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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. It's all a bit sad to see the western world that was braying about how evil Russia is in a different conflict are OK to allow it to happen in Gaza. Hypocrites all, and shame on them.
  2. They could have done that already. Seems to me that western leaders are in the bag for israel and Arab countries don't really care, or are too dominated by the US to take action against israel. I fear that it's going to become a real tragedy for the Gazans ( and after them the West Bank ), and when it's all over western leaders will be going "oh isn't it just so awful" while doing nothing. We are seeing them for what they really are now, and it's not nice at all.
  3. They would be mad to do so, as anyone can see that soon as the hostages are released it's monster time for the IDF, with bells on. The only thing restraining them so far, IMO, are the hostages and the outcry in Israel to do whatever it takes to release them. Netanyahu saying military action will free them is a nonsense, as if they look like being freed by the IDF they are probably going to be dead before they can be released.
  4. You are too late. Western society was doomed when the claim that there are more than 2 genders was taken seriously. Our society has become too soft and dumb to survive, IMO.
  5. You sound like a real fun guy at parties. Have you even been in one to know, or get your information from The Sun?
  6. Tilac has been there for a very long time, but used to be way better before it went sparkly flash. No nudity at all, quiet, very sedate dancing, the owner was always there playing some card game with his friends. My first proper "date" was from there and we went to some huge waterpark. She stayed with me for 3 days till I had to go back to Saudi. Another holiday I met my first long term ( 4 years ) GF in there too. I have fond memories of Tilac from back then. I doubt it will ever be as good again though.
  7. I'm pretty sure the OP is taking the Mickey, but if he is he seems to have caught a lot of fish!
  8. It's an Americanism. Half a bathroom has a toilet and a washbasin and I assume isn't in a bedroom. I'm not sure if it has a shower, but I don't think so.
  9. I'm absolutely for the latter. I look around me at the world and at at home country, and it's all about greed.
  10. Till I saw that photo I was wondering if the OP was serious or just taking the Mickey. I wonder no more.
  11. You should put a smiley emoji on that or people might think you are serious.
  12. You are forgetting the EMP that will reduce all computers to junk, unless you want to live with your head inside a lead box.
  13. The lucky ones will be those that vanished in nano seconds. Life for those that survived without a lingering painful death will not be happy.
  14. Trump lives in their heads and they just can't stop talking about him. Also, if they didn't have him to complain about what else do they have?
  15. Here we go. The expansion of the Gaza war that Biden claimed to want avoid just kicked off. The US will retaliate, they will retaliate to the US retaliation and the next thing is more American boys coming home in body bags. I just hope no other nation gets involved in it.
  16. It's only dreadful depending on what it's used for. It could be used to Cure cancer and other diseases Free up humans to do more rewarding work Solve political problems Save the environment Educate everyone on the planet Develop food plants that survive climate change Invent better birth control and lessen need for abortions Make great health care affordable for everyone Etc OR it can be used to kill people more efficiently in wars- improved weapons, biological weapons, autonomous fighting machines etc Control populations- surveillance, posting on social media, spying, reading all electronic correspondence etc Make the 1% richer- just think about the consequences of knowing what the share market is going to do What do you think it will be used for?
  17. I believe she went there when the pressure to do so got too great, but she never did anything to actually solve the situation. If her reputation depended on her successes as VP she doesn't have much to show for the past 3 years, so if she is VP next year that's only because she doesn't get to be voted on separately from Biden.
  18. I don't know why you think being AG in California is such a great deal. Hasn't California become a state that clever people are abandoning in droves to move to other states like Texas?
  19. I personally know two lawyers and both horrible people. I've never had an experience with a lawyer that did a good job for me. So, don't try and use that "she's a lawyer so has to be a great choice" BS with me. I also know plenty of useless people that are university graduates. She didn't become VP on her own bat- Americans get the president and VP on the same vote, far as I know. If it was a separate vote I doubt she'd have been the VP. Anyway, that's all irrelevant as I judge people on what they do, not on what bits of paper they have, and she was a failure on the southern border.
  20. I love big machinery and they don't come much bigger than the new generation US carriers. Thousands of people working together to make it all work is impressive. However, they are dinosaurs ( just like Battleships that they replaced ) in an age of hypersonic missiles. Just very large targets now.
  21. The girls have been greedy for a long time. Many years ago I took one Nana Gogo girl out for a few days and we had a good time together, but the next time I went back ( 6 months later ) her price per day had doubled, so that was the last I saw of her.
  22. I was never asked to sign anything in any bar I went into in Thailand, ever! However, I'd look in the bar before I sat down and if it looked dubious I would leave, so only drank in decent bars.
  23. It used to be well known that bars padded the chit cup with extra bills, so one was advised to check every time that there were only the correct number of bills , OR pay every time a drink came.
  24. The point is that if one wants to decide to take her out for the night, it helps if they stay with the punter for a while so he can talk to her. If there isn't a drink in it the girl isn't going to hang around OR guys just have loadsacash and like being generous to the ladies or having them sitting there with them. Waaaay back I'd offer them 20 baht to sit with me, but that was when that was all they'd get as their cut from a lady drink so they would sit with me for the cash. Sometimes they'd even sit with me for nothing.
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