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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO a tragedy entirely on israel and it's partner colluding in crimes against humanity, America. America because Biden could force israel to stop, but while Biden says the right words, he keeps sending munitions to kill defenseless Gazans. I hope the entire civilized world will shun israel for what it has done and is doing in Gaza and the West bank.
  2. Biden pretty much made open border. Robots are already here. It's actually too late now, but if they started thinking about it now it might be manageable. It's going to be like when cars became commonplace for horse stables, but waaaaay bigger. It's going to affect everyone. You think robots will come equipped with a penis?
  3. Spoken like a brainwashed person that believes everything on MSM and polls. I don't read newpapers any more as they became so bad, and tv is just rubbish and contaminated by PC. Why do you think I care if Trump lies? I expect all politicians to lie, and never had to revise that opinion. The only reason I support Trump is that he might be the only candidate left to go against Biden, and I really, really want to see Biden defeated in November.
  4. Ah, yes it was indeed a different poster. Apologies.
  5. You did say something about legal immigration, so I was agreeing with you. It's too late to start thinking about millions of unemployable illegals after they get sacked. The welfare bill bill be ginormous. Robots will be property, so which ones will be illegal? I wish it happened already, as I'd be putting in an order for a pretty one.
  6. Agree with first sentence. I always assumed Fox was entertainment.
  7. During the "cold war" my life was never better. We actually had a real military way back then, not the Mickey Duck thing now. I had a great time in the military, saw much of the world, but after the "cold war" ended it all got a bit sad.
  8. Obviously legal is good, and illegals should be returned over the border whence they came. Even better, don't let them get into the country in the first place. BTW, you do realise that once AI robotics takes off in the next few years all those illegals will be unemployed and unemployable, don't you?
  9. Didn't you just say that illegal immigration is OK?
  10. LOL. You have changed your tune, haven't you? Not so long ago you were saying there wasn't a lot trying to cross, and it wasn't a crisis because Biden was doing such a great job. I wish you would make up your mind.
  11. and yet........................ We have many reports concerning the rise of anti Muslim activity in the UK. Seems some don't like either very much.
  12. You beat me to it. Jews look like anyone else, so unless they use some means to let other people know they are Jews, no one will know. Perhaps they wear an israeli flag. For women, they don't have to wear any particular attire, so likewise, unlike Muslim women that think they have to wear a hair covering on their head. They don't but most have been IMO brainwashed into thinking they have to.
  13. Strange comparison. Why would I have the opinion that a fire isn't hot? The boy that thinks he is a cat IMO doesn't have that opinion, he has a mental problem. Perhaps I didn't explain very well. An opinion is something we all have about things, and some of them may not be very nice, but as long as they are not put into action they are not good or bad. The action may be good or bad. Thoughts are just that, thoughts. You may disagree with my opinions but that doesn't make them "bad". So far, no one gets tried and convicted for their opinions, only actions.
  14. Sounds like when conservative students want to listen to a conservative speaker.
  15. Gaza was never Jewish land since the Romans evicted them. Look at a map from 1948.
  16. Are you denying that thousands of children have been blown up or left to die in the rubble of their houses because the Gazans have no means of removing the large concrete pieces? If you call that sensationalist phraseology, what is the description of what happened on October 7? Remember the claim that a baby had been microwaved? That was somewhat inflammatory, was it not, and not even true. LOL. you do realise that you are not posting about Thailand and that the subforum is called "World News", not Thailand News. BTW, if you are going to post on a public forum, you don't get to say who replies to your posts, nor do you say who posts on here.
  17. Dreaming right? If what you said happened, the Gazans will still be blockaded and under total israeli control. Is that OK with you?
  18. Perhaps you are right to be negative about it, after all israel has been busily fomenting hatred among the unfortunate people of Gaza and the West Bank since 1948, and I can't see it evicting all the illegal settlers to even allow for a two state solution. Problem for israel is that the Palestinians actually own the land they are on, not the illegal settlers, and nothing is going to change that, ever. I'm interested to know what your solution is. I'm sure you have some idea of what you think might work. I've given mine already. Let's be realistic, the Palestinians are not going away. If they remain stateless and oppressed, they will continue to attack israel, one or two israelis killed every now and then, just enough to keep israelis on edge, not forgetting the millions that live beyond the reach of israel to control, that will be sure to want revenge. Small boys will play at killing israelis and will grow up to join Hamas, or whatever takes it's place. Will israelis ever feel safe outside israel? Welcome to the forever war.
  19. I don't blame them. It's an issue created entirely by Biden when he stopped the wall being built, so he can stew in it till he gets the boot next year and Trump can finish it.
  20. So, modern life has come to this, that killing an unborn human is something to glory in! I become more disgusted by some humans, seemingly by the day.
  21. It's not often that I read something so vile as that. Whatever one thinks of abortion, it is the killing of an unborn human being. Making it a constitutional right to kill an unborn human being devalues human life. Why stop there- make it a capital offense to commit a crime and save the cost of prisons.
  22. No, it doesn't. Had the US done what they easily could have done and forced the israelis to stop killing thousands of defenseless people in Gaza, the Houthis would not be attacking ships and the problem would not have occurred. This is on the Americans for their slavish support of israeli atrocities. It's appropriate that it's causing them financial problems.
  23. Seems someone thinks people being run over by a tank or dead children is funny. Some mentally sick guys out there IMO.
  24. For every atrocity you mention I'll give you a thousand and more children blown up or left to die buried in the rubble of their house. How many dead children will it take to assuage your blood lust?
  25. That's a nonsense equivalence. The sufferings of the Japanese people caused by the American attacks ceased entirely after they surrendered. The Gazans are already conquered and blockaded, and the illegal collective punishment continues anyway.
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