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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. IMO my problems are created by other people- some are just bureaucratic pen pushing losers that never had a real job, and others are created by nasty people that routinely cause problems for other people and some are by people that are so vile that they could probably never qualify for a decent job. In your opinion I made them up in my mind to persecute myself, or I caused them somehow to appear in my life and cause me problems. Which is more likely? BTW I never wanted or needed to enlighten myself on all of life and reveal all answers to life. I don't need to understand why a sunset happens to enjoy it, and I didn't need to understand the intricacies of the human body's hormonal responses when it is aroused by the prospect of sex with an attractive and willing woman to enjoy the actuality of it. Some of us are content to wander through life and enjoy as much of it as we are able to without analyzing it.
  2. Where is your documented ( from a qualified person ) proof that he is mentally unfit?
  3. I would hope DeSantis tries again. He only dropped out because he knew he couldn't win against Trump, but if Trump is gone..........................?
  4. Stop lying. I supported negotiations before the invasion. Of course the truth is meaningless to you.
  5. Biden had 3 years to do something and he did nothing to stop them. He actually made it easier by cancelling wall construction.
  6. Isn't it great proving they they are wrong.
  7. You really will have to try harder. Perhaps you didn't do history at school. Poland had a treaty with the UK that required it to defend Poland which meant war. Ukraine had no treaty with America, or European nations.
  8. Some people think she is special because she is pretty and sings nice songs ( she is pretty and does sing nice songs ), but they probably think Biden will do a good job for the next 4 years too.
  9. They probably didn't envisage Biden being daft enough to think he has what it takes to be POTUS another 4 years.
  10. IMO the US needs a huge military presence around the world to bolster American's view that they are a super power. IMO it's in large part to secure sources of raw materials to support the American lifestyle which apparently uses more resources than any other country in the world. Military spending accounts for a large% of the US economy.
  11. I disagree. IMO the European nations are not serious about their own defense efforts and prefer hiding behind the US military. How many of them have a proper military that can actually defend them without the US covering for them. Even Britain is apparently no longer capable of being a serious military power. The glory days of BAOR are long gone. Couldn't even keep ANZUK alive.
  12. I disagree. I think anyone with a brain cell will see it for what it was, an off the cuff remark that wasn't meant seriously, and it will not stop anyone voting for him that would have anyway. IMO it's nowhere near as threatening to his electoral prospects as the Billy tapes, and to my surprise he still got elected. I also think many Americans are "annoyed" at being taken for a ride by European nations that won't pay their fair share of NATO costs while hiding behind the US military.
  13. Still ranting without any proof whatsoever, I see. Didn't I see you demanding a poster provide proof the other day? Are you one of those "do as I say, not what I do" guys?
  14. Let me get this straight. I've often seen it claimed that Trump doesn't pay his bills and hasn't for many years. Surely if that were true the word would spread and no one would work for him. Sooooo, IMO either American businessmen are easily conned, and keep working for a man that doesn't pay his bills, or it's not true.
  15. Talking of unsupported lies, you post a lot without proof yourself. My thought on illegals is that as they are criminals they should be arrested and either deported or prosecuted.
  16. Every time you talk about Trump you have posted from a negative viewpoint. I look at Trump from the point of view that it's always better to talk to the enemy than to go to war. Would you rather boys in bags or a bit of chat? How many wars did Trump start?
  17. Trump could bend over to pick up something off the floor and you would likely conflate it to something to blackmail him over. You seem to constantly obsess about Trump. Perhaps you should count to 100 and breath deeply before doing so in the future.
  18. I can't agree. If that was correct, why are the US and various European countries supplying munitions? Western governments must know many of their citizens don't support the conflict, and risk electoral punishment for doing so. For sure Biden will be punished in states with large Arab origin populations. If israel could supply it's lethal material, western countries could focus on non lethal and defensive assistance, but obviously it can't.
  19. They need to live apart, and the israelis need to get out of land they have no right to be on and allow a Palestinian state.
  20. Sadly, I was wrong on that. Two months on and western governments still support the israeli government's IMO attrocities. On a more positive note, the protests against the conflict continue to grow around the world, and a court in Holland has banned the export of aircraft parts used to support the bombing of innocent people in Gaza. Hopefully more courts in more western countries will also ban military assistance to israel.
  21. A small victory for sanity in Holland. https://apnews.com/article/netherlands-court-f35-israel-b33608b054a33fbacc518395b53b74e8 Dutch appeals court orders Netherlands to stop exports of F-35 parts to Israel, citing war in Gaza “It is undeniable that there is a clear risk that the exported F-35 parts are used in serious violations of international humanitarian law,” Judge Bas Boele said in reading out the ruling, eliciting cheers from several people in the courtroom. The exports must cease within seven days.
  22. I don't know what your point is. Are you saying that no Gazans have been killed, or it's a few thousand less than claimed? Does it matter if it's one thousand or 12 thousand children got blown to bits- any child blown to bits is a child too many. Is your point that it's OK for israel to commit crimes against humanity as long as it's less women and children getting blown up than Hamas claims? Next I expect you to be claiming that all those building we see blown up are actually still standing and it's all just AI propaganda, while the Gazans are having picnics on the beach.
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