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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. There is a well known correlation between educated woman and less children. Educated women likely realise that carrying a parasite around for 9 months, with the side effects of a ruined body, morning sickness, permanent weight gain and excruciating pain expelling it is not such a great deal. Seems that in countries like Japan and Singapore women have decided a career is a better option than a screaming brat that poops all the time, and wants money for the rest of their lives. Even Chinese women, apparently, have decided that just because the government has now declared that they may carry a second or more parasites for 9 months, they don't want to. I expect some men, that will never have to carry a parasite around for 9 months, will not take kindly to my post, so bring it on. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/parasite parasite an organism living in, on, or with another organism in order to obtain nutrients, grow, or multiply often in a state that directly or indirectly harms the host
  2. Older sperm, like anything past its sell by date is more likely to be damaged goods, and is more likely to produce defective taxpayer units, and make them health consuming units for their life span, however long that may be.
  3. I'm no elitist, but IMO there are 5 billion too many people destroying the planet and environment. I thought the luvvies wanted less man made pollution, so they should all be for lowering the population. All that "we need more tax payers to support the elderly" is so last century thinking. AI robotics will ensure that more people means more people on welfare as jobs for humans disappear in every increasing numbers. It's not 1918 when they needed more cannon fodder for the next world war.
  4. Luckily they don't control Al Jazeera, which is doing a sterling job of getting the truth out there.
  5. IMO the closer Trump gets to looking like winning, the more desperate they will be to denigrate him, and making up lies will be the way they will likely go. IMO they already did so before with the Steele report.
  6. If believing that Biden is a corrupt crook that just hasn't been charged yet, a bumbling old man that can't speak or walk properly and is absolutely not capable of serving an extra 4 years as POTUS qualifies as BDS, then call me BDS by all means.
  7. Last time I stayed on Bottle there was a dirt road south, and the resort manager gave me a ride down to Had Rin, but the concrete road had not passed Haad Khom, so the normal way to get to Bottle was by longtail from Chaloklum. I must have stayed on every beach in the north east, and Bottle was by far the best, but the rot was already there with a concrete hotel right in the middle. IMO the only thing saving them ( if they are saved ) is the lack of an airport.
  8. Have all the ladies left Patong then, or do you not sully yourself with such vile past times? Patong was never that great, even 30 or more years ago, but it wasn't that bad either. The main problem was the taxi rip offs, and the beach was very average. I only stayed there on my way to Phi Phi, and it was better than the very boring Phuket town. Once Phi Phi got ruined I had no reason to visit Phuket anyway.
  9. The poster you responded to said he had "documented" proof, but apparently failed to provide it, LOL.
  10. Oops. So much for sending one to the Red Sea to punish those naughty Houthies. Maybe later.
  11. It's nothing to do with what he has done, but whether he is capable of being POTUS for another 4 years. Many of us don't think he is.
  12. Indeed there is a long way to go. Anything can happen between now and then. Another war in the Middle East, death of one or both, common sense descending and both getting "removed" from contention ( legally, not in a bad way ). The future is not ours to see, que sera sera.
  13. At last, a post that I can agree with 100%. Well done. Now, how to stop illegal immigration, hmmmmmmm. Perhaps a big wall might do that, but .....................
  14. IMO Biden created it all by himself, by cancelling the wall, and now he can't fix it.
  15. You are still going on about the 2 politically inspired impeachments that came to naught? Don't you have anything more recent to complain about?
  16. What human on the planet has never said something that was "poorly worded, foolish and unnecessary"? Like the Billy tapes this will IMO make no difference on the vote, which is many months away.
  17. LOL, Chicken Little is on the run. There is a way to go before we need to panic. Check out the map, from the same source. Note where the ice cap is. It's not on the coast where the OP photo is set. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greenland_ice_sheet The Greenland ice sheet is an ice sheet about 1.67 km (1.0 mi) thick on average, and almost 3.5 km (2.2 mi) at its thickest point.[2] It is almost 2,900 kilometres (1,800 mi) long in a north–south direction, with the greatest width of 1,100 kilometres (680 mi) at a latitude of 77°N, near its northern edge.[1] It covers 1,710,000 square kilometres (660,000 sq mi), around 80% of the surface of Greenland, and is the second largest body of ice in the world,
  18. I'm buying popcorn to get ready for the presidential debates. Should be immensely entertaining.
  19. What happens when you take off those blue coloured glasses?
  20. A very entertaining time for the rest of the world and a load of political conflict in the US.
  21. From what I understand most US politicians just vote on party lines, so they likely don't even understand the full complexity of what they are voting on, especially as some bills may have dozens of complicated pages to read. Some have hundreds of pages. I certainly hope the president can't just start a nuclear strike without advice. I don't know if they have absolute power over it or not.
  22. I can think of a different candidate that has told a few porkies that has some gullible loser supporters too.
  23. The EU has elections before the US. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_2024_European_Parliament_election The European Parliament election is set to take place in June 2024.
  24. Ref what I earlier said about israeli assassinations of journalists https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/13/al-jazeera-reporter-camera-operator-seriously-hurt-israeli-airstrike-gaza An Al Jazeera correspondent and a photojournalist have been seriously injured in an Israeli airstrike that allegedly targeted the pair while they were working in Gaza. According to the Doha-based news network, Ismail Abu Omar, one of its correspondents, and his camera operator, Ahmad Matar, were in northern Rafah where they were documenting the living conditions of displaced Palestinian families when they were directly targeted by a missile fired by a drone.
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