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Everything posted by keithkarmann

  1. Change of plan, now when we move to Chiang Mai and buy a house, my wife wants her younger sister to move in with us. She will hopefully be going to a University in CM. When I asked if she will be contributing towards her keep I thought WW3 was going to break out. She does come across as a lazy person. So to cut a long story short I am not looking at buying a house now as I would not be able to keep calm if her sister got a part time job and went out clubbing every night and I may be stuck at home unable financially to go out myself. Have not told my wife yet but I think now we are looking for a rental and give my wife time to build up a business before we buy.
  2. I am actually a retired gynaecologist.
  3. That's probably the reason but do not recall getting any messages but will check again.
  4. Lived in Crete for 8 years , the Winters were terrible with snow on top of the mountain until June. Lots of rain and snow. Even Lidl sold snow tyres in the Winter
  5. Not sure if they realise they are lying or not, probably just part of the culture of never been wrong. Still get the feeling if my new driver wife would blame me for letting her drive if she had an accident.
  6. Who is experienced and qualified to teach anyone to drive in Thailand?
  7. I have an electric meat slicer can can go down to 1mm slice.
  8. The less I say about this subject the better, as I want to retain my freedom.
  9. When they get back to transporting pigs maybe they will give them more space on the trucks. They actually give them less space than they do the workers in the back of pickups.
  10. Yes my wife thinks she is talking normally but she shouts a lot. Because she has been deafened over the years with all the speakers in the village. When I ask what the monks are talking about she hasn't got a clue. This is one of the reasons I have to get out of the village.
  11. Even worse if the food is bad and you get diorea.
  12. You can get flattened by a motor vehicle at any age.
  13. Shortening the drinking hours leads to people drinking faster. People only have so much money and it is Logical that by extending the hours people will drink slower. But here Logical is not in the dictionary. Opening until four will also give the short time girls time to fit in another customer or two.
  14. I can only assume the call was genuine as the guy on the phone gave me the option of phoning Santander with the phone number on the back of the debit card.
  15. Thanks for that. The only way I got my Santander card was to go into a branch in the UK, which I did in June. I need to keep my UK address, so do not need to change to Thailand. Was just a bit worried if they had intentions to close my account. Once addresses start changing to Thailand its gets a bit complicated as all financial institutions are connected and probably the tax office as well.
  16. Thanks for that Fugitive, maybe I will find time for the phone call next time before I start moving transactions. Did Santander contact you about this or was it instigated by you?
  17. Had a phone call last night from Santander UK. The caller said the call would take about one hour and he started asking security questions. So I told him that I did not have one hour to spare. I have seen in the past in this forum that someone similar to me had contact with Santander and Santander were going to close their account as their UK dominicity was in question. So I am thinking that Santander may want to question my dominicity. Why would anything else take a one hour phone call. I have kept a UK address and I also have another UK bank. I would be greatfull if anyone has had a similar problem to let me know how they proceeded with the problem if it happens. I can transfer all Santander transactions to my other bank but I like to keep Santander for savings.
  18. I had the same problem when I lived in Greece with Greek electricians who would not put a ground wire on a very powerful jacuzzi. I grounded it myself to be safe. Do not get a second chance when you are sat in 1200litres of hot water and there is a big fault.
  19. I had the same problem when I lived in Greece with Greek electricians who would not put a ground wire on a very powerful jacuzzi. I grounded it myself to be safe. Do not get a second chance when you are sat in 1200litres of hot water and there is a big fault.
  20. I would like to add that I will park my car for a while after the insurance expires. So that when I apply again the website will not be able to tell me that I am already a customer.
  21. I can honestly say that in almost 55 years of driving cars that I have never made an insurance claim. Yet when I get my insurance renewal reminder from that insurance company with possible Australian connections, I find that it is over 2000 baht more than what I can achieve on their website if applying as a new customer. Plus at about 2000 baht less I can get breakdown recovery, a greater amount of coverage for damage to my own car and any driver. Despite never having a claim before and the risk of me claiming is virtually nill, they seem quite happy to give insurance to others who probably are a greater risk for less money. Can someone please explain this to me before I mention something I may regret. Is it possibly because I am not Thai? Or is it that the insurance companies are treating us like idiots?
  22. I only drink beer after eight.
  23. Do you mean as with the lottery?
  24. With gambling illegal in Thailand I just can't believe this headline.
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