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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Prove that I do that or you are making it up, again.
  2. The cops will just change tactics and grab them off the street or force the hotels to evict them so they can be picked off individually. There are more than one way to skin a cat, as the saying goes.
  3. Comprehension problem? I said I didn't have enough info about her to know if she deserved the pathetic insult. I know quite enough to insult Biden and the Dems, pathetically or otherwise. Next.
  4. Which is IMO the reason for the closure. Qatar is trying to bring about an end to the conflict and netanyahu probably wants to keep it going as long as possible. I saw him on tv ranting on about how if israel has to go it alone in the conflict they will do so. He may get his wish if he goes into Rafah with hundreds of thousands of casualties- alone, isolated, despised, pariah.
  5. I don't know enough about her to know if I agree or disagree, but I'll try and avoid pathetic insults unless I know they are deserved.
  6. In other words, just lie and hope they get believed.
  7. Agree with most of the OP, BUT, the question that arises is if the Palestinians are prepared to put up with israeli oppression, collective punishment, arbitrary arrest, indefinite incarceration without trial, land theft and assaults by settlers protected by the military, OR, do they think the consequences are worth the opportunity to take a few israelis with them? A people without a future or hope are probably the most dangerous people on the planet as they see no reason not to die fighting the oppressors. The israelis have created an enemy with nothing to lose, and they will suffer for it.
  8. and if it does happen I will not be too 'gobsmacked' when MAD occurs. Seems that some are so indoctrinated by US propaganda, that they will be cheering when the ICBMs fly.
  9. Doesn't matter if it's NATO pilots or the guys that make the tea for the officers club, if NATO joins in it's just a hop, step and jump to MAD, IMO. For it to even be suggested implies the lunatics have escaped and taken over NATO command, IMO.
  10. I gave that a "love it" emoji. There are so many warmongers on here that they could win the war all by themselves for Ukraine, the west and democracy. Unfortunately they don't seem very keen on leaving their basements to join up with the brave heroes of Ukraine.
  11. You really have a thing with "boomers" don't you? It's like you think they are all of the same mind.
  12. Are you taking the michael? If they did it hasn't been exposed. That doesn't mean they didn't do it, just better at hiding it than Trump. So, asking for a link is just trolling, IMO.
  13. How would you know if they did? Is your magic crystal ball telling you that? In fact you don't actually know if they covered up illegal campaign contributions that haven't been exposed. I'm sure that as both are career politicians their careers have been full of crimes that were just not discovered. I don't know if they did or not, and I'm not saying that I do, unlike you.
  14. I'm a boomer and the amount of times I thought about the Cold War- ZERO. Amount of indoctrination about it- ZERO. Next.
  15. I lived in Singapore in the 70s and it was the most superior country I ever lived in. IMO he was a benevolent dictator, but he took a chaotic country with race riots and transformed it into a country that was great to live in. IMO he was a man devoid of BS, which is an affliction of western politicians- I don't believe much that they say any more. If he had a failing it was that he was too puritanical, and the country suffered for that eventually. I have not been back in decades, so I can't say how it is since he retired. Seems too posh for my liking though. Certainly too expensive. People need some alternative outlets IMO.
  16. Seems that his post went right over your head. Do you believe every person in those countries is evil?
  17. Thank you. It's where it's not obstructing anything and the colour is much less vivid and distracting. Very much appreciated.
  18. It would be great if you can do that, please. Where it is, it always seems to be over the little star that we use to go to our last post on a thread. Where it used to be was just fine- I never had a problem with it there. A less distracting colour would be welcome too.
  19. 555555555555555555 I don't have one of those phones and never will, if I can help it.
  20. Thinking back, the western world was great when world population was about 3 billion in 1960. IMO it's gone downhill in direct proportion to the increase in world population. Now, compared to the 1960s, life sucks. Having a phone in our pocket is no compensation for what we have lost- quality of life.
  21. It's ALL about virtue signalling, IMO. Bunch of numpties IMO.
  22. The only property damage I've seen on tv news was caused by thuggish cops. The protestors were not damaging anything but grass. The cops will come to regret behaving badly, I hope.
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