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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. In that case I think my bedroom looks more like the detention room in school than a place I want to hang out in.
  2. Stuff 'em. If they ain't going to give me the winning lotto number what use are they?
  3. Could have been me. I was learning the guitar while wintering over in Antarctica, but someone had a fight in the bar and broke the only guitar on the base.
  4. Agreed. I didn't even know he existed till I saw it on here.
  5. IMO you are all wrong. Carlos Santana is IMO the cheese of guitarists.
  6. Unusually, you wrote something I can agree with. I just laugh when I read the fairy tales by guys that claim there are thousands of "good", non prostitute Thai women with uni degrees and great well paying jobs out there just gagging to have some farang give them a rogering. I'll only go as far as accepting that there are some that will have a free dinner at an expensive restaurant, but that's as far as it goes without some actual commitment in a proper relationship.
  7. Sooooo, if Enoch stayed in heaven, who wrote the story for us to read?
  8. LOL. You must be a blast at a party.
  9. Agreed. I usually go on his threads for entertainment, but this one................. Personally, if one is dead in LOS, just exit via the chimney. Having the remaining family having to pay large to transport a body back home is just pointless, IMO.
  10. You would probably have enjoyed it. I thought it was a fascinating lesson in understanding ( or realising that humans can never be understood ) human nature. I enjoyed pretty much every moment I was there, but I had no one back home to miss. Those that did had a hard time living through it. Being emotionally bound to another is IMO a rod to beat ourselves with. Been there, got the T shirt. I do not at present so one less problem to deal with.
  11. Did you actually read the OP? Doesn't seem like it, or perhaps you read it but didn't understand it.
  12. While they do not, to my knowledge, have American troops in Ukraine, they certainly seem prepared to sacrifice Ukrainian lives in a war unlikely, IMO, to result in a Ukrainian "victory". They have apparently already diverted munitions elsewhere, which makes me wonder just how committed they actually are to Ukraine. Words from Biden claiming support do not result in a win on the battlefield without something more substantial being sent.
  13. I gave you a thumbs up, but that post deserves more than just an emoji. Well said.
  14. One suspects that their "concern" for young women only happens when it's an excuse to attack someone they don't like. As for the unfortunate women of Afghanistan I doubt they give them as much as a thought.
  15. It was the publicity that they wished to avoid. Now that it's all out, I hope they get their money back.
  16. Someone should tell that to Biden then, given he is ranting about Trump being a threat to American "democracy". https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/jan/05/biden-attacks-trump-january-6-anniversary-speech-election Biden attacks Trump as grave threat to democracy in rousing 2024 speech
  17. Looks like the israeli government is expecting that expanded conflict that the US are trying to avoid. https://en.haberler.com/israel-orders-hospitals-to-get-ready-for-treating-1908123/ Israel's Health Ministry has ordered hospitals in the north of the country to prepare for the possibility of receiving thousands of injured people as tensions with the Lebanese Hezbollah group increase, a report said Tuesday.
  18. Not disagreeing at all, but when a territory is under the control of another country, the controlling country, I understand, has an obligation under international law to provide food, water, medicine etc. They certainly don't have a right to starve them and allow disease to kill them. As usual, because of the US cover, israel gets away with ignoring it's obligations to Gaza. When the countries of the western world made a completely different response to a similar conflict in a different part of the world, one wonders how certain western "leaders" can justify ignoring or even supporting israel's crimes in Gaza.
  19. That's easy. They included the veto for the security council which means one country on the council can go against the wishes of a majority of the world's countries. We have seen that in spades over the Ukrainian and Gaza conflicts. The veto needs to be able to be over ridden by a 2/3 majority in the General assembly. I doubt the security council members will vote to eliminate it entirely.
  20. People, even in civilised modern countries, have been watching what is happening in occupied Palestine for many years and don't like what they see. If the dislike is unfairly applied to Jews that are not zionists that is unfortunate, but probably inevitable. Chickens coming home to roost is an appropriate saying.
  21. I can assure you that the USA is looked upon as a "partner" by NZ, even sharing the "five eyes" intelligence/defence relationship....... NZ better hope that the US is a partner given we abandoned any pretense of a real military years ago. Without the US to protect us we can just paint some "welcome to our overlords" signs. Given that we didn't let their ships in because of the No Nukes policy, we are lucky that they didn't just tell us to get lost. I am a New Zealander and have absolutely no problem with anyone from the US, apart from Biden and his idiot followers.
  22. IMO EVs are ideal for cities with charging points readily available. For every other application IMO they are <deleted>. I wonder how many they sell in the Aussie outback, or in Alaska.
  23. After living in a very interesting place with about 100 people crammed into a fairly small base for 4 months, I came to the conclusion that we were all crazy, and the ones that didn't seem that way were just better at hiding it.
  24. I'm sure I insulted a Thai woman quite unintentionally when I described myself to her as "Ting Tong". Looking back she probably thought I was calling her Ting Tong. I didn't do it again though, despite being as Ting Tong as any other person.
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