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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. So, how under any criteria should this self confessed economic migrant be eligible to be allowed to stay in the EU? I wonder how she had the idea that all she had to do was cross the border to be welcomed with open arms? Why are Euro governments not informing people in countries that they come from that economic migrants are not permitted to stay? Also, how does a poor woman from Somalia afford to travel all the way to the Polish border? Who has paid for her transport, her food, her shelter along the way? IMO there is much on this subject that the media is unwilling to inform us of. I've noticed that all the stories are of people arriving at foreign borders, but never about those that are repatriated or rejected to exist in some other country. Do they have no story to tell?
  2. If that's true, why did he start building the wall to keep them out?
  3. Seems to me that the problem is that when the accusations are false, the women making false claims are not punished for doing so. IMO any woman convicted of making a false complaint of rape should suffer the same penalty as the man would have if proven.
  4. I think any non criminal has a problem with it, but when it's apparently CAUSED by the state government what can they do about it?
  5. I can't disagree with you, but that's by no means restricted to the Republicans. I have difficulty in finding any government that is doing a good job in these crazy days.
  6. Yes, they could lock him up, but I'm pretty sure they realise what the political fallout would be if they did so. Seems they bit off a bit more than they can chew with this defendant. Meanwhile Trump just keeps getting more support every time he appears in court.
  7. Can you elaborate on that somewhat pointless comment?
  8. You might want to trade in your crystal ball. You are wrong, Gaetz won. McCarthy is out.
  9. Just seen on Al Jazeera. McCarthy is out. Removed by a small margin in the vote. Probably have a caretaker speaker now, till a permanent one can be elected. Seems that a majority believe that he wasn't doing a good job.
  10. I'm lovin' that. Gave me a good laugh to start the day.
  11. Notice that all the problems have occurred about the labour party and it's ally. The labour party has become very unpopular in the past few years, and the days when it was brilliant under David Lange have long past. I don't know anyone that supports it any more, and the fervent desire is that it gets well and truly routed in the coming election. If it loses, there will be cheering throughout the country. If it was still first past the post election the outcome would be a foregone conclusion, but under the current MMP system that is unfortunately not guaranteed.
  12. Four replies and all insults about a certain poster. Do you guys have nothing better to do than post pathetic insults? Perhaps you could say something about the topic.
  13. Without actually putting themselves on a war footing, it would be hard to justify that. Armaments are very expensive and the money to do so would require cuts elsewhere, which would cause political problems.
  14. Sounds good in theory, but in practice an offensive takes a great deal of time to prepare. It would be somewhat difficult to prepare to use such weapons without actually possessing them for training purposes. Also, that's in winter, which would make any offensive very difficult.
  15. I had to google doxxing Doxing (sometimes written as Doxxing) is the act of revealing identifying information about someone online, such as their real name, home address, workplace, phone, financial, and other personal information. That information is then circulated to the public — without the victim's permission. At this point does Trump have anything to lose by doing so? With 90+ charges against him, a few more will not matter, will they?
  16. Win or lose, this is going to be very entertaining as Trump fights back against the IMO politically inspired legal attacks. He probably has nothing to lose by going on the attack. I doubt the legal fraternity realised that Trump is not the usual subservient defendant that they can intimidate, and are somewhat unsure how to counter it. If they go too far with attempts to gag him his base will react in a way they "don't like", and if they do nothing he'll likely make their courts a mockery. I suspect the campaigners to get rid of Trump through the courts are somewhat aghast that Trump didn't just give up, and is actually gaining more support every time they come up with another legal attack.
  17. Nothing to say other than pathetic insults?
  18. At this point in time yes, but how about this time next year if the next summer gives no advance against the Russian front? The Russians have all winter to prepare for any counteroffensive, just as they had this time.
  19. Back to the topic. Good idea. Perhaps you can elaborate on "the EU is preparing for further aggression by Putin"? What more can they do without committing troops?
  20. For those with an open mind on such issues, there is usually more to any situation than is generally understood. Yes, without American war material Russia would have been defeated by the Germans, but without a great sacrifice of Russian lives the Germans would have succeeded in the Russian campaign. Had the Germans not had to fight on two fronts, the allies would have faced a far greater task to succeed in the invasion some years later.
  21. There was a Quatermass series on TV many years ago that dealt with just such a premise. Whenever humans replicated to sufficient numbers they were harvested by means of a beam sent from their planet that transmitted human meat to them. Pretty good series too.
  22. IMO there is more to the laws of the universe than our primitive science has been able to discover, and an older intelligent species may have done so. Which means that we may actually be under observation to prevent us leaving the planet to spread our violence elsewhere. Those that have read Dune know of what I speak regarding interstellar travel, though without needing spice. Apparently we use just a small part of our brain, so who knows what possibilities exist if we could use more of it. In the universe, anything is possible, even if it is unknown to us humans that emerged from the caves a mere 50,000 years ago; just a blink of a cosmic eye.
  23. Given that there are billions, if not trillions, of planets in the universe, I'd be interested in your reasons for believing that we are the only civilized species. Of course that would involve accepting that not all life forms would resemble humans.
  24. When I said that about the retained documents situation, I was assured by your side that it was necessary to get as much info as possible before proceeding. I guess that is as good a reason as any in this case.
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