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Posts posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Have been watching Thai TV channels most of the day trying to see what is happening with the red shirts.

    Most of the coverage has been the same 15 seconds of shaky phone camera footage repeated over and over while one or two talking heads chat on endlessly. News flash for Thai TV execs- TV is a visual medium, not radio with pictures!

    The so called "anchors" must have something in their contracts that they must be on screen at all times, as most of the screening seems to be of them yakking on, while the action pictures occupy about a third of the screen. Even if the action occupies the full screen, there is a box at the side where we can "enjoy" seeing the "anchors" prattle on.

    Pretty rubbish, IMO.

  2. All the new malls will be luxury multi floor bar beer and GoGo establishments, and the hotel over Central festival will be a short time outfit. ( Think Nana Plaza, but 10 times larger ).

    Prostitution will be legalised, so mongers can arrive direct at U Tapao ( ? spelling ), be picked up by their lady of choice, and taken to their resort, like happens in Venezuela now.

    Families with children will be banned.

    ( I can dream, can't I ).

  3. Most lesbian-tomboys are teenagers. You guys know very well what I am talking about. Even low 20ies is sick for guy that is thrice the age. And even if the girl is over 50 I still don't like the look in your eyes.

    I take great offense in that and I want it to stop. You guys don't do it in the west then why do it here? Because you think you can get away with it? Because you think it's socially accepted?

    Of course we don't do it in the west Hahahahahahahahahaha

  4. this is a truly interesing topic, something that we have been discussing for some time... Not to say that i want to leave thailand but as im only 31 and recently married the immediate future of thailand say 3-5 years scares me a little, i have in the last few years opened several buisness and are doing quite well..... for the time being. I would love to have a crystal ball to see what the future holds, but as we all know thats not going to happen. we own our own cars and are very near completion of a beautiful new house here in bangkok, were luck to be virtualy debt free with maybe 3-5 years cash surplus potential enough to last us double that if we were to be thrifty. I could farily easily go back to being an employee at a respectable salary pretty much anywhere in the world as my profession is in high demand world wide....With that being said, when does one decide to leave this place... any advice from the older guys?

    Depends on why you're there.

    If you're there to make money, any time you want.

    If you're there because you love LOS and everything about it, dream of it whenever you're not, sacrifice your standard of living to save enough to live there, then only when they drag you kicking and screaming to the plane.

  5. There is some truth in this. I have been with 3 separate longterm farang relationships. They all start out well but after a while the expectations that were there in the beginning phase out. The taken for granted syndrome. It just happened to me that I was always expected to keep giving while it was ok for them to slow down on the same front.

    Whether this will happen in my Farang/Thai relationship time will tell, but I suspect that while both sides maintain their side of the agreement that it will not phase out so easily.

    If anything I worry that I might be the one in the longterm that takes the other side for granted. Something I do not want given my sense of finally finding some real companionship.

    The other side of the reality is that I love the exoctic look and feel of Asian ladies. There is something very attractive about them. I still find Farang attractive too, but the gloss of them has worn off given my past relationships and the way they ended.

    One other thing too, my thai lady has encouraged me to take beter care of myself, both in my habits and appearance. It is refreshing that she takes pride in the way I look. The way I was heading prior to her was drinking plenty and looking far beyond my age. My last partner obviously didn't care as long as I was bringing in the cash at my expense. Even my partner preceeding her would say you are looking old, but never offered up anything else but criticism.

    Maybe it was your drinking plenty that took the toll on your relationships with white chicks. I have no problem with white girls and I have found the same issues with Asian girls. Don't get hung up on race, inside all women are the same. Thai girls may be more patient and less domineering, but many of them have the "I need a man to take care of me." attitude. I don't want to rescue anybody. I want an equal partner, a concept that escapes most Thai girls. Plus the conversation with Thai girls (yes I speak Thai) is shall we say, less than stimulating and that goes for educated girls as well.

    All that said, I do prefer the look and feel of any woman who takes care of herself. Although many Thai girls look thin, they never exercise and once they hit about 35 it's downhill because they never broke a sweat in their lives and have no muscle tone (except for go-go dancers).

    When was the last time you had a conversation with a western woman about things that YOU consider important? Can't say that I ever have, as they usually don't care about the same things, so what's the point about "equality". I'd rather have a partner who makes me feel good as I am, than one who discusses politics, and wants to change me.

    You seem to have a pretty limited experience of Thai women. More Thai women work hard than don't. My TGF used to make roads. She's probably as strong as me! Still feminine and sexy though.

  6. in regards to advertising that rubbishes/puts down men,maybe 'what goes round comes round" for decades women have been depicted as sex objects to sell products,so now its our turn.

    What!!!!! Do you think being depicted as fools is the same as being a sex object? If the ads were depicting men as sex gods, I doubt I'd be complaining.

    the point i was making was that its now our turn to be rubbished.

    If that's all it was, I wouldn't care. However, given the amount of TV kids watch, it's actually brainwashing. Tell children often enough that men are stupid fools, and they will eventually believe that. Compared to such, believing that beautiful women love to clean toilets with ----- is probably pretty innocuous.

  7. White 'career' American chicks are the bottom of the barrel marriage-wise.

    Foreign women from South America, Eastern Europe, and Asia are at the top. Only guys who travel (in other words, guys who are successful and ambitious enough to travel a lot) find these. But they never, ever go back.

    Very true.

    But people travel more and more, and that does change the world. More and more Western men will learn, that the world is not limited to what they get taught at home. The internet helps a lot too.

    I sometimes watch those Scandinavian families in the BTS, noisy badly behaving children and presumptuous, dominant women. Then the submissive husband, who finally realizes that he made a huge mistake with his life.

    You should go to the beach sometime. Young Brit guys being bossed around by the ( western ) GF. Sad thing is, they'll probably get married, kids, divorced, peniless, bitter etc etc. DON"T DO IT!!!

  8. in regards to advertising that rubbishes/puts down men,maybe 'what goes round comes round" for decades women have been depicted as sex objects to sell products,so now its our turn.

    What!!!!! Do you think being depicted as fools is the same as being a sex object? If the ads were depicting men as sex gods, I doubt I'd be complaining.

  9. The vast majority of human beings marry (or form serious relationships with) a counterpart from their own ethnic/cultural grouping.

    Mixed relationships form a tiny minority in global terms.

    Perhaps because the vast majority never have the option of working/ moving ( legally ) to another country. As the ( human ) world becomes increasingly mobile, I'd expect that to change.

  10. Bearing in mind why I have been visiting Thailand as much as possible over so many years, if I had the financial means to stay there, they'd have to deport me before I went back to the west. Sadly, the cr-p sterling exchange rate means that I may in fact have to leave before I'm ready ( and after saving for 10 years to be able to afford to stay in my remaining time ) Thanks all you bl--dy financial @#$)(&$.

  11. Actually,

    It was a serous question, and I thank the serous replies. Thank you.

    What is normal for the rest of the world, is certainly not normal protocol for Thailand. What is online as normal, certainly does not apply to Thailand. In a normal country, the problem would have been fixed prior to the airport take over, everybody who hijacked the airport would have been charged and prosecuted, everyone that did those silly acts in Pattaya would be in jail for a very long time, simply the current shenanigans would simply not be tolerated and would have been history long ago, but This is Thailand, Normality is not normal, TiT NnN. I was trying to ask if Martial Law was done to clear the streets so the normal citizens can live a normal life, would that in NnN Thailand be a Coup?, or would power be handed back to the Gov the following day?

    I think if Martial Law does happen, (or what happens) Tourism will suffer a lot. Yes, it's all bad for your wallet.

    Yes, I think I shall use western standards and definitions that is in a western dictionary's as normal practice. Try that when trying to get a refund of a broken product in Thailand, Try that when a cop pulls you over and demands bribes for something you have not done.

    Just tell him, to look in the dictionary for a definition of how a police man should behave.

    Wouldn’t it nice if no one else was hurt, and there was a 6 month federal election campaign that was not bought or rigged and everyone respected the result like grown ups and all normal Thais had a better quality of life. Anyway. It doesn't change the price of cheese or a big mac. I was just curious.

    I doubt that Thai civilians have ever lived a "normal" life, as seen from a western perspective, since the 1930s when the asolute monarchy was overthrown. Having as many coups etc. as in LOS is scarcely conducive to a "normal" life.

    I remember when Chuan was the PM. The "golden days" of LOS IMO, but, of course, it didn't last, thanks to Soros, one of the most evil people on the planet, IMO.

  12. I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

    The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

    I'm in your corner... you do whatever you want.. don't let any feminist tell you how to behave.... most are asexual anyway and look like men.

    I do, and I don't.

    I used to be in awe of western women. That stopped pretty much after I started working in a female dominated occupation. I twigged pretty fast that while women don't ( usually ) threaten others with physical violence, they are right up there with verbal violence, and as for being the "caring" sex, rubbish!

  13. No, the main reason for having a Thai partner is because the foreigner can't get any better in their own country. Its so ridiculously hard to find a partner back home. This is cold and hard but it is the truth.

    Actually, with the help of the internet its never been easier to find a partner in ones own country. There are scores of single women ready and waiting and only a mouse click away...but they are mainly single mothers...so what does that tell ya???

    That there are lots of single fathers also on the same merry-go-round ?

    Strangely enough, there is a difference spending time with a fat ugly moaning bitch in a cold country, compared to spending time with a hot beautiful moaning bitch in a warm country... :)

    Yes, that is strange, LOL.

  14. The West is still stuck in the old role model taught by feminism and political correctness. This is a relict from the communist movements of the 60s and 70s. Women are supposed to be tough and strong like a man, while men are supposed to be weak like a wet towel.

    There is a general anti-male attitude in the West, and the legal system is totally disastrous. The majority of marriages end after a few years where the woman departs with most of the man's assets.

    Men in the West do well not to get married there or found a family. It shows already in the birthrates, which are the lowest in the world.

    Of course, there are still functioning relationships in the West, despite all the propaganda and reeducation. But the young Western man who believes "my woman is different", is quite similarly naive to the farang who believes "my Nana girl is different". Occasionally, but not often, they are right.

    Just count up how many TV ads belittle men, and you will get some idea of the anti male bias prevelant in the media.

    I believe the rot set in when teaching ceased to be a profession of choice for men, and now there are no male role models in so many children's lives.

    Just wait till men are no longer needed to fertilise women! Asians may be the ONLY women prepared to marry farangs.

    Incidentally, now that women raise children, often alone, teachers are mainly women, lawmakers and the judiciary are increasingly women, why are young males still so violent towards women? Methinks it's all gone wrong!

  15. Most of the pro Asian reasons have been covered. One glaring thing I read is the perception that the Asian women are submissive. If anyone thinks that, they have never met my Thai wife.

    What my wife has in abundance is a sense of duty. She takes care of me in bed, keeps a clean house and my clothes are clean and ironed. If I try to wear the same pants two days in a row, she tells me to change because people will think she does not take good care of me.

    Nor met my Filipina wife!!! But your comment about 'sense of duty' is spot on, my wife is exactly the same.

    Plus, I am a sucker for Asian eyes. Always have been, guess I always will be... :D:)

    That long black hair does it for me!

  16. I prefer Asian women because I prefer pretty, feminine, petit women that understand men and women are equal but different and know that some honey gets them more than some PC BS. Not many of those in the west, in my experience.

    The other day a very long time ( platonic ) western female friend berated me because I let it slip that my TGF wears sexy clothes when we go out, because "I want her to". Horrors, bring out the stocks and beat me because I like my GF to be sexy!

  17. Why Male Farangs Prefer Asian / Thai Partners?

    Because we are kind, gentle, caring, understanding, needs low maintenance and our relationship last forever.


    Without been disrespectful, i think we should consider (Western women too..) if it is a "side effect" of the Women struggle for parity, which has changed our societies in the last 60/70 years. (For the better, if you ask me)

    Personally i find Asian Ladies in general more suitable for a long time relationship, one of the reason may be that i have no longer expectations in relationships, but again, could be just a trend of the moment.

    IMO, the only thing which has changed for the better is that women have other options than teaching and nursing, and don't HAVE to get married ( so why do they continue to marry such obviously poor choices? ). In fact, they have created a rod for their own backs, as no longer are they just a housewife, but now they are a housewife and a worker. No wonder they are so unhappy.

  18. It's not like throngs of non asian women are throwing themselves at me. Jeez. :)

    I take it you aren't handsome ( with a whiff of the "bad boy" about you ), have a fantastically paying job with prospects, flash car, big house and are prepared to do the child minding; or if none of the above a pop star or film star with an aura of "bad", but in reality a really nice, caring bloke.

    If Mick Jagger was a plumber, or Rod Stewart was a carpenter who liked playing with his model trains, do you think any of those women would be throwing themselves at them???

  19. If you have plenty of friends and live somewhere that it is easy to meet members of the opposite sex to satisfy certain primal needs, being single has to be less stressful than trying to take care of other's needs. :)

    IMO, wanting to wake up every morning either alone ( unless you dislike others ), or with someone you don't care about has to be a souless existence.

    Personally, I believe waking up every day with someone you love and cherish is the only thing that makes life worthwhile.

  20. I recently read an article about a similar research study done in the US. I think it was on the CNN website, but I don't want to look up the link right now. It found that, yes, married people had less health problems. But, the catch is that it only applied to happily married people. I believe that it found unhappy married people to be even worse off than singles. And how many unhappy marriages are there these days? A lot.

    I wonder if Taiwan is one of the countries with a declining birth rate? Perhaps that is the real reason for the minister's statements. Maybe he was trying to pressure people into getting married and having lots of babies?

    Thank you for pointing that out.

    I believe ( and flame me if you like, but I've had a lot of years observing most of my friends and family go through the marriage, kids, divorce cycle to formulate an opinion ), that sprogs cause most of the stress in a relationship. For starters, sex pretty much becomes a rarity, and if men are honest, they usually get married to have sex "on tap". I won't even try to say why women get married, but I'm sure it's not to have nookie every 5 minutes.

    The most happily married couples I know don't have children, or remarried and have no young ankle biters at home.

    I did read a study that said men are happier in marriage than women, and women function better as singles, as they tend to have better support groups.

    As for the OP's question, being single most of my life has made me bitter and sad. Work has made me bonkers.

    However, as I now have a very compatible and "friendly" TGF, who has accepted we won't be having rugrats, and I have retired early, I hope from now on to be happy and content with life, and less bonkers.

  21. Why cannot these ladies congregate in the Beer Garden at the north end of Beach Road? I thought that that was the main idea of opening the establishment. I have not been there for some considerable time but on my few visits I thought it compared very favourably with the other bars.

    Just an assumption, but don't the freelancers at the beergarden have to buy a drink to be there? If the Beach Rd ladies can't afford to, obviously they can't hang about there.

    Personally, I think it's a bit too dark. I can't even read the menu at the tables by the water.

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