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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I like that post. I especially like the "Now they are just filleting the carcass and hanging the commoners meat out to dry". It has a more dramatic effect than my use of "sheeple", "peasants" or "consumer units".
  2. I am alarmed that such a move is apparently being discussed by the UK government. I expect that from the wannabe fascists on the fringe of politics, but that it would even be considered by those in government is an outrage. If Sunak is in any way involved in attempting to shut down public opposition to the atrocities in Palestine, he should be cast out of Parliament as a threat to democracy.
  3. Don't hold your breath waiting. I very much doubt that such would be available from any reliable source. However the IDF could probably come up with something to say that all 2.3 million Gazans are, or will grow up to be terrorists.
  4. Oh, what a tangled web we weave. The irony is wonderful. Of all the countries in the world, Germany should be at the forefront of efforts to stop the ongoing atrocities in Palestine, but instead it colludes with the oppressor.
  5. Every time Russia blew up a residential building with some Ukrainian deaths it was paraded on the world media as an example of how terrible Russia is and how we should throw a few billion more $ at Ukraine to repel the genocidal Russians, but when the israelis do it to hundreds of residential buildings and kill thousands of civilians, there is only silence from America, Britain and Europe. History will judge the guilty and those that colluded.
  6. I thought it was a very good thing when they did that, but when I found out it was only 40,000 or so ration packs it has made me wonder if it is some sort of sick joke. There are 2 million + starving people in Gaza, and they think 40,000 meals that last ONE day, will win Biden applause. The situation gets worse by the day.
  7. It's likely, IMO, that netanyahu doesn't want a ceasefire, so is putting up proposals that Hamas will never agree to. If he was serious he's have sent a team to Cairo that were authorised to negotiate.
  8. I think he was referring to mad people, not just ones with a button.
  9. You omit that Siam gave a considerable amount of land to both the British and the French to stop them colonising. Plus the British had their hands full with Burma and Malaya and the French with Indochina. Even Britain had a limit as to how much land they could steal conquer with unfriendly natives in situ.
  10. Silly question. Of course we are. My rat bag Thai nephew who caused nothing but trouble was more important to my wife than me.
  11. Not if they live in NZ. No one is going to nuke there as they will need one intact country to live in after and NZ has a military as useful to keep them out as shouting "go away". If NZ goes down it will be because of nuclear winter or radiation, IMO
  12. If NZ were to escape intact, who would be the "people in charge"? Hint, pick your choice between a group with "power" in their title, or perhaps the ones with "mob" in theirs. You know who has all the guns, since the law abiding guys handed theirs in.
  13. Another good book is "Level 7". It's about Russians that survive ( or rather don't survive ) in the deepest bunkers. Best movie I saw about it was Testament. Very harrowing and realistic. Sad too. Have tissues available.
  14. and when they finally emerge from their bunkers some of us will be there to give them a warm welcome into the brave new world they didn't expect.
  15. Apart from the likelihood it will never happen, If it does, best to off yourself. Human nature in the raw is not pleasant.
  16. Danger loving people? The closest to danger most get now is watching thrillers on tv. We do have a lot of sheep though, so there is that.
  17. It's no big deal under sedation. GA wasn't offered under public hospital test. It's just not necessary.
  18. Anyone can survive without food for 24 hours. Man up. It's longer than 5 minutes and they can't do it if full of poo. Did they not tell you that you can put flavouring in the bowel prep? Takes a while, but it will work, eventually. You may not get much sleep. You don't have to do it. Up to you.
  19. It's NOT necessary to "put you to sleep". You can have it done under sedation as I did, or just do it without anything. While I was sedated I didn't experience any actual pain. I think it's just uncomfortable if done without anything. If they try to make you have a GA that's just trying to make more money out of you.
  20. Didn't need to be 2000 miles long. Parts could be secured with razor wire, and apparently some parts are too difficult for large numbers to cross at anyway.
  21. How can men use the sexbots if they don't have penises? Perhaps you mean they will go Terminator on us and no use for sexbots at all as no men left. Perhaps they will keep the females to use the penises you think they will have.
  22. Does that man never stop lying? Had he continued building Trump's wall in the most easily crossed areas, it would have reduced the number gaining access significantly. He was the one, all by himself, that stopped the wall being built. They even had the parts to build the wall ready.
  23. I don't think I can explain it any simpler than the door example. I leave you to your IMO delusions.
  24. Immigration certainly benefits the rich; more people = more profits. The people it will affect adversely are those trying to get better pay, somewhere to live etc you know them, the poor. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2006/aug/11/comment.politics Immigration is now making the rich richer and the poor poorer. I await your proof that illegal immigration benefits poor citizens with anticipation.
  25. I was obviously using complicated words. Here you go. If a door is closed no one can walk through it. If a door is open anyone can walk through it. Trump was building a wall to stop people walking in illegally. Biden stopped building the wall, so people can walk through easily in the gaps. Sooooo, Biden kept the border open to illegals.
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