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Everything posted by thaibeachlovers

  1. I suspect he wasn't a popular character with the lower ranked people he ruled, and they seized on this to get him gone.
  2. You could try asking the people at the embassy what to do, or provide a covering letter explaining. Otherwise, you may have to go to Thailand on a tourist visa. find a place to rent and then apply for the elite visa.
  3. Does it not occur to you that there is no real crime BECAUSE they are so vigilant?
  4. Can you not recognise sarcasm when you see it? I find humourless people to be rather boring, and there are quite a few of those on here.
  5. Agree with a lot of that, but I don't think the people in the 60s to 90s were any different to people now. Bad people do win, quite often, and there was no shortage of bad people during those decades.
  6. I quite often used to walk across the causeway and stay the night at an hotel a bit past the sultan's tiger zoo, as they had a decent show there. The satay down near the causeway was excellent.
  7. You mentioned Singapore. If you were there in the 70s you may recall a British female presenter on ANZUK radio, whose name I forget, but when I had to go to the station on some errand I got to meet her and I would certainly have welcomed a bit of "free love" with her, given that she was drop dead gorgeous. Needless to say, such was not forthcoming, though she did dedicate a song to me the next show she presented. 30 years later she was working for the BBC, and I knew the voice straight away soon as I heard her.
  8. It's always about money these days, the century of greed.
  9. software glitch
  10. LOL. Among the hundreds if not thousands of young women I worked with over decades, I have no doubt that gold diggers and leeches were not common. I just didn't find any that made me want to pursue a romantic relationship with them. I'm also sure that the vast majority were decent women, but almost all were infected with that modern plague of PC which automatically ruled them out of contention. Marriage is hard enough without having to deal with that sort of mentality.
  11. It's a problem for you, but not for me using that browser. Never had any of the problems you relate caused by Firefox, and I've been using it for years. More likely something in your set up.
  12. If your side can claim all sorts of mental problems for Trump with absolutely no medical facts to back them up, as has happened many times over the past few years, it's taking the mickey to demand that such "facts" be proven in the case of Biden. Calling on dead people in a public place is surely not a good thing, mentally? Seems you like to have it both ways.
  13. Yes, maths is needed for certain occupations, but not for others.
  14. I didn't experience any corruption when I got married. The problem may be you. BTW I do know who Toddunctious is, which may be significant in a thread like this as I also know what he was.
  15. Don't phone the amphur, GO THERE and make an appointment. They might not even understand what you want. While there find out EXACTLY what they need in the way of witnesses, translators etc. There is a place in Bkk where I didn't even need an appointment- we just turned up and waited our turn.
  16. Better to have nothing as when we are dead, people we leave behind want money and property. The rest they will probably bin.
  17. Why don't you PM the OP and volunteer to deal with the son? You're such a hero I have no doubt you can do the job, go Fritz, go.
  18. I've read some stupid threads on this forum but this one is right up there. How many would go beat GF's son up in your own country? None I bet, because we know who would be arrested, yet some advocating that in a foreign country where rule of law does not favour us. Perhaps the big man on here should PM the OP and offer to go evict the son. 555555555555555
  19. and perhaps they are his mates 555555555555555555
  20. Better to walk away uninjured than injured. You think 1 farang can beat 10 Thais?
  21. and he never has to leave the house? Locks only stop honest people.
  22. If he attacks the son to throw him out some actions may result: a/ the son returns with 10 mates b/ the mother sides with her son and calls the cops c/ the son calls the cops d/ the OP gets thrown out by the mother End of the day it's her son and it's her problem to solve. I always asked myself when faced with a problem like that "what would happen if I wasn't there"? Just because he is sleeping with her, it doesn't mean he has to solve her problems, and they ain't even married. If it were me in that situation, I'd tell her to sort it or I'd be leaving, and if she didn't I would leave. Life is too short to get involved in cultural problems that we will likely never understand. I did have a similar problem and my wife wouldn't deal with it. Not long after I divorced her, which solved that problem.
  23. Friend of mine has all dentures and says he has no problems at all. Of course, everyone is different.
  24. and when he comes back with 10 of his mates??????????????????

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