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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. While I don't know what "rock" you are referring to, I probably don't like it then. I had Vonda Shepard's version of "in dreams" on repeat in the car, played very loudly while driving today- doesn't get better than that, unless it's AC DC played very loudly while sitting in a Pattaya Walking Street road front bar. Been there, done that and was so happy I almost wet myself ( the line "she told me to come but I was already there" has never been more appropriate.
  2. I clicked on the link, but cancelled it when I saw it linked to face thingy. I refuse to go on that <deleted> site. Any other link?
  3. Well wasn't there one in Iceland recently? Lets wait and see next month. If true, no point in being concerned, is there? If confirmed I expect a load of converts on the God thread asking for advice on how to be saved :-)
  4. Because people that can afford to build a bunker think they are special and won't be destroyed along with the rest of us.
  5. Says someone that posted a lot of polls a while back, LOL.
  6. So they reportedly attacked a container ship. That's not doing much for your theory, is it?
  7. Well, they attacked an American ship, but that is expected after America bombed them. The UK can also expect retaliation. So much for not wanting to expand the Gaza war. Isn't there an on line site that tracks all the ships in the whole world? I imagine there would be.
  8. Just history repeating itself. This is similar to Thatcher's completely misjudged attempt on a poll tax. While I myself support the Rwanda solution, it's obviously not having enough support in the party. I guess the best solution now is to divert all the illegals to the houses of those MPs that sank the Rwanda solution ( in the same way that GOP states have been bussing illegals to liberal states in the US ).
  9. I'm luvin' it. That avatar pic is so appropriate as well. I hope he turns up from his beachfront property to attack Trump, which will make Trump even more popular. I wonder if Biden can get Oprah to run with him instead of Harris, as IMO that his only hope
  10. I was just thinking that it has to be beyond ironic that we even have Trump standing as a candidate, let alone doing well. IMO it's all down to the Dems trying to get rid of him with 90 odd court cases that only served to make him popular again. Talk about shooting oneself in the foot!
  11. I had to look up DEI, but if that is what we have sunk to, that we have to have that useless person in contention for POTUS because of some PC rubbish, we are already on the path to doom, IMO. When did picking the best candidate cease to be an option?
  12. Such a short lived momentum that I never heard of him till today. Perhaps he might be hoping for VP if he's supporting Trump now.
  13. You obviously haven't been paying attention. Too busy attacking me, I guess.
  14. I didn't think of that. I'd prefer him to pick DeSantis, but I guess she ticks some of the boxes.
  15. Sooooooo, Haley got beaten ( X all the pundits forecasting her coming second ). That's very good news. Hopefully she keeps losing.
  16. I like that description. Seems eminently suitable. Have any of the GOP candidates been pointing out that the VP is likely to be president at some stage in the 4 year term, and that she completely failed on the southern border. If she can't sort that, how can she be expected to sort the world?
  17. 5 pages in 7 hours- way to go Big Guy!
  18. I'm not going to respond to baiting posts that bring in "whataboutism" from 1930s Germany.
  19. Ah, that could have been spoken by a true blue, "we know what is best for other people imperialist". No foreign power has ever succeed in that country, and the west were stupid for thinking they could. They should have gone in and destroyed the taliban, then got out of it. More fools us for going along with it. Seems some never learn from history. Twenty years, many lives and billions of $ wasted for nothing.
  20. That was 6 days ago, and what has changed? Sod all. Blinken, IMO, is as useful as a wet paper bag. He obviously has zero influence with the israelis, if he even meant what he said and wasn't just mouthing empty platitudes.
  21. The UN has been shown lacking by it's complete impotence in this conflict. He can waffle on all he likes but as long as the world tolerates the American veto, nothing will change. Must be galling to realise that his organisation isn't worth a can of <deleted> when it matters.
  22. It's language like that which makes some of us support the Palestinians, along with the actual killing of thousands of children. Shame on Biden for supporting this monstrous one sided bombing. History will not be kind to him for colluding in the killing of thousands of defenseless Palestinians which is being done with American bombs and shells, while western "leaders" turn their backs on it- shame on all of them.
  23. Errrrr, wasn't Begin ( a zionist ) a terrorist before becoming a prime minister? The first thing israel did after becoming a state was to try to ethnically cleanse the country of Palestinians ( the nakba ). Apparently still trying to finish the job. Doesn't seem a very peaceful ideology to me.
  24. Why would they? Are they israeli warships? Did israel even join the coalition?
  25. Everything is so much easier in hindsight.
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