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Everything posted by keithkarmann

  1. Maybe they are very hard working young Thais who can afford luxury cars.
  2. How do they get away with treating the Thai population as fools?
  3. Depends where his brain is.
  4. If they get ill and need to go to the hospital will a helicopter be provided?
  5. Probably he was asking them about my refund for my flight which was paid for in October 2019 and cancelled due to Covid.
  6. Intelligence-Did you really need to ask?
  7. Make them walk more, instead of riding motorcycles just for short journeys.
  8. Tell me what makes all these scatter brains "High Society". I love Thailand but all these made up V.I.P.'s is really annoying.
  9. Everybody has a choice, to pay or not to pay (this is what a democracy is all about). Personally I will not pay to see pathetic waterfalls after seeing Niagra Falls on a regular basis for free. Also the same goes for pathetic ruins that have fallen into disrepair. And when you have been rejected from one temple, I can't see the point of visiting temples, when you see vast amounts of money spent on the temples and some of the population are struggling to feed themselves.
  10. Seems like a good plan to me. Urge some popular person to put himself forward. Get most of the votes knowing that he can be brought down easily with his share ownership. Then ease someone less popular into the top job.
  11. Are you sure about your middle paragraph? Thailand and Democracy do not belong in the same sentence.
  12. Thailand-Insignificant on the World stage as they do not supply oil.
  13. Obviously Thailands definition of Democracy is different to the rest of World.
  14. Thailand Insignificant on the World Stage.
  15. Are you for real? Do you really think there will be an honest declaration?
  16. The attempted rescue of the passengers of the Titan sub must have cost millions, all for what? How is it when a few £thousands are needed to to repatriate someone in need of life saving medical care offers are not forthcoming. I am not condoning the injured party's stupidity but if this balcony fall happened in his own country medical care would be unlimited. The only difference I can see here is that the occupants of the sub were very wealthy but the chances are that the families of the sub occupants will not be asked for payment of the rescue.
  17. They expect the road death numbers to reach over 200 this year, as though that is OK. Not if they had the police enforcing the laws properly.
  18. One of my girlfriends had the injection and it was great for me as we never needed to take a break from sex due to not having periods. But as I am a gentleman I did give her one day off a week so she could recover her p....y and visit her son.
  19. Probably do not have the advanced technology to work things out.
  20. My first wife used to attack me, she ripped the shirt off my back at least once and she attacked me with a knife while I was in the bath (the water turned red). We stayed together for a total of seven years because of the kids as they were not at risk physically but they probably have mental scars. She left me eventually and we divorced and she got custody. My next marriage lasted 30 years and only ended when she got killed in a car accident. Yes as with most marriages we had problems but we worked through them and had to compromise a lot but 30 years is a long time. Having kids sometimes complicates things and they can stop you walking away so easily when you know it would be the right thing to do.
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