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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I'm getting the popcorn ready for the exploding snowflake heads show.
  2. I'm sorry to hear that. I had supported Bernie in the past, but no longer. It was Haley's anti Palestinian rant during a debate that made me no longer consider her as a potential POTUS. The only candidate that I would trust to not start any wars is Trump.
  3. Any qualified physician that offers a diagnosis without a consultation is a very bad physician, IMO. I can claim some training and experience in the psychological field, but I'd never give a diagnosis without actually speaking to the subject.
  4. If I cared I could present you with as long a list as to why Biden is an appalling choice. You "don't think he is a good choice, I think he is a better choice". Isn't this as good a reason as any to think that US politics is broken, that no one that would be a "good" choice is having a look in? Why are voters not being given the opportunity to select a better candidate than an old, apparently going senile candidate? Is it not anti democratic to only give one candidate without any opportunity to choose a better? Seems like something that goes on in dictatorships to me.
  5. Any psychologist that proffers a diagnosis without a consultation should be struck off, IMO. Means nothing, as they are just giving a personal opinion.
  6. That is undoubtedly true, but what may not eventuate is that they will hold their noses and vote for Biden. They may choose to vote an independent or not vote at all, but that would likely see Biden elected again. Time will tell and events may remove either or both from contention prior to the election. I'd like to see DeSantis vs Harris.
  7. Collective punishment is a crime against humanity, but when did israel ever take any notice of the UN if it didn't suit it to do so? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Collective_punishment Collective punishment is prohibited by treaty in both international and non-international armed conflicts, more specifically Common Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention and Article 4 of the Additional Protocol II.[1][2] There was a peace process before October 7? Can't say that i was aware of it.
  8. From the article quoted. “We share in the grief of their families for the heavy loss, and know that the pain is too great to bear,” Halevi said. Seems that when it happens to thousands of Palestinians it's OK, but for a few israelis it's a catastrophe. Gazan families have been suffering the same thing for 3 months, but so far no expression of sympathy from Halevi.
  9. If Kenny doesn't use a condom when doing it with unknown women, Kenny can't complain when Kenny gets AIDS. However, seems that Kenny is being sensible.
  10. I used Cialis without problems for several years, till I was no longer able to do so ( heart problems ). I didn't have any unwanted side effects.
  11. I guess you must be speaking from experience than.
  12. You came on a forum filled with refugees from failed marriages with Thai women- what else did you expect?
  13. Of course she should prioritise her kids over you, or she is a bad parent, but is that what you really want? Are you really prepared to spend the rest of your life being third in line? Have you any actual experience of living like that before? I do. Perhaps you should make two lists on paper, one of the benefits to you, and one of the problems to you, and see which has the most points. However, at the end of the day, it's "up to you". Good luck.
  14. Not one of us went into our relationship expecting it to end. All of our tilacs were wonderful, till they were not. There are certain red flags on any farang Thai relationship that are only learned by either living through the situation the hard way, or by listening to the advice of others that have been there. My Thai wife was indeed a wonderful woman, till she wasn't, and I had the benefit of decades of experience in Thailand, yet still I ended up with divorce papers. Of course there are exceptions, but do you feel lucky? With a divorce rate in the west of about 50%, and that's without the cultural difference, the dice are already loaded, and not in our (men's ) favour. I'm not saying to not go through with it, but to think it through, and if you still want to do it, to protect your assets.
  15. They are not "partners" when it comes to land ownership- they are the owners. Just because some foreigners get away with breaking the law does not mean you will be able to.
  16. It is not and never will be "your" land. If it all goes wrong are you able to walk away with nothing for it? Are you able to get a work permit to run an Airbnb?
  17. It's nothing to do with them per se. It's that your relationship will NEVER be about you and her, It will ALWAYS be about them. Everything you do or don't do will be dictated by their needs, not yours. If you are happy to always be second ( actually third as there are two of them ) go for it. I am talking from actual experience, not some theory.
  18. Probably because any "smart" person isn't going to be stupid enough to put themselves up there given the expected media attacks on them and their family and friends.
  19. LOL. Seems to me the situation has been caused by Biden when he diverted the weapons to israel. It's going to be very embarrassing for Biden if Ukraine has to negotiate from a position of weakness, after so much effort and treasure was wasted there. As for congress, they have apparently realised that Ukraine is more likely to lose than win, and are reluctant to throw good money after bad.
  20. Those Roman's knew a few things about war, to be sure. It was only when they decided to contract it out to mercenaries that the end came.
  21. IMO if Americans put as much effort into preventing pregnancy as they do into abortion, likely there would be little need for abortions at all.
  22. You must be able to overlook all of Biden's myriad bad points if you think he's a good choice for POTUS. What's insane is that the choice for leader of the free world is likely to be between two old men that should be relaxing in a comfy chair as retirees. Neither would be contending in a sane political system, IMO.
  23. It'll be better without the opposition present. He could have just a tramp with a flea bitten dog and I'd be cheering him from afar.
  24. I know the saying, but I don't get the point of using it in that context. IMO a vote for anyone not Biden is a vote for sanity.
  25. I just love that description of Joe. I hope I'm still around to see him boycott Trump's inauguration.
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