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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Now that America has made itself an enemy of the Houthis, they can expect attacks on American ships as well. So much for not expanding the war in Gaza. Had they stuck to shooting down the missiles it would have IMO been seen as business as usual, but to attack land based facilities has made them official enemies, and that goes for Britain as well. IMO stupidity writ large.
  2. What's not to like about those policies? I'd have added not starting any wars.
  3. I think I am one that can tell the difference between wheat facts and chaff facts, and I put "Biden is a good president worthy of re election" firmly in the chaff category. NB. I didn't mention Trump.
  4. Twice politically impeached, twice not convicted. Next.
  5. I agree. No matter how much I want to see U Tubes of snowflake heads exploding after a Trump win, I have to admit the bumbler Biden is more likely to win against Trump than any other person. IMO the GOP could put up a donkey against Biden and it would win, but Trump is toxic to too many.
  6. Is it just coincidence that that photo only shows the "president" part of the sign, or wishful thinking? :-)
  7. and of those 20% how many end up in prosecutions? Not many, I bet. Luckily, American people don't have to live in states run by nutters, and they have freedom to move to a different state.
  8. Nothing new about faked pictures. They've been around as long as Photoshop. AI just makes it easier. The real danger is in faked voices, as in scamming. I have no problem with eliminating Prima Donna movie "stars" or singers. I like anime, which has no live actors, so "live actor" movies without real actors isn't going to make a difference, and far as music goes, I don't care who sings it as long as I like it. Movies and music to me are just entertainment, not a cult.
  9. You really should take up comedy. I laughed like a drain when I read that diatribe. I'd have given you a laughing emoji except they don't work any more.
  10. Probably any numbers his side disagrees with.
  11. If ever proof was needed that the US "justice system" is a very bad joke, this is it. If it was anyone but Trump would the penalty be as large?
  12. Evidence that is not independently verified, as outside journalists are apparently not permitted in Gaza. The evidence they provided in one hospital was so ludicrous that no sensible person believed it- a calendar that was supposed to be a roster of Hamas fighters and a "command center" that was just a lap top and some rifles in a tote bag that wasn't toted. Of course the WHO ignored it as it's not worth a brass farthing without independent verification.
  13. At the least, Netanyahu and Biden will not be able to prance about proclaiming that the highest court on the planet says it's OK to bomb thousands of women and children to bits while starving them to death.
  14. Probably nothing on the ground will change- America will still keep sending bombs to israel to drop on women and children, and the israelis will keep on dropping them, but it MIGHT encourage some countries to stop supporting israel.
  15. The problem for israel with that is that like with the boy that called wolf, many just ignore it now, as it's been so overused to try and protect zionists from attack by anyone.
  16. Very sad. Even if they killed every Palestinian in Gaza, there are more in the west bank and apparently millions outside israel. If ever a nation wanted to be living under attack ( even if only attacks on individuals ) for ever, it is israel, creating new enemies every day. Perhaps not now, perhaps not for years, but IMO israelis will come to rue the day they decided to massacre an entire population that was under their control, and was virtually defenseless against the might of the israeli army. IMO America will also come to regret the day their leaders chose to supply israel with the means to to do so, and Britain will also get some of that. Seems like the Europeans might be having second thoughts about supporting israel, judging by comments heard on Al Jazeera ( not supposed to link to Al Jazeera, so won't give one ).
  17. They wimped out of calling for a ceasefire, but did the next best thing. Of course the israelis will ignore it, and the US and Britain will do the usual, but it will encourage countries on the fence to perhaps come down on the side of justice.
  18. One might assume that by "manage migration more effectively" he is speaking code for "let more in and let the taxpayer support them". It's not at all a complex subject. If they don't stop at the first safe country, and try to reach their destination of choice, push the boats back over the sea border line with enough fuel to return to France.
  19. When you said "He resorted to mocking and ridiculing, so I stopped" I assumed he was on about religion. If I got that wrong apologies. I've stopped discussing anything serious with anyone I wish to keep talking to, as everyone is just so quick to take offense about almost anything these sad days. A sense of humour has vanished into the haze and our world is worse off for it.
  20. Nudge nudge, Monty Python
  21. Trump is dominating the primaries. That doesn’t mean he’ll beat Biden But the Dems are scared <deleted> that he will, else they wouldn't spend so much energy trying to stop him. Imagine that, a lying crook like Trump scaring the Biden mob, I'd insert a laughing emoji here but they don't work any more.
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