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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. They are not doing nothing. IMO they are letting Biden look like an incompetent loser.
  2. It's waited 3 years, so why the rush now?
  3. Trump will likely use the court to campaign, using the case to prove how the judicial system has been weaponised against him. IMO he will gain many, many more votes over it.
  4. Nothing would make me happier than seeing Sunak humiliated and sacked.
  5. Never mind, it's not their money they are spending.
  6. It certainly doesn't give one confidence in Biden's ability to navigate an increasingly precarious situation elsewhere. Seems he got a free ride from the press in the first 3 years, and the chickens are now coming home to roost. At the worst possible time for Biden and the best possible time for his opponent.
  7. I don't put much faith in British courts to hand out appropriate penalties.
  8. Given what he did, the description seems appropriate. It's a shame that he won't spend a very long time in a Thai jail, where the other inmates can educate him about acceptable behaviour. I hope he gets banned from flying on any airline.
  9. The situation was created by Biden, so why wouldn't they use it to show how useless he is?
  10. otherwise insignificant move that is going nowhere and a waste of taxpayer money. Sooooo, it was OK for the Dems to waste taxpayers money on their 2 that went nowhere, but it's different when the GOP does it!
  11. According to Al Jazeera not long ago, israelis ordered Nasser Hospital evacuated, and has destroyed part of the hospital. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-68293874 Israel orders evacuation of largest hospital in southern Gaza
  12. I came to that conclusion about 2 months ago when the plan became clear. They certainly got the israeli reaction correct, though it didn't require much thought IMO, as they have always reacted with excessive force to any provocation. The question though, is how many Palestinian deaths Hamas thought would occur before the world intervened, and how far they are willing to continue. Having come this far I suspect they will stay the course. When it's all over, I hope outraged citizens will remind western "leaders" ( that colluded in the atrocity ) of every dead Palestinian child, for the rest of their lives.
  13. That would then include just about every leading figure that has spoken recently on Al Jazeera, who have been using genocide to describe what is happening, all of which I consider more rational than yourself with your refusal to acknowledge the reality of the situation in Gaza. I am sure that you will denigrate Al Jazeera, so carry on.
  14. This talk of peacekeepers reminds me of a Tom Clancy book I read many years ago, where an israeli soldier just shot ONE Palestinian and the UN sent a peacekeeping force. I don't remember the book title but was Clancy ever wrong on that! The UN has been exposed as useless and hostage to any member with a veto. I can't see it surviving in the same corrupt manner in the future. Hopefully all the other members demand an end to the veto.
  15. IMO he is referencing the western leaders bending over for netanyahu. Many many thousands of western people standing up for the Palestinians and against the israeli slaughter. I watched an interview with Roger Waters on Al Jazeera during which he called Sunak a c****n. I was cheering him for that.
  16. LOL. In case you hadn't noticed this is an opinion forum. Next.
  17. She does have some songs worth listening to. I like "you belong to me" in the VDO of which the frumpy girl living next to the dishy boy she lusts after, but who ignores her ( preferring the pretty girl who likes being a girl ), finally wins the guys heart when she reveals that she is actually Taylor Swift pretending to be frumpy.
  18. More like "Realizing the impact of her words might impact her earning ability as an "older" actress, she made a grovelling apology in hopes that people might keep going to her movies" so she doesn't end up on welfare.
  19. Beat me to it. I decided long ago that Gaia will remove humans from contention, but Gaia doesn't work quickly. Humans have proven themselves to be unwelcome guests ( we forget that we are guests on the planet and the planet owes us nothing ) with our pollution, destruction, over population and incessant bloodletting. Time is long past for us to make way for a ( hopefully ) better dominant species. At least that'll solve global warming.
  20. What are you smoking? Look at the religion of all the countries that surround israel. Not many Jewish or Christian ones, are there? In the long run, given the comparative birth rates, IMO israel is doomed, unless it can somehow solve the Palestinian problem to the satisfaction of all the regional countries, including Iran. BTW, Russia and India don't border israel.
  21. More like not giving Biden a win, and letting him swim in a stew of his own creation. After the Donald wins they will finish the wall, sack the federal agents that cut the wire to let illegals through ( I hope ), and make a new deal with Mexico to keep them there. All good.
  22. I really really wish they would stop helping the US invade other countries. We'd all be better off if they did.
  23. What facts? Something like Euro nations won't pay their fair share or spend 2% of their income on their military, and rely on the US taxpayer instead?
  24. and those members would be? Without a quote from one or more you are just making it up.
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