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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. LOL. You make it sound like available women are just everywhere waiting for US to come along. I wonder what Utopia you live in. I've known very few women that I wanted to live with, and most of them were already married to someone else.
  2. Best sex I've seen is in Japanese porn VDOs. One does wonder if it's better for the average Japanese man though.
  3. Thank you for your entirely relevant reply that advances the topic in so many ways. You are the man! More please, lots more of your excellent posts that educate us in life's lessons.
  4. Just watching the floods in Libya and gosh, nature ( Gaia ) is really dealing to humans, isn't it! The song In the year 2525 come to mind, and that was written long before the MMCC frenzy. NB the chorus. Pretty relevant date given the increase in natural disasters. I don't think we have to wait till 8510 for the end of us. In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find If God's a coming, He oughta make it by then Maybe He'll look around Himself and say Guess it's time for the judgment day In the year 8510 God is gonna shake His mighty head He'll either say I'm pleased where man has been Or tear it down, and start again In the year 9595 I'm kinda wonderin' if man is gonna be alive He's taken everything this old earth can give And he ain't put back nothing Now it's been ten thousand years Man has cried a billion tears For what, he never knew, now man's reign is through But through eternal night, the twinkling of starlight So very far away, maybe it's only yesterday In the year 2525, if man is still alive If woman can survive, they may find
  5. Yada yada yada, attack attack attack, insult, insult insult. By your rude words one really doesn't care what you think anymore. Rather than try to convince by reasoned words, you attack other posters and then wonder why they don't agree with you. Bye.
  6. What's the difference between a tank of CNG and a tank of hydrogen? Both get hot if lit.
  7. I'm not familiar with that, but I suppose there is only so much that can be deliberated on in court, and if he gets off the current ones he may yet be indicted for more.
  8. You made a statement that he was trying to steal the election. Sounds like you are assuming he is guilty of that before he's convicted. BTW I don't have any internet friends. Anything I say on here is of my own interpretation.
  9. As I've said before, anyone with sense that loves their family would not, IMO, touch the POTUS job with a very long barge pole. The media are out to destroy any that would try, IMO.
  10. Soooo, you can't quote anyone saying climate change is not happening. OK. You never asked me why the stratosphere is cooling, and I don't care if it is.
  11. I have a neighbour that has no internet ( doesn't even have a computer ) and he's a lot happier than I. I'm too hooked to give it up, but if I could go back to 2000 I'd never buy that first computer, and be better off for that.
  12. I was at an all male boarding school in the 60s so no "summer of love" for me, which is why I posted the 70s as a starting point.
  13. I assume that everyone will have casual sex if the opportunity arose, so I told both of my partners to use a condom and not tell me if they did. I found out late in my marriage that my wife had flown to Germany with some man while I was away, but by then she had stopped having sex, so divorce was not far away. She never told me but I found the airline ticket she had kept.
  14. Problem is knowing which is a good woman. Too easy to fool a man for a while. Re the OP, my idea of "enough" is twice a day, every day.
  15. The wrong choice, yes absolutely, 100% wrong wrong wrong, but I was naive the first time and stupid the second. Far better not to have had a regular woman at all.
  16. I had a western partner for some years, but she never provided exciting conversation or shared life ideas, as her sole focus in life was herself. She was really PO when I left her as she had to baby sit her kids herself, instead of expecting me to do so while she pursued her "career".
  17. I had two that I respected and treated better than they deserved, but they still cut me off. Re the OP, define "enough".
  18. Assuming that most posters on here were young men during those decades, did you appreciate that you were living in the best of times for western white males? The world wasn't overpopulated, people were not taking to leaky boats to invade western countries, most of us had the option of many jobs, petrol was cheap and travel easy, before the security on airlines ruined the flying experience, other countries welcomed us, the music was better than now, do I need to go on about how good it was? The only bad thing that I recall was the Vietnam war, and that didn't affect most of us not American. I didn't appreciate those decades because I thought they would go on for my lifetime ( sadly disappointed that they didn't- things are IMO getting worse everywhere ).
  19. Bad polls for Biden!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Gosh, who would have thought that even Dem voters would consider that a stumbling, bumbling geriatric candidate is not the best for American interests? LOL.
  20. Seems to me that they are charging Trump with anything they can think of in the hope that at least one of the charges will convict. If, as I expect, he is not convicted of anything that's going to be a lot of egg on faces all round.
  21. Can we wait for a conviction before considering him guilty of anything, or is "innocent till proven guilty" only for not Trump defendants?
  22. Don't know who you are referring to. No one I've read on here is saying that climate change is not happening. Perhaps you can quote someone said that?
  23. If 50% of voters are of below intelligence, you are apparently claiming that low intelligence is a "norm" in the human race. Doesn't sound good for our future as a species.
  24. In your opinion. In the opinion of millions he is the best available. Were a better to come along they might change their minds.
  25. He never stopped being in the heads of the haters even before he stood for POTUS again. The news items never stopped. I stand my my claim that he lives in the head of the haters. I see you are still with the insults, so back you go to ignore.

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