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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Assuming that they were in a military jail I can be sure that they are not going to be messed around with by the screws. That's not something I could say about an ordinary prisoner.
  2. You can keep your faux outrage for those that are impressed by your nonsense. Bye.
  3. Most sensible thing she has done, IMO. I doubt she'd get the financial backing she needs to continue anyway. No one likes to throw money away.
  4. I once thought of applying to test for the SAS, and then I slapped myself and gave the idea up. The entry test is designed to weed out the less than amazing supermen already in the military and only the most real of real men will pass. I was openly in respect of such men, and that's not something I did lightly. That some wimpy bureaucratic nonentities should commit such an atrocity against them is IMO an outrage.
  5. I loved that post, especially the bit "I suppose being bitter about being a desk jockey in the secret squirrel department, cloak and dagger division of the CIA versus a field operative can cause resentment. Or it could have been the fact that you were not hand picked to be the CIA liaison officer by DEVGRU on the OBL mission.". Absolutely classic IMO Trump should just give her the finger and ignore her whining, He has 91 or something court cases from those with perpetual TDS so what's another going to matter? It's not like the judge will order him arrested or anything like that, as I doubt he wants to go into protective custody. If he does, his base will love him for it.
  6. Who are the morons that ordered the arrest? They send highly trained men in harms way and then prosecute them for doing their job. If they are convicted, I can be certain that the rest will be "reluctant" to carry out such tasks in future. I can even see return to unit requests arising from this farce, and a down turn in applicants. It's such a stupid move that one can imagine the powers that be want to degrade the SAS operational capability. Such men need to know that their superiors have their back, not that they are likely to be stabbed in the back.
  7. I had the opportunity to work in Dubai, but I turned it down because they are just mean. They expected me to buy my own airconditioner and the wages were not great. I stayed in Saudi where they provided the air conditioner and the wages were great. As long as I could escape to LOS regularly I could tolerate the BS. Malaysia is boring and has no fun at all. It's also expensive.
  8. You haven't posted much about scientists "freaking out" so you must be off topic yourself.
  9. I can think of one poster that complies with that. Keeps going on about how the science is proven and how it's all caused by humans. Doesn't have or refuses to post any solutions whatsoever, so I guess he doesn't actually have any. Personally, I think it's a huge scam so the usual suspects can get even richer. Governments are doing sod all except dream up new taxes.
  10. Yes, more to fix if they go wrong, but not having idiots changing the gears less likely to fail ( as long as the oil doesn't leak out ), IMO.
  11. In your opinion. In mine most of the hot air is from yourself.
  12. IMO less to go wrong on an auto box, if one looks at how they work. Of course, an idiot could probably break one anyway.
  13. LOL. your Transit van ain't anywhere near as "huge" as a Scammel truck. Nobody messes with one of those. Double declutch, but would go just about anywhere.
  14. I think that will go right over their heads. BTW I drove manual almost all by driving life and I get the 6 th booster quip. I never had a booster myself.
  15. Auto drive is not the same as an automatic gear box.
  16. I bet they do, I bet they do. The prospect of the billions of western taxpayer $ to rebuild Ukraine probably has them wetting themselves. Pity about the nurses and ambulance drivers having to go without a pay rise though.
  17. Indeed it was predictable if anyone cares enough to read any of my posts from the start of the conflict. The Great Game has been played for centuries past and likely will for centuries to come. A cynical man might say that God and the devil are playing a game to see who gets all the souls. Are we stupid? Probably, to put up with the BS.
  18. Interesting post. I see shades of the Russia Afghanistan conflict where the CIA was supplying enough arms to keep the resistance alive, but not win the war. I understand the idea was to bleed the USSR using proxy Afghan militias. That ended of course once Gorbachev became leader and withdrew the Soviet forces.. Perhaps that was the plan this time as well. Makes sense to me. They certainly keep going on about how they are bleeding Russia on the cheap. Of course it's not cheap to Ukrainian widows and fatherless children.
  19. Charge away. Charges are irrelevant unless proven. When was Trump proven guilty then?
  20. When will you guys understand that Trump is as unpopular with some GOP characters as he is with the Dems? Being GOP is not indicative of being MAGA in and of itself.
  21. Waste of time. They have been talking for decades and no result. IMO it has to be either a signed deal for a two state agreement or nothing. Israel has no intention of allowing the Palestinians a state, as they proved by their approval of more illegal houses in illegal settlements on illegally occupied Palestinian land. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68490034 Israel approves plans for 3,400 new homes in West Bank settlements
  22. You seem to believe that netanyahu would agree to a ceasefire if the information was given. IMO he will only willingly agree to a ceasefire when the last Gazan is dead or dying. He has IMO proven that the fate of the hostages is not something he cares about, and just something to cover for his real intent. If Gaza gave that info I'm sure he'd come up with something else. He proved he wasn't serious when he wouldn't let the israeli team negotiate.
  23. I'd love to continue seeing your humerous anecdotes, but I have a nice anime to watch, so I'm outa here. Carry on without me.
  24. This denier of human caused global warming doesn't give a rat's bottom about whether the planet is warming from fossil fuel use or nanobots from Mars. It doesn't pass the BS threshold. Whatever the reason for it governments are not actually doing anything about it except as an excuse to impose new taxes, ergo it's BS.
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