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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Exactly. What the instruments don't show is the Man Made element. They show the planet is warming, but it's the tame scientists that make it about humans being naughty. If it was accepted that it's a natural cycle they would not be able to tax us for it. Follow the money.
  2. That's hilarious coming from someone that doesn't realise that world news isn't about Thailand. BTW, when talking about trolling ................................................
  3. Perhaps writing all the hate speech made him tired and he had to go for a long lie down.
  4. IMO the military industrial complex will always find a way to extract as much as possible from the sheeple citizens. Perhaps it will be to build autonomous fighting machines at a few zillion $ per. So much for the Leopards and Abrams that were sure to win the war for Ukraine.
  5. Carry on living in your fantasy dream. You won't like it if you wake up and have to face reality.
  6. Nah. He just does that to trigger people like you.
  7. In an age of hypersonic missiles, any large ship is probably just a good target now. I can see new designs to provide a low profile, or stealth. Bit difficult to make an aircraft carrier stealthy though. If an aircraft carrier was to be sunk in the Med by Iranian proxies it would truly stun and horrify the world. It would certainly stun and horrify the US that has spent rather a lot to build the biggest carriers in the world.
  8. I used to get that. 90 days and a trip to Malaya and repeat as many times as wanted. Train across the border, then get off, walk up the hill and return to LOS. Bus to Hat Yai. Bliss.
  9. Hmmmmm. You didn't actually mention any country or group against which the US was defending itself, which might have helped.
  10. I hope you are not including Iraq in that. Iraq had nothing to do with 9 11.
  11. I can't quote from it, but before they put up the pay or stuff off banner It's being denied that it's going to be sold. However it seems that they are having a problem finding enough sailors to man both. LOL. Perhaps if they hadn't wasted all the money in Ukraine and israel they might be able to afford a few more sailors. Here's the link. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2024/02/29/hms-prince-of-wales-will-not-be-sold-says-navy/
  12. ?????????????????/ Since when were we able to open a thread on world news? Do try and get it right.
  13. No dedicated thread yet, but Trump slaughters Haley in Super Tuesday. Dems better get the tissues ready for November. They did everything they could to make him go away and it just made him more popular.
  14. War has rules. Israel does not abide by those rules and is committing crimes against humanity and war crimes. October 7 does not excuse the israeli apologists that try and cover for those crimes from being supporters of IMO state terrorism.
  15. That's only part true. They did not "do nothing" with it. It was their pantry that they used to to survive. Modern people have nothing to be proud of with their land destruction.
  16. Wow, so Hamas have been flying the planes and dropping the bombs themselves! I never knew that. Thank you for educating me. I'll be sure to get back to you when I need more educating. BTW, how do you describe men that drop bombs to kill thousands of defenseless people from complete safety? I say murdering cowards is appropriate for them.
  17. Age related memory loss? It took him that long to get something built because he was unable to get congress to allocate the money. In the end he did a work around. IMO congress wants illegal immigration.
  18. If the wall had been finished, there would not be so many to catch.
  19. Texas disagrees with you about razor wire, as they have used a lot of it. However it's not of much use when the federal border patrol cuts it to allow the illegals through. If the wall was a crazy idea, why has israel built so many of them?
  20. It's relevant to the topic as it's the reason for the Houthi attacks. If the conflict in Gaza had not occurred the Houthis would not be attacking israeli linked, American and British shipping. The last two because they made themselves an enemy by ineffective bombing on Yemen soil. As for the US led coalition, has it amounted to much yet? They were struggling to get support from serious contenders, and Britain seems to be experiencing difficulty in finding a ship that actually works to send.
  21. I think they rewrote their values to include "it's OK to hate Trump, as he's more evil than Satan, Hitler, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Ghengis Khan, and any other nasty they can think of".
  22. Is the penny finally dropping? It's taken a while, for sure.
  23. Very well said. I have said on here before that the vast majority of those that participated did nothing more violent than walking through the building, maskless, and completely devoid of weapons. However, to read some of the comments put forth by the Trump haters, every man and woman that participated was a raging anarchist, hell bent on hanging Pence, and overthrowing the government. It's the last bit that makes a mockery of their faux outrage though. It's as though they actually believe in the nonsense that a few ( among the mainly peaceful crowd ) violent protestors could actually become a government, without any backing from any of the states, police or the military.
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