see what a coniving, manipulative bunch of rogues we have had at the helm for the past goodness knows how many years, and just how manipulated and "beat down" the population of the country REALLY are. (probably the reason why most people buggered off in the 1st place)


    The second part of my post was an additional comment, not related to your post. Sorry if not obvious.

    Nothing to stop Grey Power having enough influence to elect MPs that would favour the elderly. They don't have to form the government to change things.

    As for returning to the UK- no thanks, I'm lucky enough to be able to go to a much more pleasant country when I can't afford health insurance any more, though I'd rather die happy here, than as a sad old lonely fart in some grotty hovel which is all I'll be able to afford back "home".

  20. The UK system, pensions, health, whatever, were achieved by the ordinary working bloke fighting for what is right, not those born with a silver spoon in their mouth, the ordinary bloke. Took a long time but now foreigners are fighting to get into the UK to get what our fore fathers have achieved. The same ordinary working bloke is now fighting for a bit of justice to retire where he wants, not about agreements with other countries, what is right for an individual who has worked his life and paid into the system. We all paid the same taxes and NI, and when we retire who gives a shit where you are and what you are doing. Work finished, feet up, wait to die, thats it, simple.

    Nice bit of sabre rattling, comrade, but thats all it is......... sabre rattling. Like a lot of expat pensioners who are pissing against the wind, unfortunatly.

    You just dont get it, do you?

    You are up against a far bigger foe, with far bigger grievances, and fighting bigger injustices than that...one of which is (in their eyes) greedy expat pensioners, who have never paid tax on their State Pensions, either while contributing to it, and not now that they have it.

    Simply put, you are asking people to work 5 years longer than you, and then to contribute more of their taxes towards your (earlier than them) pension increases while you are "living the dream" and taking your money with you.

    The only problem they might have with that is which word to put before the word "off"

    Again.....not my feelings, but one that shows the futility of it all.

    Like i said in my very 1st post....remember the proverb?

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;

    Courage to change the things I can;

    And wisdom to know the difference.


    I'll take issue with that. It's CHEAPER for the government to have pensioners outside the UK, as they're not occupying council housing, getting free travel, free medical care ( the elderly are the largest users of the NHS ) using services etc etc. If the government had a clue, they'd be doing everything in their power to have as many pensioners as possible emmigrate, even if that entailed paying them pension increases.

    I read somewhere the Japanese government were trying to get their pensioners to go elsewhere already.

    As for "asking people to work 5 years longer', no we're not, we're just asking for the same deal as we paid taxes all our life for the previous generation. If there's no money in the kitty, it's not our fault. None of us were bankers fiddling the books with government connivance. The money hasn't vanished, someone's got it, get it back. Perhaps putting some bankers ( and gordon ) in jail for the rest of their life for what they did will produce some readies ( I'm just dreaming )!

    Anyway, once "Grey Power" takes over, we can change it, and punish the guilty **&^^%!

  21. Good luck....you are going to need it !!!!!Sorry to burst anyone's bubble, and i suppose its OK to have a rant and rave about it, but, ultimatly thats all this is, as it wont change a thing back in the UK. All groups like this will be seen as just another bunch of old farts, with too much time on their hands....begging for money to which they are not entitled to, by every rule and ruling thats been made on the subject, unfortunatly. Thats the reality of it Especially if you are going to be singing the same tired old songs that have been thrown out of every court the case has been presented in

    You know the ones? The ballads of "i've paid my contributions all my working life, and now feel entitled to increases as of right" or "i still pay taxes on my pension" or how about "people in other countries get it, so why cant i?" All sound quite plausible, but, ultimatly flawed Dont get me wrong, here, i'm all for getting a fair share of the pot, but the pot is getting smaller and smaller, and expat pensioners are the last in line for any benefit to be paid out to them. Always have been, and always will be. I can certainly see nothing will change for the good in my lifetime.

    How does that proverb/prayer go?..... God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference. I will just spend my time, making my plans around how not to get into a situation whereby i am relying on a meagre increase (manipulated to be the lower of the 2 inflation rates used in UK, btw!!!!) in my State Pension.


    Do expats have voting rights in the UK?

    As baby boomers will soon have a majority of votes, there will no doubt be a grey power movement to vote in MPs that support elder's interests.

    Once I return to my own homeland, I shall be getting involved in grey power for just such a reason.

    As for the tired old argument that there are not enough young people working to pay for it- rubbish- there are millions of educated people in overpopulated countries that would like nothing more than to come and work there!

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