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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. If someone in the US doesn't get punished for letting it happen the problem will just happen again in the next conflict. Happened in Iraq too, I understand. OR The US knew the money would "disappear" and consider it part of the cost of proxy wars. Those wasted billions are needed for infrastructure: ports, rail, roads, bridges, inner city decay LOL. You don't expect the swamp to care about what happens in the US, do you? So much less opportunity for a bit of diversion of funds inside the US.
  2. I'd like to agree with you, but IMO a group of obviously not Afghanis wandering around would never have gone un noticed. Also, no way they could take enough supplies to stay long enough to do the job and move out to safety. They could have parachuted in, but getting out might not have been easy, given the example of Carter's botched action in Iran. There are literally dozens of reasons any such action might go wrong. Yes, they succeeded in getting Osama in Pakistan, but needed locals to assist and they paid the price after being shamefully abandoned by the US.
  3. Even Biden disagrees with you. https://apnews.com/article/israel-hamas-war-gaza-netanyahu-biden-6e9b74682a61f8327727d44df644534b The United States has laid out a much different vision. Top officials have said they will not allow Israel to reoccupy Gaza or further shrink its already small territory.
  4. There is 1 Jewish nation. I remember someone on the forum claiming that israel is "only for Jews" isn't true. It's certainly true that many Arabs are also israeli citizens, so which is it? A Jewish nation, or a nation with a majority of Jews? Methinks that one should consider the reasons for any anti israeli ( note, not anti Jewish- let's get that right ) bias by any nations in the UN. Reasons such as illegal occupation, illegal land theft, oppression and collective punishment against a people based on their ethnicity ( racism ).
  5. It's not like they were being reticent about their intent. Indeed they seemed proud to say it. All broadcast on Al Jazeera news. While I doubt the court case will help the Palestinians, given the shameful conduct of western leaders in ignoring the slaughter, it is no longer possible for the gutless western leaders to pretend it's just "self defense" or some such nonsense.
  6. Sounds like the way to go is to die unmarried, and living alone, which would have been me. I told my NOK to refuse to deal with any bureaucracy from Thailand, ( they don't live in LOS ) as I didn't want my body returned to home country. So they could have demands for as many documents as they like but it would have been their problem. I don't care what happens to my body after death as I'm no longer in it.
  7. I'm not letting my executor have an after party at all. That'll keep the riff raff away. I'm not going to be there so I'm not paying for one.
  8. LOL. You should have done research first then. Who is going to give you luck? They don't have a God to do so, and the monks are just men. They also believe in suffering, so letting you win would be against that. https://education.nationalgeographic.org/resource/buddhism/ Buddhists do not believe in any kind of deity or god, .......................................... Buddhism is one of the world’s largest religions and originated 2,500 years ago in India. Buddhists believe that the human life is one of suffering, and that meditation, spiritual and physical labor, and good behavior are the ways to achieve enlightenment, or nirvana.
  9. LOL, you say that as if you do, and as usual you provide no proof of what you claim as fact. Till you do, my default on anything you say is that you are making it up.
  10. I've said it before, but my preference would be for Trump to bow out gracefully, but if that doesn't happen, it's likely at least one of the 90 odd court cases might just get lucky and he can't stand. My preference would be DeSantis, obviously. The only reason I have for wanting Trump to win is revenge on Biden and his cronies, and seeing the snowflakes melt down, and that isn't really a good reason to subject all of us to a repeat of the first time. Also, since Gaza happened, I don't want someone as POTUS that is likely even more pro Israel than Biden.
  11. LOL. You must think the US knows where they all are. You dreamer you.
  12. I can't see anything in that post to disagree with.
  13. The poster you quoted gave a link. You did not. If it's a case of believe either of you I'll go for the poster that provided proof.
  14. I'm not going to be baited into that discussion, so carry on without me. Anything to say about the topic?
  15. They can't admit that they target journalists as that is a war crime, so IMO they invent reasons to kill them. They don't seem to have been able to uncover that "command center" under a hospital yet, have they?
  16. I love machines. Almost my entire life has been involved in machines. Even now, I'm using a machine to post this. Everything I love in life was only possible with a machine. But for machines my life would have been lived within walking distance of the place I was born, and likely I'd have died young from overwork, or disease. A computer is just a more advanced machine than a car. One generally knows what to expect from a machine, unlike irrational humans that start wars, get drunk and kill people while driving, etc.
  17. 55555555555555555555 Says someone that apparently thinks the Pub is a place to learn how to make his life easier.
  18. Up to you, but if I could go back it certainly wouldn't be to after 2000. I used to have a life that others could only dream of, but things change, and no one's future is guaranteed.
  19. The only part of that that applied to me was being older. She had land, houses to rent, came from a upstanding family in the village, and was probably better off financially than I.
  20. Seems I may have been right after all.
  21. Thanks for pointing that out. While I was doing that job almost all my forum time was at work. I spent time on the internet outside of work too, but some internet use is not acceptable on a work computer.
  22. Mine was lovely for a year. Only after we got legal did reality out. Even then, she was nice enough to keep me for a few more years till she just couldn't control herself any more.
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