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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Common sense is of more use.
  2. My regret is that by the time they invent a sex android ( Japanese real dolls married with a robot and AI ) I won't be around to benefit. For the more sedate reader, a small robot dog that speaks and can have a conversation. It'll look and act like a comfort dog, but will do so much more.
  3. Bernie was never in the election for POTUS. IMO they sabotaged him before he could stand as Democrat candidate twice.
  4. The only person shot was an unarmed Trump supporter. You need to try harder. They were going to block verification of the vote, dispose of Mike Pence, and have Chuck Grass let declare that the states need to do something to put Trump back in power. Alternate electors and all that. If you actually believe that would have worked, you're as nutty as any Proud Boy, IMO.
  5. His post went right over your head, didn't it!
  6. That is a habit of Communists as well. Two sides of the same coin.
  7. I liked Boris for the same reason I like Trump- he's an entertaining outsider. I so despise anyone that spends a lifetime sucking off the tax payer and doing a very bad job of running the country to boot.
  8. People shouldn't read other people's diaries. It like deliberately listening to other people's conversations- very bad manners.
  9. I can't see how any mentally functional human could vote for Biden as he is now. It's like TDS has sucked the reasoning part of their brain out and replaced it with porridge. I can understand why people don't like Trump, and don't want to vote for him, but surely, if Biden is the alternative, they could just stay home.
  10. Unfortunately I don't know if you mean Trump or De Niro. If you mean Trump, I don't care if every word that came out of his mouth is a lie as long as he wins and not the guy that has the IMO most vile VP ever waiting to take over when he gets taken away by the men in white coats.
  11. Disagree 100%. You think just pushing a button to move a car window up or down is a good thing, right? To me it is a sign that humans are just too lazy to wind a window by hand and eventually will allow machines to do everything so we get fat, unhealthy and die. As for more choice, it's just more choice of the rubbish that we fill our minds with now. I stopped watching tv as it's just dire garbage. Even movies are woke junk now.
  12. I'm with Musk. Humans are not walking into becoming technological rejects, they are running full tilt into oblivion. Even been in a restaurant where all the people are on their phones and not talking to each other? A race of morons won't last long.
  13. Not at all. Just because technology can generate identical "us" is nothing to fear, till it is able to commit crimes and make everyone think "you" did it. It's all irrelevant anyway, as we are all doomed, and won't be around too much longer. Perhaps AI is the next species to become the prime on the planet.
  14. I'm sure that they all let you know how much sex they get, NOT. For all you know the guys are happy even without sex, or visit prostitutes on the side.
  15. I wish I was him right now ( without the double chin would be good though )
  16. Seems that in their haste to have Trump in court during the election campaign, the prosecutors neglected to have a serious charge to apply, and are throwing as many accusations at him as possible in the hope that one may stick. If they fail to convict, they are just giving Trump more popularity, but if they do convict it will be seen as a politically inspired conviction so he will become more popular. One wonders in what reality those prosecutors live that they got it so wrong. In any event, even a conviction does not remove him from the ballot.
  17. His guilt doesn't mean that Trump is also guilty, else Trump would already have been convicted.
  18. In your opinion. It's not a cover up till he is convicted and the appeal fails.
  19. Nothing Biden says can be taken seriously ( and sometimes not even understood ). This man is seriously disturbed. And semi senile. He is a divider and a hater. He will say or do anything to get re-elected. God forbid.
  20. Perhaps an opinion as to why you think Trump is dangerous is in order. You are just parroting the Dems propaganda otherwise.
  21. We used to say "if the cap fits" but means the same. I'd have cheered Trump if I'd been there. I'd have called Biden worse than that.
  22. Thai beaches were wonderful last century, but been destroyed since. I've been on many Thai beaches better than Maya Bay. As for saying Railay- there are 3 beaches on Railay, and none of them that great. One is nice, and is the one featured in many ads, but it's not as good as some I've been on. Perhaps that's a good thing else they suffer the same fate as Maya Bay which has been destroyed by the hordes. When they include parties in the judging one knows they have their heads where the sun don't shine. Had Rin would have been one of the top 5 till it became a party beach and now it's awful.
  23. I've done the research and it was Russia that defeated the Germans. Your other points are valid, but it was Russians that did the grunt work and the dying. Of course most of us were so indoctrinated that we believe that it was Britain or the US that did so, including myself till I did the research. Whatever Russia did after WW2 is irrelevant to them defeating the Germans, as is what they did before Germany invaded them.
  24. Went right over your head, didn't it!
  25. One suspects that much of the hey hey hey Ukraine all the way is posted by guys that never served, have no idea of what war is like in reality, and have zero strategy experience. Seems some actually believe that sending more money will win the war for Ukraine, LOL. Unfortunately it seems as if some of our so called leaders don't have a clue either. After all, how many of them ever served? Biden certainly didn't.
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