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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Before my divorce my wife slept in a different room and I put a bolt on the bedroom door.
  2. Very true. Perhaps it's my Celtic heritage or that I'm a Scorpio, but never forget, never forgive is my motto. I'm waiting to get revenge for things that happened decades ago, but sadly I think I'll cross the great divide before I get satisfaction for past wrongs.
  3. I'll always avoid confrontation if possible. I hate pain and broken nose etc. So what if I look like a loser, as long as I'm not in court headed for jail.
  4. As far as I know the subject of this thread is to define intelligence, not about street smarts and not about anybody with high intelligence is happier or more successful, etc. You do know that this subforum is called "the Pub" don't you? It's not a meeting of the UN.
  5. If there are 100 posters on this thread there will be 100 definitions. IMO there are people with good memories that get degrees, but thick as 2 short planks together, and there are people that never got a degree, but are very successful at problem solving. I don't give a fig about IQ, but I do respect people that solve real life problems. They are the "intelligent ones" IMO.
  6. So why did you mention it?
  7. I see a lot of propaganda about how "dangerous" he is but never anything to support it. Perhaps you can explain just how Trump is dangerous, as I have no idea what you mean by it- is he going to create an army of Brown shirts ( in the next 6 months ) to arrest all the liberals and put them in concentration camps perhaps, or invite the Russians to take over the US, or some such? I suspect you don't actually have anything to back up your rhetoric, so I won't hold my breath waiting for an explanation.
  8. Not started by Trump.
  9. it is unwise to follow Trump. In a sane world you would be right, but when the alternative is Biden ( and IMO shortly after he gets elected Harris takes over ), Trump is IMO a more sensible option, as he didn't start any wars. I can forgive a great deal for a POTUS that doesn't start wars.
  10. How much exposure does RFK jr have in the US? I never heard of him till recently. Unfortunately, independent candidates do not fare well in US elections. I think Bernie had a good chance till the Dems sabotaged him.
  11. BS. IMO they just hate Washington enough to vote for Trump.
  12. De Niro used to make great movies but now he makes garbage like "the war with grandpa" and the Fokker movies. I'd like to ...... ..... .. .... ....... for wasting my money on garbage like that. He should keep his yap shut if he is such a loser.
  13. I've explained it to you before but you keep on with the same old Trump bad man nonsense. IMO people vote for Trump because they detest Washington and all who infest it, and the ones they detest the most are the career politicians that have been sucking on the taxpayer for decades and giving nothing but trouble in return, like HRC and Biden. If a better man than Biden were to stand Trump wouldn't stand a chance. It's not that Trump is a better candidate than Biden, but that Biden is such a horrible choice ( and his VP is worse ). When voters are only given 2 viable options and both are rotten, many will vote for the one they think is the least worst, and in Trump's case he didn't start any wars- always a good thing. Another couple of good things about Trump, he can walk without falling over and he doesn't talk to dead people. Biden couldn't even sort the southern border- what a loser.
  14. They'd have to pay me to drive that butt ugly thing. When people look at it driving past they ain't being envious- they are boggled that someone actually bought it.
  15. If EVs were better designed they'd all have a slide out slide in battery system, allowing not just battery replacement, but longer journeys with a battery swap when necessary. However, if Elon was involved in the design stage I'm not surprised it's a farce.
  16. If it's on social media it must be true, right? AI was never invented apparently. Even if it's true, 2 hundred is a long way short of 6,000, is it not? If it is true, Ukraine can expect a lot of dead civilians shortly. Two can play that game. Russia isn't like Gaza with nothing to reply with.
  17. The real Thai smile vanished decades ago. Thailand isn't alone. I have not been in any country this century where the people are happy. Modern life sucks biggly.
  18. Just wait a few years and they will likely have their very own nuclear force. Will that qualify for WMDs?
  19. Bit late for expecting a revival of a BAOR equivalent military. Mind you, if they spent the 3 billion quid Cameron has promised for Ukraine yearly on the UK's military they might have a chance of rescuing something from the current shambles.
  20. Isn't that what the US is doing with Ukraine to achieve its goals of eliminating Russia as a world power?
  21. That is last century thinking. AI robotics is shortly going to eliminate all the jobs that unskilled workers can do ergo no need for immigrants to work, and a better way has to be found to look after the aged than just giving them a pittance every week.
  22. Likely they have seen the disaster visited upon countries that allow unfettered illegal and legal immigration of alien people, and want nothing to do with it. As Japan is in the forefront of innovation, I'm sure they will invent androids in the not so distant future that will mean immigrants are not needed. In the meantime they may resort to "guest workers" like Saudi does, which means they stay as long as they have a job, then depart. I have no idea why western countries don't adopt such a policy, as letting immigrants become permanent after 5 years or so is IMO barking, and then allowing them to bring over their parents to be supported by the state is just madness.
  23. criming? Do tell us what that means. Perhaps you mispelled crying, as in "crying from laughing too much when he gets acquitted"
  24. For that poster to complain about one sidedness is truly laughable.
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