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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. i think we all expect quite a lot of bars to close down now ----------easy to see why ie. lack of visitors with no ins and 48 odd to the pound if they make it and effects upon residents here of baht to pound rate.

    Makes you wonder how they ever survived when the rate was 38 to the Quid, 25 to the $?

    Are you referring to the early 90s?

    Back then things were a lot cheaper. You'd have to get 90 bht to the pound now to be able to afford the same standard of living on the same number of quid.

    I've been saying for years that I can't understand how so many bars can afford to stay open with so few customers, so nothing new there.

  2. What I'm telling for years now, is that this is al part of a scheme to turn Pattaya into a family-holiday destination:

    - every bar between the Beach and 2nd Road will have to move to areas between 2nd road and 3rd road

    - Walking Street will become a boulevard a la Monaco, Nice, Cannes with a new Marina

    - Soi Bukhaow will become the new Walking Street

    - the stretch of land between the Beach and 2nd Road will be occupied by high end hotels, shopping malls, condominiums etc.

    - no more (sleazy) bars in that area.

    will this be before or after they fill the holes in the sidewalks?

    You got that right.

    The beach walkway is even more degraded ( if that were possible ) than the last time I was here.

    Soi Bukhaow probably will be where all the bars move to, but it's so congested and dangerous ( traffic ) that it's going to be a real nightmare if it comes true. What moron in City Hall thought it would be OK to have a lot of bars on a 2 lane street with no pavements!

  3. ^heard same rumour decade or more ago. Fact is there will be bars on beach/2nd road full stop. Rumour also stated walking street as you proceed up it to the right would be completely demolished and full view of the bay/beach ect would be given. I'm sure the hundreds of business(s) will let that happen. :)

    City Hall has been trying to demolish the places on the seaward side of Walking Street for almost as long as I've been coming to Thailand. Considering there are a lot of new places built and under construction there, I doubt it'll happen anytime soon.

  4. Every thai official knows that what Pattaya needs is more shopping malls and more hotels. So more tourists will come to Pattaya to go shopping. Thai logic.

    Perhaps they saw that Kevin Costner film about the baseball field, and really believe that if you build it they will come!

    I just hope that whatever they build, it can easily be converted to nicer bar beers.

  5. Not sure if you already have experience there and are now thinking of bring your wife over, or if you have never been there. So here goes and apologies if any of this is old news.

    I have worked there solo, but not with a spouse. It can be a lonely existence whether single or together.

    I assume that you do mean wife, with documentation, and not girlfriend. Unmarried couples cannot cohabitate, by law.

    I did find a couple of Thai restaurants near each other on the west side on the way out toward the embassy compounds. In all fairness, it's not anything like a social situation like your average Thai restaurant. Couples and families have to sit in separate rooms from single males. And they do stay open during prayer time, although they close the window blinds and lock the doors so you can't leave until prayer time is over.

    On the plus side, lifestyles for women have changes drastically in recent years, as the religious police (muqtawa) have lost their influence. In general, women are allowed to dress and behave as permitted by their husbands, within the bounds of local decency customs of course. Women are still not allowed to drive, so you would have to drive her or accompany her in a company car with a driver.

    I found myself lonely and looking for company a lot, although it is easy to socialize if staying within a western compound. If you and your wife are used to being together all the time and relying on each other for company, then I think you would do okay. If you are used to being separate during the day and pretty much doing your own things, she might get lonely.

    On the plus side, once you have your iqama (Saudi residency permit) you are free to go to neighboring Gulf countries like Bahrain or UAE for holiday. The Gulf countries recognize the Saudi iqama for entry visa.

    I would have to advise caution about going to work there with no guarantee of an iqama. I went there on a temporary visa and the company was supposed to sponsor me for the iqama, which can take several months to process. Until you get the iqama, you ability to leave from and return to the country may be restricted, depending on your entry visa.

    Hope this helps.

    Interesting to hear that the mutawa have lost influence. Those *&&^%%^^& were hated even by moderate Saudis and were out of control when I was there in the early 90's. Apparently the King allowed them open rein after the Gulf war, as they were not allowed to harrass female soldiers during.

    If I were to say what I really think about them, I'd probably get banned!

  6. My 5 cents worth.

    Tell the truth. You'll feel better in the long run.

    As other's have said, sweeten things with a bit of cash.

    Immediately after, go away for a while.

    However, if she's really as "dangerous" as you say, you might have to move permanently. Sometimes life's a bitch.

  7. Well, I think whether true or not, great story.

    Like the "road movie", the idea of just wandering off and letting the "universe" take care of you probably appeals to many, but most, like me, are too afraid to really do it.

    I do wish though, that you would tell us how to live in LOS a long time without lots of money.

    Don't know how old you are, but what are you going to do when you're 65 and can't afford health insurance? ( I'll have to go back "home" to the land of welfare ).

  8. "What is it about Thai girls, that makes men want to jump on board to support her and her family until he is bled out of his last dollar, and then dumped on the curb?...Anyway, just curious on what others think that have probably seen it all!!"

    What are YOUR thoughts on this? Some guys are desperate and, hope springs eternal. Some guys feel guilty, set themselves up for disappointment, and then complain.

    I think you are right about the "desperate" bit. No one really wants to be alone, but so many western men have been burned by western women, that when they meet the "perfect" Thai woman, their brain checks out. I guess I was just lucky that I didn't meet the "right" one till many many years after discovering Thai women. Had I got caught early on, I too would probably be penniless and complaining.

    As for what makes western men want to give all their money to Thai women, if anyone can trap that in a bottle, they are going to be rich!

  9. Just think what you could have spent the extra 300 baht on.

    Take the GF to the movies.

    Have a nice meal in a restaurant.

    Go to Nong Nooch Garden.

    Day trip to Bangkok to see the red shirts in their "cage".

    Day trip to Kho Larn.

    An evening at the Malibu Show.

    Big breakfast for two.

    Buy some furniture for the room.

    3 DVDs from MBK.

    Some girly presents for the GF.



  10. Chalerm is one of the most despicable politicians in Thailand, ever. Look at his sons - one Duang, allegedly shot a policeman in cold blood and then basically got away scot free because his father was a threatening politician. If anyone is like Hitler with a warped ego, then it is Chalerm.


    Perhaps you weren't around at the time, but I remember that incident well. Can't be bothered searching, but it was well reported in the Bangkok Post.

    Doesn't surprise me that Chalerm is a Taksin supporter- just another bad apple.

  11. I am in Australia, and I am due to fly out tomorrow, 1 night in Bangkok and 9 nights in Pattaya, havent cancelled yet, but am considering it. Any thoughts??

    Pattaya should be safe enough, shouldnt it?

    Yeah mate, Pattaya is real safe :) , if you don't get raped, beaten, robbed, mugged by ladyboys, ur hotel safe robbed, killed on a motorbike, beaten up by the baht bus driver or ur throat cut or launch yourself of a high rise hotel balcony, OR ANY COMBINATION of these, pattaya is completely safe.

    It is reasonaly safe despite your comments as long as you maintain your senses.


    Well, I'm in Pattaya and none of the above from neverdie seem more likely here than they would have been in London, with the exception of the motorbike comment. I was nearly run down by some farang hoon on an overpowered m'bike. Why do morons think it's OK to come here and drive through crowded sois at 100 kph? ( yes, we all know why, really ).

    To reply to the OP, it doesn't feel like Pattaya has suffered much. I reckon there's just as many tourists as normal for this time of year, with the exception of the Chinese package tour hordes. Mind you thet's great for most of us, as not so many of those tour buses thundering along Beach Rd.

  12. I've "searched" this question but without a decent answer, so......

    I know that it is necessary to give the address staying in Thailand when arriving, and we all just give the first ( if known ) hotel, but now I'm living with my TGF in a rented room. I'm on the first of a double entry tourist visa.

    My queries are- should I go to the police station to report my address, or just wait till my visa extension?

    If I don't report it, will there be any repercussions for myself or my GF? Do I need to get the landlady to fill in a form TM 30?

    Thanks for any helpful answers.

  13. Cars at a standstill all the way from Central Rd to Soi Yamoto, my usual hotel full, hard to find a room ( at a reasonable price ) for long time rent.

    Pavements full of pedestrians, bars with the usual number of suspects, the beach promenade packed.

    Whatever may or may not be going on elsewhere, Pattaya seems to be "business as usual".

    Long may it continue.

  14. Wonder if the smart ars*s thinking it's a joke would feel so blase if it was them. As for the "shoot them" brigade, how easy is it for a farang to get a gun here!!!!

    IMO, if the guy is in your house, it's too late. Unless you're a martial arts expert, he'll probably do you if you attack him.

    My advice is stay in the bedroom and barricade the door, call the police, and wait. Better to lose property than get maimed or dead.

    Personally, I keep an axe in my bedroom, so if some bad guy tries breaking through the door, I can break his arms, but I wouldn't go out and face him.

  15. It's not my fight but i am just wondering how you felt when the yellow team occupied the International Airport?
    why not have a poll in bangkok and see how many of the 10 mil. people like that "protest site" to be removed.

    i wonder !

    I was really PO that I'd flown out just hours before the airport was closed. I'd have loved another few days in LOS, with the perfect excuse for work.

  16. Not going to read the whole 8 pages, but why has this thread started debating about corruption, when the OP was about whether the govt. has lost control?

    To reply to the OP, IMO it either has, or is playing some very strange game, to which we are not privvy.

    I'd like to know if in fact the Army is taking orders from Abhisit, or doing whatever they please, which at the moment is nothing much.

    What other democratic country would allow a protestor's armed camp to set up blockades in it's capital, causing untold disruption for weeks and weeks? None I'm guessing.

    At least when the Yellows set up camp they didn't disrupt city life to any great extent, other than when the reds and the police attacked them, and not including the unfortunate airport occupation.

  17. Trying to come up with lame excuse to blame the protest. Comparing to peaceful mobs in other countries is just stupid.

    Looking back at each of every of your country. What would your leader do when there are sooo many people go against Gov.

    None of your leader will never ever refuse a fair election. Abhisit's Gov lacks of legitimacy is the root problem.

    Using force to suppress Reds violently is apparently what dictators do.

    Lots of farangs here do support this idea not because any democratic shit.

    Because all they want is a peace atmoshere for stock market. .. for their own sake of investment .. not for Thais.

    A few thousand people out of millions is not "sooo many people" that the government should be dissolved.

    In any western country, a similar "protest" would have been crushed long ago.

    So far, there has been little force used against the reds, less than against the yellows, and they caused less disruption.

    There is an election scheduled for 9 months, why can't they wait a while? Perhaps they want violence.

  18. Probably. But this is about more than just one man of course. (Or two, including Thaksin.) Pretty much all westerners would like to see Thailand move forward in peace, freedom, and justice. There is no clear path there now. Many of us feel a red takeover would mean massive misery, the opposite of progress.

    It puts me in mind of Chuan Leekpai, a good man who might have led Thailand into a true "golden age" if events had not swept him away. Shame.

  19. Just (5.00 pm) walked along Rama IV opposite the Red camp and round the corner down Silom road. Everything looks apparently quiet although some troop movements. Had the bizarre sight of about 40 soldiers on motorbikes (Honda Dreams etc) forming up along Pat Pong 2 and then riding off in formation up Convent Road.

    I saw that on Thai TV. Pretty "amazing Thailand"!

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