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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. You might want to check out the difference between colonoscopy and colostomy!
  2. If anyone is familiar with Virgin's corner in Nee Soon, age may not be a disincentive if they have dentures.
  3. Just in case anyone wonders why I lived there when I didn't have to, it was because of London weighting which gave me a lot more money than if I lived outside London. The Brits don't pay nurses what they deserve, so one has to make it up somehow.
  4. Agree it's BS. Probably thousands of dogs are put down every year in western countries just because they are no longer the adorable puppy a kid got at Xmas, or are strays.
  5. Correct on the culture. Some Thais had no problem sending dogs to Cambodia to be eaten ( for profit ).
  6. I had to put down 2 dogs with a rifle. If done properly instant death. Later on I had to euuthanise several dogs which was done with Phenobarbital IV, but I don't know if one can buy that in LOS. If one can it helps to sedate the dog first. If all else fails, the valium first and a plastic bag would be the best IMO. Puppies can be killed with an injection of air into the heart, but I don't know how big a syringe would be required for an adult dog. Just in case anyone wonders how I had so much experience, they were working dogs. We don't get fraught over killing a sheep or a cow, do we?
  7. A conviction has never been required for the AN kangaroo court to decide someone is actually guilty. Usually only requires an accusation against someone they don't like.
  8. I can agree about London. The English were rare on the ground and almost absent from the inner city hospital that I worked in, and the city itself was grotty, ugly and not much fun to live in.
  9. Yes, Bush the younger who took the US and allies to war based on a lie Reagan who carried out an illegal campaign to support the Contras, and of course Nixon.
  10. Biden must know his only chance of winning is if Trump is his opponent. Every time I see him on tv he looks worse.
  11. Your link had nothing to do with what you were claiming originally. Making an off topic deflection about European right wing does not excuse you from posting a link about the original claim, which was about Trump and US right wing. As you are unable to prove your case re Trump I have to assume you have none and just made it up.
  12. If even CNN is saying that, it indicates to me that the US is now realising that it's not going to bode well for them to unconditionally support what the israelis are doing in Gaza. 9,000 dead children from American bombs isn't a good look in an election campaign.
  13. I'll agree that Iran knew about the plan as long as you agree that Israeli leaders knew about it as well ( there have been several reports on this forum about that ) and didn't do anything to stop it, for reasons I am not familiar with.
  14. Ah, so it's all about Iran, and nothing about decades of oppression, collective punishment, land theft and imprisonment without trial of Palestinians by Israel then?
  15. I don't have to see 9,000 dead children to know that it's bad, in an era of actual precision bombing. BTW I've seen plenty of dead bodies, I was in the military and I lived in the Middle East for years, if that makes any difference, though I doubt it does to you.
  16. Didn't the Handmaid's Tale end up badly for the old white dudes? People had lots of kids when they had to or it didn't cost the earth, and usually the mother didn't work. That's changed. Paying women to breed isn't a good idea as it's IMO exploited by the least desirable cohort of people. Better educated women just don't want lots or any kids now, as seen in Japan, Singapore and Sth Korea. Anyway it's all going to be completely irrelevant once androids are a reality, and that's not far off IMO. I'm just sorry I'm going to miss out.
  17. I did have a read, but I gave up after the first page. The only one being serious is the OP. I was a bit surprised that it's got 3 pages though, so I was wrong on that.
  18. I was lucky enough to meet Fr Ray on a few occasions and I sponsored a child there. He was a wonderful man that was unjustly destroyed by scumbags on the media.
  19. I think you were wasting your time. IMO they come on here to scorn the ones that believe. The post is just a vehicle for scorn. Without the believers to rail against they have no reason to post, IMO. I may be wrong though, and that's OK. I often am, according to certain posters on this forum.
  20. LOL. What does "better prospects" mean? A woman that demands a more expensive restaurant dinner before doing the hokey tokey than one that's happy with a Big Mac, perhaps? Are they not all the same with the lights out? I do speak Thai, but even when I didn't I had zero problem having a happy ending. If I wanted to discuss philosophy with a non English speaking Thai woman, conversational Thai would obviously be of use, but none of the Thai women I liked discussed such, despite speaking conversational English. Come to that, none of the English speaking western women I know have a penchant for discussing philosophy, the origins of the universe, or the painting technique of Van Gogh either.
  21. agrees our way is better. Either she is just playing along or she doesn't understand "our way" which IMO is not good ( being polite ). "Our way" IMO, has polluted the entire planet, runs on greed, and makes wars for profit. No one I know is happy in "our way". The Thais were a lot happier till they started copying "our way" and now they are unhappy too. "Our way" sucks, IMO.
  22. Seems someone thinks that everything else will stay the same in the next 59 years. 55555555555 This is just pointless alarmism IMO. Women just don't want lots of children any more, and I don't blame them. Having to work and bring up kids as well sucks biggly, IMO. Rather than bleating pointlessly about why women don't want to breed anymore, government should accept it and come up with solutions that don't involve more children.
  23. Having a drink in a bar and watching the world go by does not make anyone an alcoholic. You seem to really hate living in LOS, given "because it's not that great living here" I loved living in LOS, and IMO most on here do too.
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