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Posts posted by IsaanAussie

  1. I have started brewing a new microbe soup with the help of the Health Department and a few large pig farms. This gets dosed into the pigs drinking water at 1 in 1000 and supplying bacterial which enhances the pigs digestion and removes the smell of the manure. It can also be used to produce organic fertiliser. Bit expensive to establish but is self regenerating. My setup consists of two 200 litre brewing tanks.

  2. The OP's idea is admireable to assist the family improve its lot. However there are two questions I would suggest you ask yourself.

    First are they folks interested and prepared to do the work?

    Secondly is there sufficient traffic passing to allow the business to succeed?

    Oh, and I suppose the third question should be is there a market at all and are the volumes and prices sufficient to justify them spending their time and effort?

    IMHO too many good ideas are not supported by even a quick drive around and some time in the existing marketplace to evaluate the changes of success.


  3. Steve,

    The seedlings will do OK until the root system develops enough to try to penetrate the Thai pancaked soil under your added potting mix. You havent got a gradient in the soil just an abrupt change. IMHO if you keep the water up to it all the time you may mange to keep the grass growing. Stop watering and it is dead. The potting mix may act as a mulch and hold the moisture in thereby allowing the soil to moisture and loosen up to let the grass roots penetrate. Try adding more good soil on top in thin layers to build up the volume for the grass roots. Once you get to the point that the grass is not wilting without watering you should be able to stop.

  4. The King of Thailand laid out a strategy for land useage as 30% water (read fish and irrigation) 30% rice cropping, 30% alternate crops and 10% people and animals. Solid advise in my book. Use the overburden from the pond to create the pond dyke system and the balance as is for rice. If you can grow a second rice crop currently you may wish to grow something else instead on that part that is nitrogen fixing.

    Rice paddies are flooded creating anaerobic soil conditions. What ever else you want to grow, first you must get the soil improved.

    • Like 1
  5. The current price is a mystery to me as well. I have a market niche and currently only sell a few market size pigs. Yesterday I sold a 116 Kg barrow for 65 baht a Kg. Locals here bought a pig for a wedding and paid 51 baht. I hasten to add that they didnt get it from me.

    All I can say is the normal channels for local sale aren't profitable. Even breeding my own piglets is not profitable at much below 60 baht level, better to sell the piglets keeping only potential replacement gilts. Big farms are still wanting 8,000 baht for a breeding ready female.

    One thing to remember is that the heavier the pigs get over the 100kg mark the harder they are to sell. It is a tough decision to make but often you may just have to cut and run getting back as much as possible.

  6. SD: I presume you mean what size box, not what size wormery!! For 1kg worms we use a small polystyrene picnic box from Macro, size 24 x 18 x 18 cm. This will easily take 1kg worms plus 1kg bedding/food and would be OK for several days in the EMS post. We have also sent like this by bus. For larger quantities then larger boxes or other arrangements. Cheers WF

    What kind of worms would you recommend for chickens to snack on?

    I have a lot of big night crawlers, not sure what kind, but they are fast, and the chickens don't like the taste of them for some reason.

    Probably because you dont let the worms shower first?

  7. So Bergen. Bad luck comes in threes and the arab that packs his tent and scarpers in the early hours are both non events. Well put it this way, it will lower the risk factor for you, you can reduce the beer order quite significantly. Having said that Grimley will have landed tomorrow and journeyed up our way, he is bound to be thirsty.

    To anyone who has been following these events and can get there, do it. The first two were fun days and Bergen is a great host. This one will be great to. Remember it is only the weekend after next so get busy.....book now if you want to relax by the pool.

  8. I make pig manure based compost. I am in the process of "making soil" out of Isaan clay. Mixing 30% dirt, 15% rice husk bio char, 40% compost and 15% worm compost (whats left after screening) makes lovely stuff for raised bed veggies. Hope to be planting out some fully organic tomatoes and herbs courtesy of F.E.Ford along with heaps of other farang veggies. Strawberries will get transplanted to.

    My bananas get fertigated with water from the septic tanks for the pig sty, talk about grow.

    PS. Banana culms for organic Tommy Terrific Tomatoes is a good swap in my book.

  9. I have been here for only 13 years and am still in "school" on the cultural divide. I have spoken to the OP by phone and we have chatted on the side lines of this forum. I have read and listened to many Western viewpoints on this situation. So let me venture this to everyone who has contributed to this thread. Our personal values are not the same as Thais. I stay here not because is maximises my personal situation, but with the person I have chosen and spend my life with and it is the only place she needs to be. I am as guilty as anyone else of trying to "help" the family under my terms, terms they neither understand or would agree with even if they did. Of being angry when my great ideas are not followed through because it conflicts with the Thai desire to enjoy life regardless of who is filling the rice bowl.

    Put it all to one side, ask yourself one question, why are you really here? Life goes on. Materialistic values, process and observance are not prime motivational issues here in Isaan, its about family and enjoyment not money. If there is a will there is a way. Lose the will, there is no way.

    I personally do not believe anyone can afford to invest in anything they are not prepared to fight for. Equally an investment is a considered and planned placement of resource and not a blind plunge to satisfy a physical need that seems a good idea at the time. Find the real fault guys, to often it is ours.

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  10. I dry cure bacon from my own pigs (Durocs) using no chemicals to effect the texture or colour. The dry cure process involves coating the meat and storing in the refrigerator at 4C in a plastic bag for the curing period. The bags and turned each day. My cure uses molasses, fresh ground black pepper, brown sugar and sea salt. No nitrates or nitrates.

    The salt and sugar are all that is needed for curing, saltpetre is added to stabilise the colour while cooking.

    I thought saltpetre is Potassium nitrate?

    Correct and it can be mixed with salt to make "curing salt". If you check through the posts in the forum I think the ratio was 1 part to 16 salt. It also is used to make gun powder.

    Can I ask if there is a prize for being the "best"? I thought the success of the pork product producers now established here spoke for itself. They obviously have well satisfied customers who enjoy their products. I know my meagre efforts are appreciated by my customers, but being rated the best or within 10% had not even crossed my mind. Silly me.

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