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Everything posted by keithkarmann

  1. Just what I have been saying, but we know the government do not want an educated population.
  2. Probably why my wife insists we shop at Makro.
  3. Imagine the scene: Went into McDonald's just one petite hill tribe looking girl in front of me. We spoke and smiled and ended up in a bar. She asked if I wanted to go to her place, the answer was yes. To my surprise she had her own car. We had sex in her upmarket rented condo. She did not ask for money but said she was low on cosmetics so I gave her 500 baht. As I was leaving as my Uber had arrived she said you know where I live. Never went back as I could not remember the floor number. Was she a prostitute? Or did she really like me? She will be forever know as the McDonald's girl.
  4. It really annoys me that the villagers need a headman telling them what to do every day on the loud speakers. Obviously the thinking is that they can't think for themselves.
  5. Mostly brains do not belong to a lot of rich people.
  6. It's good to see that someone has the brains to see he was going to fast.
  7. That's why we take our five year old daughter to school every day 33km each way a total if 132km every day. But a lot of Thais can't afford to do that.
  8. Nothing surprising with this, why does it make news when we all know what happens.
  9. I am afraid with the situation where Thai people refuse to admitt they are ever wrong, this type of situation will carry on for generations. I have no doubt by around the year 3000 that things will have gradually changed (maybe) and Thai people (some, probably not all) will be able to admitt that there is a distinct possibility that they could be wrong. This situation I believe is taught from a very early age, to never admitt they are wrong and never make decisions ("it's up to you") where there is a possibility they could make the wrong answer. Maybe that's why we like Thailand.
  10. Very little sympathy as this Thailand's way of life. Any attempt to try and control the situation is met with anger. Let it carry on until someone in charge does something about it. The belief is that when someone dies that their soul returns as the soul of a dog. Medieval minds again, belief in ghosts etc, unbelievable in the 21st Century but hey T.I.T.
  11. Great they started Covid, let the world cope and nearly cure it and now they want to bring it to Thailand to spread again. God only knows how many variants have developed in China while it has been closed to the World. Still bad in China as they have a very bad vaccine program with inferior vaccines.
  12. Difficult to believe anything
  13. Now come on, have you no faith in amulets and how much they save lives? Can you imagine what the road death toll would be without them?
  14. And good eyesight, plus good hearing helps as well.
  15. Think he has a lot before he took over.
  16. Wear a hat
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