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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. Making it up as usual. Why would I ask for something completely off topic?
  2. Had that not been at the start I might have read the rest. While I have disagreed with your opinions on certain subjects I have never said you were wrong to have them.
  3. Anything to add about the topic or do you just prefer attacking other posters?
  4. I was responding to "Do you think there was another President that contributed more in causing people to lose trust in American institutions?" ( than Trump ) Being pariah is irrelevant to the context of my post.
  5. Are you freakin' serious? My opinion is incorrect because you disagree with it?
  6. I never said love is evidence of anything else. I was saying that if one disregards God because God can't be seen or proven, then one has to say that "love" does not exist either.
  7. PS, too late to edit that, but it should have been smelled, not smelt, which is something else entirely.
  8. No, women made me crazy, completely, absolutely. Had I been born castrated I'd have been fortunate and wealthy.
  9. The only light after I die will be the fire in the crematorium. Wouldn't have it any other way.
  10. No one made money by overestimating people's intelligence. Says something about humanity that isn't very nice.
  11. I was going to post that, but never got around to doing so. I'd say that is a given.
  12. I ask you then, is "love" real, or an illusion, a nothingness that we imagine? We idolise "love", write songs about it, write about it, dream of being "in love", dream of being "loved". Yet love can't be seen, smelt or touched. So, is "love" as real as food, or is it an empty table?
  13. Humanity as a species certainly acts as crazy. As for us as individuals, some are more crazy than others, but IMO we are all crazy to some extent. Judging by the amount of money and time I spent on women, I musty be absolutely barking at the moon crazy.
  14. My entire childhood was in warm climes so never a snowy Xmas. I got plenty of snow as an adult when I took up skiing though, often on my face when I fell over, and lots and lots of it in Antarctica. Google is your friend.
  15. I was speaking for myself. That's why I included an IMO- duh!
  16. I have given such a great deal of thought, and my conclusion is that it all comes down to "luck" or "chance". Some are born to riches and a life of luxury, while some eat <deleted> for breakfast ( some of us don't even get more than breakfast to live on ). Is there a reason for it? IMO not. I think life is just a gamble. One could ask a gazelle if there is a reason for ending up as a lion's breakfast.
  17. You lost me there. If an atomic self does not exist, how can you and I even be here to put writing on the screen?
  18. If you do not believe in a creator God, you must believe in an alternate reason for your existence. Do you think the universe just happened, just popped into existence for no reason at all- one minute it wasn't there and the next minute all the matter in the entire universe just existed, and came from nowhere, or do you think it was magic?
  19. You make the mistake that some of us care if you believe us or not. I'll make the claim with an IMO, and whether you believe it or not is of no importance to me.
  20. Before the microscope was invented people didn't believe that microbes existed and thought disease was caused by going out in the moonlight or some such nonsense ( some people still think we catch a cold by being cold, lol ), but microbes did exist. The analogy is that you can't see the evidence because nothing has been invented to allow you to see it, but it doesn't mean that the evidence does not exist. Some of us don't need to be able to see the evidence, because we experienced something ( that you have not experienced ) that proves to US, that it exists.
  21. Did you miss the point because you chose to or do you just not get it? It was an analogy.
  22. LOL. No one is forcing you to give presents- that's on you! Man up, tell everyone that you are opting out of the commercialism of Xmas by big business and greed, and don't want to receive presents and that you will not be giving any. It worked in my case. I like the Christmas scene though, so I did have decorations and a tree, but the "presents" under the tree were just prettily wrapped empty boxes.
  23. That brings us back to the old "confusing religion with God" fallacy. IMO religion as a man made construct conforms to human desires, which are all different and all about humans, and God conforms to nothing except God. We don't "know" about God because we are IMO of no more importance to God the creator of the universe and everything in it down to the smallest particle, than a microbe. God created the organisms that became both humans and microbes, and both are part of the planetary existence- neither of more importance than the other. IMO it's only the arrogance of humans that think we are important on a cosmic scale that leads some to think God gives a <deleted> about us. I admit that my opinions are probably not in accordance with the OP's concerning such.
  24. Where did anyone get the idea that God is "good" in the human sense of the word? The Bible God is pretty mean, and bad things have happened to people since people existed, so it's a mystery to me why some have the idea that God is there to hold our hand and make life a bed of roses. Did some person claim that God was actually a nice person, and did people believe that when the evidence is contrary? Is it wishful thinking perhaps?
  25. Having been present at many births if I woke up as a woman the first thing I'd do would be to have my uterus removed. No <deleted> would be putting a parasite in me.
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